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Everything posted by Curvy

  1. @blackyy said in BRs these days: ok do /cry because you wont get what you want as i said above cops want remove outside deff and bridges block and gangs want to remove slow doors and kamikazing planes in regroup then sides will deal with everything and it will be fair for all cya ;) Why do you have to be salty? I literally agreed with your idea. Jeez man
  2. @blackyy said in BRs these days: @nulgath you talking about vending machine, in LS bank when you die u will go to hospital its near the bank there is a vending machine there when take drugs and go to bank the drugs will not warm off also in BC and TR and RC only LV and SF you talking about vending machine and and its only 1 bank or 2 you cant use the machine on it so pls stop crying like always and trying to get buffed from GM's because you are already buffed, and also if u want to remove deffending and blocking remove the slow doors and make it fair to both sides. I know several cops who happen to have properties right in front of LSbank. What do you suggest? Carry a drug dealer with us everywhere we go? Please, I beg you stop using the word crying because you criminals would literally start flaming the chat because of one ram arrest. And let me remind you that this is not a crying diary this is a simple complaint about BRs nowadays, scroll up and open your eyes, look at the videos I posted and youll figure out how impossible it is to enter the bank. Also how are we already buffed? Taking the example of speed drugs here; are you aware that drugs from dealers is like two times faster than the drugs from vending machines? Everyone would be satisfied if you consider banning blocking roads and defending outside and in return remove the slow doors system.
  3. @weppo said in BRs these days: While we are on the subject of defending anyway, look at this amazing clip right here. I would like to get some real CRIMINAL STRATEGY here: https://youtu.be/KrQO-9cWCQ4 Mind you, I am not allowed to kill unwanted defenders as it classifies as DM. There is no single aspect of this situation 'balanced' 'fair' or stimulating gameplay of the server. But I'd love some real criminal gamebreaking strategist to have a look. For the smartasses within us. If I walked away without going for vending I would have got shot in the back as soon as I got out of tazer teach, making me also die. I wonder what wouldve happened if you killed that one criminal who was near the vending machine marker (while being unwanted of course)
  4. @leonard said in BRs these days: @curvy said in BRs these days: @leonard said in BRs these days: i dont know if this is even a suggestion or a crying dairy but let me tell you wheres the real problem here. its simply copside lack skills thats it i dont know why i got to repeat this but i'll do. yall lack skills and only way to hide your shame or laziness to improve is by implying a shitty rule that makes 0 sense and its the reason why this server is now PVP style rather than RP. this rules been here for ages and for me it will be very dumb to add any new stupid rule regarding the recent activity of the server so. instead of just tasing and using nightstick go fight those crimes in roofs or battle your way in to the bank. or instead of wasting your time arguing and crying around forum and main chat why dont you take a tour around TR hospital or GT and see how crimes invest their time honing their skills for times like this. and not crying over forum. seriously bro yall cry a lot i dont know whats gonna be next. maybe a new rule that disallow crime to use guns in BR ? grow the fuck up Who put the devil juice in your water mate? Take a chill pill and relax. It would mean a lot if you scroll up and read what I said since I answered all the questions you just asked in your long paragraph. But hey I'm not blaming you, you might not know what it feels like spawning at the hospital again and again just to end up getting killed in front of the bank's marker without getting the chance to enter it. excuse me if my words are bit sharp to hurt your emotion but those answers of yours make 0 sense and im glad you mentioned the hospital spawn thing since we crime if we got killed inside br we wont be able to get back due to 150-300 sec jail time and even if the time finishes before the BR you"ll spawn in middle of nowhere in TR which will take hella time to get back and since theres 10 cops attacking and have the ability to respawn and rush again in matter of small time against 30 crimes that only got one chance i think theres a huge bias toward the cop side already. but you still insist on making it more unfair. im not saying we have problem with the current situation. but theres some stuff we have to do to keep the BR running so outside def will atleast give some time for people to crack throught office + jail door time. if we managed to forbid outside def its gonna be a huge disaster since everyone going to get packed in lobby and all the cops gotta do is spray their m4 or cs behind the glass and take the whole BR down so. its not a problem of rule its problem of skills. and from taking a look at your videos you literaly rush toward danger without cleaning you way to the bank. you didnt even bother taking sniper and shooting few rounds. i gotta admit theres some wise cops there who got skill and know how the game works take for example troones his sniping skill is off the charts as a cop he always manage to take down outside def with no troubles. so im asking you to clear your mind out of this bullshit you are writing here and go learn some good skills
