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Everything posted by Markus

  1. Look what kipt just said. @alex0107
  2. @UNDER Aren't the Admins supposed to answer to the player's questions and so on?
  3. @NanoBob Alright, thanks for the information
  4. @Lartsa said in Poll about roleplay town: @Tut-Greco said in Poll about roleplay town: @Lartsa said in Poll about roleplay town: Just please if you end up adding this, please add some kind of requirements so people who can't roleplay, or who aren't using the mapping to promote roleplaying can't access it. I'd use it if there was some decent rpers there, this far haven't met anyone who can rp in the server. But I know there are atleast a few who can. on the other hand, having no requirements whatsoever to participate will allow players to learn and understand what roleplaying is, then gradually improve Or add a quiz, or a handbook for newbies to roleplay by. Or maybe submit an application to be a Citizen of Fort Carson?
  5. Hello there, I am suggesting to make the Radio Panel URL connected with Youtube, I have 0 idea if this is possible but I think it is. So basically, copy and paste the youtube link into the Custom URL Slot in the M Radio Panel, it will connect and you can listen to the song. I feel like this is easier and more basic, leave your opinion down below. @Blade @NanoBob @Mega9
  6. ^[] ^[ Event #4] ^[ Event Name: Chicken Shooter] ^[ Event Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[ LWS Helper: @Duracell] ^[ Winner: @Mellow] ^[ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/91RFBPf]
  7. Abusable, people can spawn as the Government after the event and get rid of the stars and just avoided jail.
  8. ^[] ^[~[Demon Disciples MC Recruitment Results of 18.01.2019]~(maroon,black)] @PewD - Hello pal, first I would like to thank you for your endless efforts towards DDMC. Recently you were put under-review where we decided to review your application one more time and see if you would actually hang with us in-game and how tough of a biker you really are. You have shown some good effort I must admit, attending in our activities, road trips and many other things we've done in the past days. Also, we got pretty positive feedback from our members towards you, neat. I could carry on all day buuuutt... You have been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green) into our MC. You Prospect days start now, bring beer and your Harley. Welcome to the club Brother! Also, join our discord since it is a must and when you're there, mention me for your roles - https://discord.gg/dwxWcYm @McJoni - No idea who you are, start showing yourself in our activities, good luck fella, you'll need it. - Sergeant At Arms of DDMC, Markus.
  9. Well there are two sides to this story, people who fight daily and try to improve their combat skills, I totally understand that but like the thing is when let's say, I am roleplaying and planning to post it onto the forums, it will certainly look nicer without the marker when I am aiming at the suspect or so, get me? It's a 50/50 thing but I'd rather have it not back, if you really need an advantage where your opponent is, just spam the shit out of the /loc system.
  10. I have actually made a topic about suggesting a Tesla mod, but it got rejected by Bone. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1846/new-car-mod-2018-tesla-model-3
  11. ^[] ^[~[Demon Disciples MC Recruitment Results of 17.01.2019]~(maroon,black)] @Fist - Hello there and thanks for applying to our Motorcycle Club. There are a lot of Reasons why we do not want to accept you into our MC. First of all, you have quite a bad reputation in the Community which will not be good for our MC. Almost every single member didn't upvote your application when we were reviewing it. Also, saying that you are an undercover Police officer and trying to break into illegal organizations to start an undercover case, yeah fuck no. Even tho I am a Police Officer myself, I do not snitch on my brothers. We're a family, when you're a snitch here, you'll become our bitch. Your application is also quite weak and we seriously do not want men like you here, Your application is ~[DENIED]~(maroon), feel free to apply in 1 year if still interested. @wave21160 - Hi, it looks like you're a new member on this server and we do want to help you but you got to search for that somewhere else, we don't want people who could fuck up our reputation, I bet you don't even know the meaning of a real MC. And if that 5 M stands for 5 Minutes then god damn, banned in 5 minutes, yeah how about no. And you have copied some stuff just like Fist did, also your application does not feel real, was made quickly and kinda trolled. Your application is ~[DENIED]~(maroon), do not bother re-applying at all. - Sergeant At Arms of DDMC, Markus.
  12. A place for all of the squads that exist in SAES, the discord will be expanded eventually. https://discord.gg/jbxzZzu
  13. ^[] National Narcotics Bureau - Activity - 14.01.2019
  14. ^[] ^[~[Demon Disciples MC Recruitment Results of 13.01.2019]~(maroon,black)] @007 -You're a well-known name in the Community and so in our Club. Your application is kinda short but we will let it slide since we know what you're capable of as a player. But, I assume you've been never been a part of a real tough MC Club like DDMC is. No problem! You can always learn our sort of roleplaying and if you need to, feel free to contact me. Your application goes ~[ACCEPTED]~(green), for the record. Your Prospect days have begun, do not show up to our place without beer or XgangsterX will smack you across your face. You also seem and are very loyal and truthful and that's what we're looking in our applicants. Welcome to the Club, brother! Our discord link which you must join: https://discord.gg/dwxWcYm, ask any High Table member for your Prospect role. - Sergeant At Arms of DDMC, Markus.
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