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Everything posted by Curvy

  1. Happy birthday Sandra
  2. scorpyo 3/3 https://imgur.com/a/g74pXnT
  3. @NORI999 said in National Narcotics Bureau - Media Archive: Roleplay : 18.12.2018 Participants : @Alperreis , @mrquique, @Rake, @Orten, @Curvy and @NORI999 . Story: Our agency has received some information About a drug dealer who transporing his drugs around Los santos. After reviewing the information and conducting the investigation around LS , It turned out that he forces a group of youngs to move his drugs to the rest of the city. We got a call about a suspecte who's driving from LS going to city , after 15 minuts of chase we pulled him over the suspect was transporting a bag of drugs from Los Santos to whetstone our agents arrested him and took him to our headquarters for further investigation . One of our agents brought to the young guy a set of questions : who the group leader and where is his location , The suspect was confused and after many question he gave us the necessary information about the real seller , the name of criminal is rake member of TugaThugs ,We took a car and went on patrol around LS , An hour later we saw the suspect near base iac , we chased him for a while then we stopped him and checked the car , one of our agents found some drugs inside his trunk and then we arrested him . now , Rake in our jail for more investigations and discovery of other names of drug barons. Screens by Alper: https://imgur.com/a/HSWovsu.
  4. Jasser 3/3 https://imgur.com/a/ijBk5Mn
  5. cuteanimegirl a.k.a odorian 3/3 https://imgur.com/a/W2M2CaD
  6. @Andre said in The Blood Brothers MC Media Archive: Roleplay #201 - Jailbreak ( with The Company ) Participants: : @Reus @pewd @Dufabo @Curvy @Ace @Darius @Riley @sami @Scooty Story: It was a normal day when one of The Blood Brothers had received a call from one of The High Council of The Company called scooty asking for help, he told him to meet him at the bar in Red County to explain the situation. https://imgur.com/a/LAN3Ewx When he was there, he told me that one of his employees is arrested and the others are in a mission and they can't help him, I asked him in which Police Department is he, and he told me that he is in LVPD, I accepted the mission and I called the most skilled members. https://imgur.com/a/pkra0FR When they come, I explained everything and we made a good plan, I told them that I will make sure if The Company employee is in that PD first, while they should wait for me outside. https://imgur.com/a/B1JkMQg After that, We took everything we need, and we started driving to the Police Department. Once we arrived, I told everyone to wait for me outside and I entered the police department, I started talking to the officer and making sure if that guy is here, and he told me yes. when I asked him to let me visit him he refused, So, I got out of the police department and called everyone to come inside we started shooting on everyone and throwing grenades. https://imgur.com/a/k6tfSPf After 5 minutes of shooting on each other, we killed everyone and we started searching for The prisoner in the cells, when we find him we get him out of there and we drove to Mr scooty, they thanked us for helping and told us to come to their base to have guns as a gift. And then we went back to bar in Dillimore. https://imgur.com/a/H8ninm5
  7. Date: 02/12/2018 The place of the event: G6 Area Event type: Last Man Standing LWS: Ramos Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: Curvy & FOX Winner: Aksenov Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/dF16Jop :::
  8. Date: 02/12/2018 The place of the event: Las Venturas, next to LWS base. Event type: Chicken Kicker LWS: Ramos Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: Curvy & FOX Winner: Zeel Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/uX6yjuQ :::
  9. @JohnnyEnglish said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: Roleplay Number: 186 Participants: @Zoom-In @SmoothErik @alex0107 @Curvy99 @tomaz96 @Nobodyknows Title: The truth can not be told. Story: Recently, the success rate of our Store and Bank Robberies were decreasing, it was previously found out that cops had acquired a lot of intel on Overdose Crime and were using it to manipulate us. The raids increased and life was getting tough. It seemed like someone noticed this, this morning I received a call from one of my friends from Rebel, his code name was "Zoom-In". He contacted me to come to Eastern Los Santos for "intel". I was in my house at that time, so I had to use a personal vehicle to reach the spot. On my way I received another call from an Overdose Crime young blood Erik, he said that he needed a few instructions on wielding a Sniper Rifle, it was a good timing, I knew that I could use some extra back up in case things go wrong therefore I picked up Erik and told that we can deal with the sniper later, for we had to go and pick up some vital information instead. I arrived at the spot, it was a narrow alleyway, I saw a pickup truck with a Rebels' member smoking there, he saw us arrive, dropped the cigarette and smashed it beneath his foot. We exited the car and faced him, ready to listen. Right then another Rebels' member emerged from beneath the truck and whispered something into the ear of the member whom I identified as Zoom In, shortly thereafter Zoom In told him to exit the area which he did so. After he had gone Zoom In began, "Sorry for the interruption, that's Tomaz, a newbie, we had some problems with the truck so I sent him to fetch certain parts., Now, let us begin." and so he did, he produced a brown envelope from his pocket and stated that this was how our crimes were being tackled easily, the envelope contained the evidence, we asked what it was and he replied "Reporters". The police had dispatched a series of reporters who were spying on us all the time, monitoring our doings and reporting it back to the cops. Right as Zoom In handed me the envelope I heard the click of a Camera. I immediately turned around and saw an Asian reporter clicking a picture from a gap, He saw us too and immediately vanished around the corner. We really were being tracked pretty damn much. All of us immediately took after him, he was pretty fast and outran us by a huge distance, I saw him took out his cell phone and press a button, that was most likely a call for the cops I pulled out my UZI and shot at him, ultimately knocking off his phone however it seemed that the call had ended by then, we had to act quickly or we would be faced with policemen in no time. Over all the time, I had totally forgotten that we were running with one of the most proficient shooters of San Andreas, immediately Zoom In pulled out a