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Everything posted by Markus

  1. -Section 1- In-game Nick: markus_ Nationality: Estonian. Age: 15 English proficiency: Pretty decent, I'd give it an 8.5 out of then but, I get some grammar mistakes here and there. Other Languages: Estonian and a bit of Russian. -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: Because I was actually thinking if there was a criminal organization like this and I planned to make one but the idea fell and didn't do it. And, the whole backstory of OB is very interesting and the general role is very dope and thrilling as well. Also, knowing that this was an old group on this server is very interesting too since I would love to be apart of the 2nd Generation of it and represent it well. Jailbreaking has always been my thing too, it's just fun to kill those filthy bastards and free my fellow in-mates. Current membership(s): The Company Enternia The Motor Heads MCC San Andreas Medics Lounge Inc. InvestArms Corporation. -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Well, I am a 15-year-old male from Estonia. I have played SAES for like a year or over, don't quite remember. My current gang is The Company and it's my 2nd time there. I also do sports when I am not behind my PC. I go to Muay Thai which I really like because who doesn't love to beat the shit out of some box bags or even people! I play other games too rather than MTA. Been a criminal most of my SAES Career and do not regret it one bit. I also love to listen to some OG Rap because it's just so good. DRR FTW! I also really like the backstory of OB and their role because I've wanted to do that always. Currently I am a bit inactive because of school and my private life but I am coming back strong and better than ever.
  2. Woohoo! Congratz SAES and to the whole community for these 15 years! May the journey continue.
  3. The idea is dope, critizism is everywhere and it's a thing you have to accept. Best of luck men!
  4. @Brophy, the old database will remain? Edit: Nevermind, it will.
  5. Yes, please make the SA Style & VC Style skin be an actual thing! It was so dope in the old forums where you could switch from the SAES skin on your profile to the Bastage one. But, the Bastage Theme forums are quite dope too, if all the commands would be the same, why not?
  6. Role Play Number: #246 Participants in The RP: Our lovely leader, @TaJ & Me. RP Scenario: So, I was working at our blueberry garage. Just fixing my personal BMW and repairing our Towtruck for our Technical division. I also heard that TaJ was trying to shoot a drifting and racing montage for our group but as soon as I heard that I received a call from Sartaj Singh himself. He had crashed into a street pole while taking a tight curve in Bone County. Luckily my garage was pretty close and he drove to here. His car was pretty fucked up, it was smoking a lot. Mostly out of the engine. He also had an expensive engine, V8. Since he is my Manager, I could not charge him for the repair. But, repairing was a pain in the ass but luckily he paid for the broken car parts and I installed them. Most of his system wires were also disconnected and the oil needed to be changed. I did everything and eventually, the car was fixed. We test drove it a couple of times and made the engine hot. Just to make sure that it's fixed and safe to drive. He also left me a tip and I went back to working on my towtruck and BMW. He eventually finished the drift montage and it's being uploaded to the social media currently. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/DTggbvf
  7. ~[A friendly race between the members of TMH!]~(green,lime) Type: 1v1v1 Race. Participants: Me, @TaJ & @Lily. Location: 1 Lap around LV. Winner & Prize: Of course, it was me. No prize. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZqbrcPw
  8. ^[] ~[E]~(green)vent Number: 97. ~[E]~(green)vent Type: Find me & Guess the car's name that I'm sitting in. ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: N/A, Personal Event. ~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(green)inner(s): Seth. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/3mXIeKG
  9. ^[] ~[E]~(green)vent Number: 96. ~[E]~(green)vent Type: Rhino Shooter ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Ramos ~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(green)inner(s): zKill or something like that! ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/qTbjWz3
  10. Role Play Number: #244 Participants in The RP: Solo RP. RP Scenario: There was a big party last night with the members of TMH and that was in Las Venturas, but my apartment is located in Los Santos. So, I had to get to my apartment somehow because I had some stuff to do tomorrow. But, I was over the legal DUI Limit and I couldn't drive the car by law, but.. I did it anyway. Luckily there wasn't any cop patrolling nor I didn't get caught. Even tho the car was fully customized, it had a V8 Engine, NOS and so many more upgrades that help us to win races and so on. I finally reached home and accidentally left my garage open and my car keys inside my car without the doors being locked. I went to bed and next thing I see in the morning... My Jester is gone, I was so worried and didn't know what to do. I contacted the leader of our Technical division and she gave me some advice.. She told me to get our tow truck and just cruise around the town and see if I find it. I cruised around the town for several hours until I got hungry and decided to go in one of these Burger joints.. Guess what was there waiting, my Jester! I quickly attached it to my towtruck and sped home. Luckily the thief was inside eating and did not see me. But, once I find out who that thief was.. I will beat the living shit out of him. I arrived home with the tow truck & the Jester and decided to check if anything harmful was done to the car, luckily no and the car was in good condition. This situation could've gone a lot worse. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/yZbJguw
  11. Happy Birthday, mate! Have a good one.
  12. This would be so awesome, would bring the Winter Vibe n' shit.
  13. Damn, missed it. But aye, congratz to the new Troopers!
  14. ~[Afternoon activity, 14:00.]~(purple,black,magenta)
  15. Patrol #188 Personal Patrol: #5 Participants: N/A Patrol Duration: 17 minutes. Screenshots:
  16. Patrol #180 Personal Patrol: #4 Participants: N/A Patrol Duration: 24 minutes. Screenshots:
  17. Patrol #177 Personal Patrol: #3 Participants: Elegant Patrol Duration: 41 minutes. Screenshots:
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