  5. @leonard said in BRs these days: i dont know if this is even a suggestion or a crying dairy but let me tell you wheres the real problem here. its simply copside lack skills thats it i dont know why i got to repeat this but i'll do. yall lack skills and only way to hide your shame or laziness to improve is by implying a shitty rule that makes 0 sense and its the reason why this server is now PVP style rather than RP. this rules been here for ages and for me it will be very dumb to add any new stupid rule regarding the recent activity of the server so. instead of just tasing and using nightstick go fight those crimes in roofs or battle your way in to the bank. or instead of wasting your time arguing and crying around forum and main chat why dont you take a tour around TR hospital or GT and see how crimes invest their time honing their skills for times like this. and not crying over forum. seriously bro yall cry a lot i dont know whats gonna be next. maybe a new rule that disallow crime to use guns in BR ? grow the fuck up Who put the devil juice in your water mate? Take a chill pill and relax. It would mean a lot if you scroll up and read what I said since I answered all the questions you just asked in your long paragraph. But hey I'm not blaming you, you might not know what it feels like spawning at the hospital again and again just to end up getting killed in front of the bank's marker without getting the chance to enter it.
  6. @chezzy said in BRs these days: We ll it's same for cops Don't arrest at bean machine marker. Ur the first guy who camp bean machine mark after a wall and when a crim shows up u tase and arrest. ALSO: u forgot the part that Cops spray secretly throught wall and we can't see it. Since someone brought up the idea of getting drugs at hospital, I suggest you consider doing that. Besides, such a cool idea yeah I'll let you get your drugs then watch you kill me. And we only spray through the wall when we succeed at stopping the BR and that rarely happens since you criminals don't even give us the chance to enter the bank.
  7. @pain187 said in BRs these days: @curvy That is the point where you stop thinking. You kill the outside defense -> Have the chance to use the vending machine -> Can rush back into the bank with 100HP -> Can start to stop the BR Do you want us criminals to think of tactics for you? Use your head and think how to reach the goal of stopping the BR. Waste time on killing defenders -> Give the ones inside more time to be comfortable whilst cracking -> Let you rob the bank -> Get killed by the defenders who are inside inside. Cool plan yeah, I do not want you to think of tactics for me I want you to use common sense.
  8. @pain187 said in BRs these days: Dear Cactusjack, The problem is not with the rules but with the laziness of the cops. I understand your point of view, but instead of hoping for a solution from the admin side I would recommend you to think about better tactics. Rather than just not using a vending machine and directly rushing or killing the defenders, you want it all back in favor of the cops. Don't just see the bad things, see the good things too. Look for tactics instead of running to the bank like idiots, even a newbie can do that with 2 arrests. Defending from the outside is rarely done properly. Most gangs do without this tactic or are not even enough to put together a proper outside defensive. Sure there are always 1 - 2 people defending outside, but is it really that hard to arrest or kill them? All your points you mentioned there are solutions or tactics to prevent something like that. Play smart and accept challenges. Also instead of hoping for change every time, think if this proposal makes sense and is fair for both sides. For example, as others have already done here, you should find a perfect balance. Okay, people should not even defend outside, but we the cop side have no kill arrest anymore. Okay, they can't kill us in the vending machine area anymore, but we can't arrest them in the vending machine area.... Finding one thing that makes the other side harder is easy, but finding a balance is hard? In my opinion, the rules should remain as they are, because I don't feel that we criminals only make 8 / 8 bankrobs. So many people fail every day. An extreme example, if there would be no more fail for a month, then I could understand your frustration, but not so. All this thing I just mentioned led me to a -. You are just repeating Crash's words here, our challenge is to stop the BR not to kill the defenders outside the bank. If you are gonna keep mentioning kill-arrest then you might as well add it to the exterior of the bank. Didn't get it? If a cop kills a defender outside the bank, they get arrested.
