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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Have a great day ;)
  2. It belongs to there https://saesrpg.uk/category/30/scripting-and-development
  3. @TaaviLaudur Then make it same before the update
  4. Instead of increasing the current reward on big banks keep them same and reduce the smaller bank's rewards so that's it.
  5. It has been reduced because there are many people not even have one property so do not complain about the current limit.
  6. It is fine if it's rain all cause the problem then let it get disabled other than this cycling between weather conditions is good.
  7. It is truly SAES 2.0
  8. Happy birthday Hesha ;)
  9. Address: 27Main/street Shop Account name: Jengus Last seen: 12th December 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hYDqTd7
  10. Address: 1 Tuckedaway Terrace Account name: theflyingdutchmen Last seen: 5th July 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hfe5hO2
  11. Have a wonderful day friend :)
  12. There are still 12 likes, I'm actually impressed lol
  13. Why not? +1
  14. Stop opening bullshit groups lol
  15. World peace as usual :)
  16. Like I said above, it is your responsibility to keep the police forces away from SR. What is actually unfair here? Parachuting onto the SR can be done easily but in the same time we have no chance to make manuvers on the air so you can easily snipe us before land to the SR. All you have to do is thinking before acting and you must know that nobody here started with silver spoon in his hands. You better develop your skills and understand the gameplay quickly as possible.
  17. It's your fault to get arrested every single minute. There are a lot of skilled criminals in game and they just dominate the cops in 1VS1. You better get some skills and stop complaining about this.
  18. Single player
  19. No need to reduce the reset time, some gangs could benefit more than others it is better to make active these two banks in Palamino Creek and Fort Carson
  20. Yeah, use local banks in counties.
  21. Even scripting easy things takes time and a lot of effort to put. I guess it would be difficult to build this system in a short time.
  22. A New Opportunity to Catch ~ The Project A-101 Another day has begun. I had tons of questions on my mind to answer and I knew that I was short on time. However, this situation did not stand that long. I just made myself a cup of coffee and decided to forget about the unknown questions that I couldn't answer and just listened to the rhythm of my job. I've just arrived in my workplace. Before my shift starts, I've checked my daily routine list and past jobs that are not completed yet. My superior just reminded me about one project that I used to take a look at it. I told him if there is no necessary stuff to do I'll come back at you. After that, I just went downstairs and headed to the garage to see if there is any emergency work left to do. Definitely, there was no necessary job to do in the garage so I decided to think about my superior's idea. I told him to give me more specific details about the project then we swiftly started to chat. After a while, we talked a lot about the project and he told me if we commence to asset the jobs right now possibly it could take a couple of months to finish. I told him that; "I'm going to think about the situation and I'll call you tomorrow." Rest of the day was fine, I did some necessary research and helped my colleagues with ordinary stuff. Once I completed my shift I left the workplace and headed back to home. To be continued, it just a introduction Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/wniLkfM
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