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Everything posted by General

  1. @Linkanlike for example we start with FBI Rancher, it gets destroyed we respawn in hosp we use civilian vehicles, this is a GM rule break for patrolling, and breaks the point of being a cop, I bet y'all would love spawning with your service vehicles everytime, doesn't mean you can't use your civilian vehicles, but there's no reason to and you shouldn't.
  2. @Linkannah it's in the rules for patrol, its broken several times, but we do respect it as SWAT if we're a lot of people who need Patriots or FBI Ranchers (if the patriots have police lights) but we don't respect it sometimes because we'll use dual-seat vehicles or four-seat vehicles like sultans who are not police.. It doesn't apply to JBs, SRs or BRs I think since it says patrol, but maybe it does too at that point, so really there's no point of having squad service vehicles if many if not most of the times they're not used, HLS people have to come back to base everytime their vehicles are destroyed, don't they? I put the fix by the way.
  3. @AmmarrA problem is during RP pull overs the criminal's car will respawn messing up anyone's RP (if anyone still RPs like SAI) Rules would be: -not use during SRs, Jefferson motel event, JBs, BRs -and not use if you're just gonna respawn and use another vehicle then come back to the same area for criminal/cop activities respawn your vehicle this'll leave some work to admins Drot had a good point with max, let it be 1 vehicle max There is a event where you put your vehicle to see who's the better, would be useful to apply this for such events.
  4. @corpse I don't know what you're trying to say it doesn't make sense, not a lot of people use squad's service vehicles nowadays, In SWAT we do during patrol with huge numbers, but in the end we don't really use our service vehicles when we're supposed to, when we are responding to JBs will you see a SWAT with a service vehicle? No because the base is too fucking far away same with SRs if our vehicles explode or respawn you won't see us using them we'll use our civilian ones and I don't have donations with squad vehicles so how does that apply to everyone?
  5. @Linkan lmfao u wanna get money, but that's the point during on duty (patrol) we're not supposed to use civilian vehicles, squads are not allowed to patrol in civilian vehicles due to GM rules but we do anyways because it's a pain in the ass to go to base over and over again. But I agree with you that's a good point if this was a feature then group/gang/squad that are in the not prohibited list should be impounded too, I'll fix that.
  6. @ZarcWell people who lag the server intentionally can be banned that is already known by common sense, so only use it for RP, and to park when you need it, a rule would be like during specific events like LWS jefferson motel, you don't enable it. That's a good point too, maybe only 1 or 2 car max although I would first try with 5 considering types of RP, but yeah..
  7. @BurakO "literally its not fun going to a JB with a civilian vehicle, its no bueno, and it looks so fucking ugly."
  8. @BurakO booring boooooo disliking comment, that's why I made this idea. don't vote on suggestions if you're retarded pls..
  9. I came with this good idea after realizing that it's a pain in the ass to come back with group/gang/squad vehicles, literally its not fun going to a JB with a civilian vehicle, its no bueno, and it looks so fucking ugly. RP groups are always free to make their own convoys during events, but this is a good idea in my opinion and the way it should work is that the gang/group only appears as the one you're spawned so its not stacked up with shit, and there would be obviously prohibited vehicles The way the vehicles should be spawned is that basically they're taken from the bases, they're TPed to you, and don't put patriot copies that stack up the shit, just put one name for each vehicle, and it will be toggled off once all are unavailable, occupied then ez. Prohibited vehicles Prohibited vehicles do not get impounded because you won't spawn them SWAT Tank Rhino common sense bro, and if there are any monkeys who don't know, well I'll tell them for ya Hydra, and Hunter, and all air vehicles, you can't even spawn them (Enforced should be allowed Features Squad/group/gang vehicles now get impounded Squad/group/gang vehicles have to be repaired by 5k squad impound 15k max Gang impound 30k special groups like HLS DE CLO SS do not get impounded other non-special groups 15k You can unimpound them with your money, etc. The reason why I think squads and special groups have the lowest is because they're government agencies, and CLO has controls CC so, corruption.
  10. Looks amazing, maybe put the ship control room board object in front, you can always try to adjust it's size, collision doesn't really matter much for decorative objects like that, they're the same as chairs. You could also try extending the floor where the well deck and cargo areas, and hydra storages are.
  11. @DROTyeah true, but we could put 2 too.
  12. The LHD (landing helicopter dock ship) at Easter Basin Naval Station has a main issue with vehicles, attached vehicles will still respawn... Fix that to all affected ships pls..
  13. @fenter No, it would be preferable if the mode is for everyone.... I still RP as PC, what about DEs?
  14. suggesting a feature to put you on park mode so whenever u wanna park, your cars don't respawn so you leave ur car parked and it doesn't respawn this is for RP purposes useful for specific car-related events, or SAI pull overs. Car limit is one Rules ??? Features toggle on by M panel Automatically toggles off for the parked vehicle if it's destroyed, if the player leaves or spawns another vehicle.
  15. You can't remove the damage giver?
  16. Very good idea, more props for players who don't have props, prob not many will buy them all.
  17. SWAT tank won't be removed because it would be unbalanced for the cop team, there are too many crims in-game, how are we able to try and stop SRs or JBs, think better ffs one-sided opinions.
  18. Date: 31/05/2023 Activity: Patrolling, stopping SRs and securing the VIP Screenshots:
  19. @BrophyYou could put them in the feedback required channel in the discord server, I did advertise these suggestions including the DE/CLO ones in their own servers but nobody really answers so maybe putting them in that channel would make people look at it.
  20. Examples: Maverick: should reach 190 Shamal: 350 Hydra: 450, and put a mode to reset to original speed for DF purposes Hunter: 280
  21. Due to the amount of times that roadblocks are being used by the crim side it would be fair for the cop side to be added two more spiketraps (stingers) for a total of 4 spiketraps 3 more indestructible barriers for a total of 4 barriers and a new command barrier2 for squads and PC only, 3 indestructible imy_track_barrier objects with same script as /barrier https://dev.prineside.com/en/gtasa_samp_model_id/model/3091-imy_track_barrier/
  22. Same role as the trucker, although there should be the cargo trams too. example: LV-LS = 30k.
  23. Date: 16/04/2023 Activity: Stopping SR & Patrolling Screenshots:
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