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Everything posted by General

  1. @Malapumba You cannot get in vehicles when you're doing a RP, and people tend to forget. The limit of parked vehicles are 1 per player. A ton of people probably won't even enable it because first it would be in M, and won't be binded, Yes the server has a ton of rules, but they will keep being added, and still it has a ton of lag for low end specs with vehicles, it still has lag no matter what, PDs have lag, events have lag, JBs, and BRs have lag so there is no point in not adding it really. Its just that simple to add a rule to it, and it's possible that most people may not even use it during JBs, SRs, and BRs because they just go straight to them and drop off in a fast manner with no parking, engines or lights off so imagine them actually bothering to use the M toggle. You won't get 10 people to abuse it everyday, and if they do they'll be banned and you won't see them again, and rules are added everytime, there were new rules added like CR rules so really just add a new rule because you can't stop rules from existing as there will be always new features, what you say is pointless and nonsense. People still abuse with bridges there is no much of a difference anyways because the time for respawn is very fucking long, go to any LWS motel event and wait for the cars to respawn and you will see what I'm talking about. The conclusion is that this feature won't harm the server any worse than it already is, it won't be a huge issue for players. It's meant to be RP which is about a minority of the server's player base.
  2. What are you trying to say, cop/crim spawns with more benefits?
  3. Suggesting the feature for cops to be able to buy their own police vehicles through disks in PDs like in other RPG servers, and DE/CLO to buy their vehicles in ammunations. Vehicles can be spawned in a H disk by a submenu or either by adding them to a favorite vehicle list within the vehicle spawn submenu. Please give reasonable critical thinking and feedback on comments Features: Each vehicles are locked to their corresponding spawns, and only spawnable while on these spawns. All impoundable and repairable, and have to be refueled All are personal vehicles and spawnable in H disk so you can lock them and etc. DE/CLO can buy armor on ammunations and save them on disk Vehicles can be customized, and modified. Rhinos and air vehicles obviously not allowed, kys. The following are examples they're not my desired prices and can be finally decided by devs, V8 and AWD are not the only upgrades, rest of drive types and color customization and etc are still left but I'm too lazy to add, V16 may be added but only for special groups and will be obviously expensive.
  4. @jordskjelvI'd say that fuel should be kept as it is, and all delivery jobs should actually give you money according to 3 factors levels, weight, and distance. for example with level 1 which could be gotten with 10 deliveries should give you: -5000 from LS truck spawn to dock -7500 from LS truck spawn to north LS There should be 15 levels or more for example with level 20 you should get MORE than 150k with a delivery from northeast LV to WT, etc. This could get players addicted, but we need more features, cars probably should be a little more expensive and there has to be something that wants you to progress through these levels..
  5. self-explanatory by the title. basically it'll fix the props not being able to give u money unless you're in-game to wait all the hours in order to get the money
  6. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? April 15 2023 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed NOTE: The images are supposed to be understood without any complication, the red is what has to be deleted, and the green what has to be added, it's just that simple there's no list just images, just delete what is red and add what is green, copy? Vehicle 1: All below in the photo below Location: Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added NOTE: The images are supposed to be understood without any complication, the red is what has to be deleted, and the green what has to be added, it's just that simple there's no list just images, just delete what is red and add what is green, copy? Vehicle 1: All in the photo below Location: Username: elpendejo Interior: N/A
  7. Suggesting the feature for all DE/CLO ships to have the following characteristics: Toggle vehicle respawn-on-ship (on/off) so if they get destroyed or the group vehicle respawn menu is used, they'll spawn on the ship until it's toggled off Select attached-only vehicles for repair or refueling, all or a specific vehicle can be also just selected. (You have to attach the vehicles in order to repair/refuel them) All DE/CLO come to say smth on comments, no Burako trolling behavior pls.
      • 1
      • Haha
  8. @corpse You already gave your insight even though it was stupid, and didn't make any sense at all considering how the server is, you can dislike as much as you want but explaining why is another thing, and convincing you is even different because people here think about their own side, about how stuff looks even when it's pointless, you argue with "this is the point of bases" but you don't explain what do you mean so I think you meant if this is true then bases will never be used if you said that instead, it would've been a good point and maybe I would have agreed with you although still a slightly flawed, and I think improbable because people don't use service vehicles a lot of times so what's the point of putting vehicles in our bases if we don't use them? this is specifically talking about squads, what about gangs? I bet it happens too and I don't think people would stop spawning in squad bases since literally most are placed strategically near BRs and people would still spawn from there since for example in GR, you have to spawn in the SWAT base to get in the Shamal or go to airports in order to do GR operations, and still would spawn there to AFK or just literally start your gameplay from there, the presence of a base is also very important to keep the existence of a squad.. I'm not going to ping you again for you to make an argument you already made, I'm pinging the ones who haven't, this is just retaliation to the ones who don't make arguments in suggestions, if you're complaining you can suck it up. I want people to explain why, and I already agreed with one.
