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Everything posted by General

  1. SAFP Involved: @General Other Players Involved: @Liberty Story: Sheriff Rick Grimes would be patrolling around LS when he sights a suspect near the main entrance of LS prison so he proceeds to 10-55 him, requesting his driving license for further details on his backgrounds Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  2. 04/05/2022 Type of Activity: 10-30s, and a response to an 240 in progress in LS' Prison. Members Online: @xleepy @kellerman @Noname-0 @General Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  3. 04/02/2022 Type of Activity: Response to an 207 Members Online: @Afufu @General @Noname-0 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  4. @M7mDGr7 I already fixed that already after I updated the prison, I just don't know if suggestions can be updated to fix issues... But first of all, it's very unlikely, because you would need to have only 5 hp or less, but anyway there is always the case when one dies so: It could work with an invisible collision-disabled wall that can trigger a client-side script that only works for people with the prisoner's clothing, and can work only one time once the prisoner has left blast the door and will give you 1-2 mins to escape to an arrow that only appears once the prisoner has escaped [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  5. ~[NOTE: Instead of disliking it without any reason or knowledge of what I'm saying, you need to know that I suggest for the GTA sa effects to be seen by everyone, but you can disable it so it doesn't lag you, so don't dislike without any reason]~(red) So I'm going to the point, I saw Ardron with a minigun beating some asses, and I realized that the gunfire effects were still on that weapon server-sided. So I ask myself, why didn't we enable the gunfire effect and let people decide if disable it via client-side on the Ipad's settings? Here's the boss Ardron kicking some asses with the minigun with gunfire [s=][/s] Exactly like this: [s=][/s]
  6. ~[Introduction]~(orange) Ok, so everything started when we started discussing not having proper scripts, and walls for protection, and scripts against spawn-killing, and nades, but I extended it to decoratives, thing is, I don't know if this would lag since during a JB there is an FPS drop to 30-40 (for me) and I won't change the framerate to do an average test if nobody's got the same PC so. ALTHOUGH there is more lag in the spawns than in the prison, since there are more cars there, so it wouldn't make any sense to reject this because of "LAG" There is also the plan to put two SWAT cars, and one police LS to increase the chance to arrest criminals. (SWAT cars will be only used by Squad members, and police warden) ~[NOTE: I'm not intending to delete the current zones of the prison such as the rooftops, and the stairs to the rooftop, I'm just adding content. Be aware if this is added, SWAT tanks will most likely not be available]~(red) ~[Here are the photos:]~(orange) [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] ~[Criminals escape plans, and an extra:]~(orange) [s=]link text[/s] [s=]link text[/s] [s=]link text[/s] ~[Advantages:]~(orange) ~[Police:]~(blue) 15 seconds spawn protection fence walls for protection against nades ~[Criminals:]~(red) two escape plans tactical positions in the north entrance (Prisoners will be hard to kill since there is a fence in front of the gate unless there are superior numbers of cops on the perimeter)
  7. 3/26/2022 Type of Activity: 211 responses, and 10-30 Members Online: @Ryler @schwaring @Afufu @General Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 6MC3143209755533C Donation Amount: 30.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28743/donation-point-balance-general/2 Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below ~[NOTE:]~(red) There are only two cars because I'm also seeking to request a custom wrap for a crown vic in Bone County sheriff's office. Vehicle Type: Maverick, Patriot Vehicle Colour: All Black Specify any upgrades: V8 AWD Full nitro Usernames to lock: elpendejo Where you want it placed: Patriot SAFP Base [s=][/s] Maverick LS Heliports [s=][/s] For any help with rewards, please check this topic. ~[NOTE:]~(red) There are only two cars because I'm also seeking to request a custom wrap for a crown vic in Bone County sheriff's office.
  9. SAFP Involved: @General Other Players Involved: @Ammar Story: 151 was in a interstate 10-30 around San Andreas, when he caught a high-speeding suspect on his 10-20 near Fort Carson's main highway, he then proceeds to have a 10-55 with the suspect with almost a 10-57 victor, as he thought he wasn't going to stop until he did. He then requested for his documents before going to the point, because the 10-88 was over 120+ km/h in a 120-only highway. Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  10. Address: Las Venturas, Rosewood Sprunk Cafe, 1 block south of LVAP. Account name: karkkipoika124 Last seen: [s=][/s] Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  11. Address: Las Venturas, So Many Fucking 107 Shop, 1 block south of LVAP Account name: DaleEarnhardt94 Last seen: [s=][/s] Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  12. Address: Las Venturas, Rosewood Gaycenter Corp, 1 block south of LVAP. Account name: xane3454 Last seen: [s=][/s] Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  13. 3/1/2022 Type of Activity: Response to code 207 Members Online: @General @yazan123 @ carl @Swal Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  14. 2/27/2022 Type of Activity: 10-30s, and 211 responses. Members Online: @General @xleepy @IceCube @Afufu Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  15. Address: Smack Records Store, LS All Saints General Hospital, 1 block north of it. Account name: Surefire Last seen: [s=][/s] Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  16. ma man selling things like in a auction
  17. 2/20/2022 Type of Activity: 10-30s, 10-57Vs Members Online: @Fall-en @General @IceCube Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  18. 2/20/2022 Type of Activity: 211 responses Members Online: Screenshots: @xleepy @IceCube @BOB @General [s=][/s]
  19. 2/18/2022 Type of Activity: 211, 207 responses, and interstate 10-30s Members Online: @General @xleepy @yazan123 @aoxi @scooter @BOB @Fall-en Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  20. 2/2/2021 Type of Activity: 207 responses Members Online: @Swal @EsKapa @General Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  21. 1/2/2022 Type of Activity: 207 responses, and 10-30s Members Online: @Swal @Yatoro @General @EsKapa @aoxi Screenshots: [s=][/s] [s=][/s]
  22. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28743/donation-point-balance-general When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29330/general-s-reward-change ======================================================================== ~[NOTE: For some reason, I cannot change the color, and the plate of my terrestrial vehicles with my dvm so I'm just gonna request a modification for them.]~(red) Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: N/A Location: N/A Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Black crown vics, Black FBI ranchers [s=][/s] I need them all black, there's this crown vic without the black color, but with LSPD colors I need it black, I also need them all with "SMU" on their ID plates, they had SMU before but it reset, I don't know why. Location: SAFP HQ [s=][/s] Username: N/A (no need, just color, plate modification) Interior: N/A ~[NOTE: For some reason, I cannot change the color, and the plate of my terrestrial vehicles with my dvm so I'm just gonna request a modification for them.]~(red)
  23. 1/17/2022 Type of Activity: 207 responses Members Online: @Yazan @scooter @Supreme @General Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  24. 12/01/2022 Type of Activity: 211 responses Members Online: @Rieeria @Fall-en @General Screenshots: [s=][/s]
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