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Everything posted by General

  1. @master I am going to probably donate 20.00 in 2 months or some weeks more. I will request two Police vehicles with the SAPA cadet color. So wait for me! haha
  2. @Joe On the heliports of LV a Leviathan and a Cargobob. If it's permitted i want also a barracks vehicle in the SAPA base, if it's not permitted then i want a nevada.
  3. This is an automated post TXN ID: 2XA00566663342105 Donation: 30.00 GBP (29.70GBP & 0.30GBP) Requested rewards: Cargobob, Leviathan in the LV heliports. and if permitted a Barracks vehicle also, if not then i would want a nevada in the LV airport. The usernames attached to the helicopters would be me, Tut and NH4. Please edit this post and add your requested rewards
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