  9. Care to explain @brotherhoodman
  10. @BurakO @Groove You could do roadblocks as they're far away from SR, that's no abuse but I don't think people will like that so it's not allowed, your vehicles will get dmed anyways, and if y'all abuse it you'll lag, and you need dozens of people, so I don't think someone would abuse it for lag so no. And if u do successfully get a ton of people to get more than 20 Cars including ones able to respawn you will be banned because admins don't tolerate such things.
  11. You can only make one car not to respawn, and this is why there are rules which are enforced by admins, not easily abusable. Please read the description again. @Groove @BurakO
  12. Care to explain @Bisollini
  13. @BisolliniI'm waiting for a explanation, can you please provide one?
  14. @Groove @KinGSmokeabusable in what way?
  15. You all look like you were told by Burako to come to dislike as if you were Roblox bots disliking games, I'm waiting for your arguments
  16. I'm waiting for your argument, looks like you got asked by Burako to come here and spam dislike as if you were in Roblox @KinGSmoke
  17. @SlapBobs@Linkan @Zodiac@corpse@Freezy@KinGSmoke@Sira@Rezy I'm waiting for every one of y'all to provide a valid argument which explains why you're disliking a suggestion that would benefit all copside and criminal side, I have found no point in Corpse's iqless critical thinking and only Linkan's, and fixed it. Linkan you should in fact change the vote since you should be able to impound, repairing should be fixed too. I'm Chilean I can handle all of y'all.
  18. @corpseyou criminals have nothing to complain about, you do the same thing we cops do, your gang vehicles get destroyed you can choose to go hosp and use your own ones And when you go to BRs you also spawn in base to use Shamal or get the Shamal from airports when it's a public BR, so why are you even mentioning bases? This is a suggestion with good reasons, if you don't like it that's not my problem because the fact you think for yourself and not for all the sides is selfish, I have told Linkan he should be able to impound squad and group vehicles considering if the feature gets added, hell even the price of unimpounding special group vehicles like DE/HLS should be higher than squad's and gangs, with squad and gangs just being a slightly higher than a personal vehicle, so how am I fully thinking for myself as you have implied? Because I can't deny, I do want this suggestion to be done for myself, in the end I only do them out of hobby.
  19. @corpse Responding to emergencies is part of every officer's patrol, you patrol go chase some criminals arrest them, but then you get a bank robbery call it's your duty to respond, if u just go directly looking for crims, that still would be considered patrolling but like in a targetting manner since you were driving to a specific location trying to find a wanted man, in real life this happens but difference is them patrolling around to find wanted targets once they're fugitives/escaped so you're wrong, as I said before it doesn't make any sense to use civilian vehicles, the major reason why this happens is because our service vehicles are destroyed, and I will repeat it again squads are not supposed to patrol with civ cars this is even pointed out in GM activity media archive rules for squads, but we'll always break this rule because there's no feature like this. And I don't really care if my personal vehicles are damaged I have 137m in bank I take out 40k everyday to repair my vehicles and use snack vendors, as I told you before the "this is the whole point of bases" this is a flawed argument and is actually a fallacy because bases are spawn points, essentially RP too, they have nothing to do with vehicles, it's flawed because when you respond to a BR in SF while SWAT is in LV you can just decide to use a prop to spawn in SF instead of using a Shamal or a dodge charger which will take like 3 mins to go there, with shamal only being a slightly minimal change because it goes in straight line and it's speed is worse, so there is already a good reason to have a feature like this, it'll fix the service vehicles being destroyed every patrol and having to spawn with civilian vehicles which is pretty much ugly for a RPG server, this doesn't happen in some other RPG servers such as CIT so no, I'm not being necessarily technical, I'm being logical.
  20. I ask you because people don't really make arguments during suggestions, it should be a rule for every feature that is not supported to make a argument, if the holes are fixed and both sides or multiple sides are benefited/appealed then they can proceed to change their votes A good example of a invalid argument, fallacy is Burako saying that we have disks but this is monkey/autism behavior I have explained several valid points why it's useful and needed, at that point why not have it? If you say we have disks you can also easily say then why not if nobody uses service vehicles?
  21. @Linkanbut you're right they should be impounded, since both sides are now currently benefited thanks to your critical thinking, may you change your votes please?
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