  9. @sanfara said in BRs these days: I wonder which retard would buy energy drink while there are 4 criminals camping, you could get it from hospital, second, you could press F when you are on a moving bike and you will automatically warp up without any damage, third, did you think that you wont get shot when buying energy drink when a BR is happening? It will always remain the same situation, few months ago, many players suggested changes on the BR system / rules, some quitted already and you are showing up with another suggestion that will loop things again. The same retard who spent money to buy a property near the bank. The pressing "F" thingy is considered as abuse in that case. I don't care about people who suggested to change the BR system / rules, I am talking about something that's never been done in the server before which is extremely unfair and unnecessary. And yes I am showing up with another suggestion and I will keep up with it.
  10. @m7mdgr7 Could you please avoid the usage of the word "crying" because this has gotten frustrating at one point and most of the cops are not enjoying raiding BRs anymore. Each side has its own advantages but this is unbearable
  11. @kikas said in BRs these days: Here's an idea: make the area outside every bank have ghost mode for unoccupied vehicles. Make it only toggle on for the duration of a bankrob. Another idea: add invincibility while inside the vending marker. Remove the ability to shoot guns while invincibility is on. Or simply let us go to the vending machine then head to the bank in peace?
  12. @bisollini I appreciate how this started to sound but even if we spawned in our props next to it we would still get damaged and enter the bank with ~30 HP in case we made it in. "Only the gang who is bank robbing can deffend outside" - Yes, when you have like 10 defending outside and 2 cracking inside, very fair.
  13. @crash ok let's keep realism out of this please. You got arrested on the roof you mentioned yesterday because you were alone and we wouldn't mind if the amount of defenders gets limited to 2. I literally turned the word "available" to bold in the sentence I said above. The cops that didn't respond either gave up because of the shitty defense system or simply unavailable.
  14. @crash what you said makes zero sense, no one's being lazy and as far as I'm concerned every single available cop would've responded to any BR. We can not kamikaze the plane during the regrouping since it'll be filled with unwanted criminals, which leads to reports and such. As I mentioned above; "It makes perfect sense that the "BR" activity should start and occur inside the actual bank. Not in the vicinity around it."
  15. @corpseeeeeeee that has nothing to do with having an entire gang outside the bank shooting every person in sight.
  16. . As you can see below, stopping / responding to BRs has become a hard task for cops lately. Gang members took the roofs surrounding the bank they're robbing as a huge advantage against cops which makes it not only unfair but also impossible to enter the bank. That's not how defense should work. Cops also want to take part in BRs and play the game. But the way some gangs defend the bank makes it impossible to achieve that. It makes perfect sense that the "BR" activity should start and occur inside the actual bank. Not in the vicinity around it. https://imgur.com/a/IuonqS5 https://imgur.com/a/jlPgbn6 . As you can see here, they also take defending to a next level by blocking both, the road leading to the bank and the marker of the bank with vehicles https://imgur.com/a/4CDqpl5 . And last but not least, they would not give the cops a chance to provide themselves with drugs from the vending machines https://imgur.com/a/YZX5T7Z . In short, I suggest the following: Defending outside the bank has to be banned Blocking the roads with humongous vehicles has to be banned Blocking the marker of the interior has to be banned Shooting in the marker of the vending machines has to be banned
  17. Date: 01/01/2022 Activity: Stopping SRs Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  18. Address: Clothing Store 23 Account name: phoenix01 Last seen: 28th October 2021 Screenshots:
  19. Address: Eko Apartment Rental Complex Corp Account name: n0vis0ry Last seen: 28th November 2021 Screenshots:
  20. This is an automated post TXN ID: 0BJ68140C8526364H Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30260/donation-point-balance-curvy?_=1640461517595 Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Police LV Vehicle Colour: Primary: #800000 Secondary: #800000 Headlights: #FFFFFF Specify any upgrades: 10x NOS Usernames to lock: elyessmaoui Where you want it placed: My Property: Clothing Store 23 $3.000.000 in-game
  21. Date: 30/12/2021 Activity: Stopping SRs & Securing the VIP Screenshots: #1 [s=][/s] #2 [s=][/s] #3 [s=][/s]
  22. Date: 30/12/2021 Activity: Securing the VIP Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  23. Date: 30/12/2021 Activity: Stopping SRs Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  24. Date: 30/12/2021 Activity: Securing the VIP Screenshots: [s=][/s]
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