sniper rifle from his back and took a shot. It was a perfect shot, Zoom In Shot the solar plexus of the reporter, a tight bunch of veins located in the abdomen and immediately the reporter toppled over, coughed blood and lost consciousness. I then started hearing sirens, we had to be fast. Zoom In Casually bent across the reporter and snatched his camera. At that the the sirens blared, Erik turned and shouted that we had company. Out of no where two cops rushed us, one was on a motorbike and the other in a car it seemed that they were the first to respond. They immediately opened fire on us, out of the corner of my eye I saw Zoom In rush to take cover behind a building and then he vanished. The gunfight was totally insane, there were no covers and we were shooting at each other like mad men. It totally was a matter of luck, both sides were taking a lot of damage by the second. Erik totally disappeared out of sight After receiving a few non fatal hits I heard a loud bang. The cop known as Curvy and belonging to a highly trained squad called "FOX", collapsed. He didn't seem dead but he was knocked out, it seemed someone was sniping that's when it struck me. Zoom-In's marksmanship. Seeing this the other cop flinched. He was shocked at seeing his senior taken out, in that moment of surprise I bombarded him with bullets, he couldn't take much and at the Erik took him out with an M4 Carbine Assault Rifle, a classic death. Now that we had the moment, we closed in on the reporter, he had regained consciousness and was watching the fight slowly, it seemed that he had accepted his impending death with closed resolve. Well it was his fault that he had chosen to spy on a gang like us. Eliminating him was important for he was a witness. We slowly walked up to him. "Any last wishes?" I asked. He replied that he wanted us dead. Soon after this Zoom In handed me a shotgun and I did the deed. Immediately, we started vacating the area when we got up and heard gunfire, it seemed that Curvy hadn't lost yet, he still half unconscious was trying to shoot us with a beretta handgun, however, too bad for his state, he couldn't chase us and we escaped. Later we received information about many reporters and their identities who were trailing us. It was going to be a long ride weeding them out, "You In?" I asked Zoom in, who replied " I'm always in." and we parted ways. I then made my way to the base where I would teach Erik how to wield a sniper rifle like Zoom in, well I knew the basics.
  10. Username : hateyou Last seen : 2nd November 2018 screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nhGf3XF
  11. happy birthday
  12. Players Forum Name (@Tag): @Blade Rate his in-game skills (0-10): 8/10 Rate his english skills (0-10): 10/10 Do you know this player in real life: no; i wish How long do you know this player in-game: long time ago Your Opinion about this player in-game: such a cool dude, knows when to joke and when to be serious Your Suggestion about this player in-game: more events mens you got it!
  13. SECTION 1 Name: Elyes In-game name: Curvy Age: 19 Sex: Male English proficiency: 8/10 Native language: Arabic Other language(s): French and English Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: I do not. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I started playing MTA since 2011 and SAES since the beginning of 2015 Total gameplay (hours): 3500 hours Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): Around 6 - 7 hours. Average FPS: 40 - 50 Average ping: 60 - 70 Previous organizations: I've been involved in SAPA / SoA / SAFP / CDC / UE / FOX / TST / Z / MI-6 / ThC and ToB. Are you active user of Discord?: Yes I am. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): FOX's role is to protect San Andreas from foreign operations and espionage. Their task is also to do investigations and to support the local departments. B. Define marker arrest: Arresting a wanted suspect without giving him the chance to move inside the interior C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Abide the serve rules. Do not DM Speak only English in the mainchat Do not be a cunt E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: SAES:RPG is a role playing game server, we should always attempt to RP before arresting. The wanted criminals should be given a chance to clean their wanted level because this is how it works in real life. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: Hello, my name is Elyes. A 19 year - old. Currently studying for my last year in high school and I will move to art and design college. I love hanging around with my friends and listening to music in my free time. II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: Strenghts:Shooting, Driving, Parachuting, Teamworking Weaknesses: Chasing a big amount of criminals by myself or Lagging. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Always been interested to take part in FOX, screwed up several chances and I'm trying to fix what I've done in the past. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: Learning from the mistakes I've done in the past, knowledge of the rules and the gameplay of the server, being a helpful, friendly and a nice guy might convince you why would I fit the team. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: I do not ::: :::
  14. Carshow had been done by me, unluckily there wasn't online members from ToB thus, I'd like to thank Ramos for his support, prizes were: Prizes were: 1.000.000$ for 1st, second place took 750.000$, and third place took 250.000$. 1st: Candy 2nd: Viktor 3rd: Karim Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Another day full of races and fun! Participants from The Oddboyz: Curvy and Blade Other participants: Pazoo, Note, Solrac, Rango ::: :::
  16. Awesome night full of races and fun, met up with some members from The OddBoyz at several race flags Participants from The Oddboyz: Blade, Curvy and Rubik Other participants: Brooks, SAES>Nemesis, NoFear, Sicario, NubBob, Candy, Scorpyo, Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Met up with some member from ToB in the garage which was located in Los Santos - Las Venturas highway. Unfortunately didn't take many pictures, we got some support from Cuban Cars' members and the customers were Iskender and DeepK from SAFP. ::: :::
  18. Alpha Race! Starting line: Old CLO base Finish line: Top of mount chiliad Hoster: ToB & Curvy Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Sparrow Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Met up with some member from ToB in a raceflag. Participants from The Oddboyz: Blade, Curvy Other participants: MarkuS, Pazoo, Zombie and Knele Screenshots: ::: :::
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