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Everything posted by Tilong

  1. Yeah but inflating an economy to correct an error doesn't even work in real life, and only hurts the poor. I don't think it will truly work in the game. There is alternatives I'm not saying not to do it because it will be useful in a few years when we do run into problems, but inflating the economy anymore and not doing anything else is not going to help the problem
  2. A compensation system will definitely have to be there too reward the long-term players who have worked their asses off to gain the fortunes. And it will definitely have to be something new
  3. @Filex said in [DISCUSSION] Economy Reset: @kipt said in [DISCUSSION] Economy Reset: Close the server > Add a few fancy new things > Change the name to SAES 2.0 > Open the server Dont you realize yet that ppl dont play saes for its gamemodes or features its deeper than that I couldn't have said it any better than that. I see a lot of my discussions with howlzer in this, kudo's topic is well put. See the one thing that has to happen every single item that pays money out needs to be a readjusted, that includes weapons cars houses criminal payout police payouts and trucking payouts. There is a lot of things that have to happen first. I am willing to discuss my ideas on this subject matter, I support a reset but done with new players and old players in mind. Let's please truly discuss the options, because I really do enjoy being able to turn on SAES whatever I want and if we do not save the longevity of the server donations will fall away, and one day the inevitable will happen. But if we can repair the economy, and the dominos might fall in our favor. if anyone wants to have a serious conversation with me outside of the board you can contact me on discord as well, but I definitely personally would like to be a part of the planning in a reset
  4. i was thinking about asking the dev's about adding a 100%-0% icon next to each marker on the F11 map. but i havnt been able to put it into a good "paint/info" pack for them yet
  5. Car has been changed to SGT. Still need the rest of requested rewards
  6. Well im so glad that I could be used like that. Cant wait to see what tonight brings @.@
  7. Epic! just pure epicness. BUT!!!!!! why E30 :-( E36 would have been better. Oh well, Keep up the great work
  8. I vote for @tilong he is the best!
  9. Bartman at his finest @.@
  10. More things would need to be added to it, that was the problem the first time. wasnt used
  11. God have mercy on our soul.... jk .l.. (^.^) ..l. Good luck!
  12. ZIP was forced to stop hosting events so LWS could do the job, this happened before i took over leadership.
  13. might change my vote, ill have to think about it. But if this does happen, then i can start an event hoster class inside zip finally
  14. Happy Birthday VCES/SAES! Its been a great long run, and i will make the vow that me and others will make sure we are running for another 15+ years
  15. Fuck yeah we are thirsty!
  16. I think a rewrite of the G/S ladder system needs to be done. More levels with less rewards per level.
  17. There is so many people that should be thanked for there support and help in this. I wont leak anything, but i know who all has had a hand in this, and from me to you guys, Thank You. And on the note of Companies, I have a plan to help a new wave of civilian companies that want to try there hand at it. Did you guys think i would let the civilian side of the server die? NEVER! More knews on my master plan in the next few days.... cough CUB cough
  18. Tilong


    Indeed! Life is too short, live it up while you can!
  19. Tilong


    Na, not yet anyways. but ill sure to place you first on my abuse list @.@
  20. Tilong


    dam, all i can say is im still kicking and im back, going to be ingame soon. sorry everyone just everything in my life has changed. as some of you know, and most dont. i am a father that has not had my daughter with me for along time. Her mother was a great person to her, and was taking care of her as we where spilt up. But she passed away in july at the young age of 37, and now living with me full time. im not publicly saying this for any hipe, im just wanting you to all know that in the pasted months ive had alot going on, and a resent major fight with my crazy gf caused me to defaugt my pc. anyways im a retard and still with her, and at this point its safe for me to rebuild this pc. it needed it anyways. ANYWAYS.............. I will be making sure that my missing in action is made up to you guys. All i ask is that you have prays for my daughter and that i will be abusing you all soon enough!
  21. @TheK here mate, light this joint for me <///////////////////////////////////////////////////>
  22. So great to hear this!
  23. at least we know yours now too
  24. tbh, most crime in real life happens late at night. maybe make an atm able to rob every 8 hours (so the bank could fix and load with more money) with a player being able to rob an atm once every hour.
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