What ZIP is About:
Click here to join us on our discord channel
We are SAES's Leading Building Group. We build epic areas to help promote the community in RP's and help support in players event
areas. Launched in 2010 with the help of the great Ronseal and Lance, ZIP changed the way players have been able to spend there
time in the server. As updates and changes where made with the building panel, things have been great all around. Other building
and event groups have spawned because of all the work done for and by ZIP. We strive to make our name great once again!
The Rules:
With great power comes great responsibility
1] Never spawn wanted as ZIP. Find away to remove your wanted level first.
2] ZIP is a civilian group. You can not attack anyone while spawned. Request protection if needed.
3] Never block the free play of others. Always make sure the public can access around your builds
4] You can not use the panel to block or remove trainees or cops from your builds. Even if they are toxic
5] Must maintain a heavy realistic feel to your builds when at all possible.
6] Do not go AFK for long periods of time with your builds active.
7] You can not use the panel to create defenses for Turf, Wars, SR's, BR's, PBR's, Etc...
8] Must maintain a level of respect for all members and of other players.
9] All roadways and bridge builds must have a form of structural foundation. No Sky Roads
10] Only members of the Event Team can host events. You may help them in there builds
rules maybe added, removed, changes, or altered as the HQ team see's fit.
The Teams:
Below is a breakdown of the different classes inside ZIP. Click here for our roster.
HQ Team:
The HQ Team works as one, all company matters will be approved or rejected as a group.
No one member shall make changes on his/her own.
Management Team:
The Management Team works on Worker and Architect recruitment and maintaining active status with the members.
The Management Team Reports directly to the HQ Team before any actions are put into play.
Event Team:
Event members are the most respected members of ZIP, they build, host, and maintain Events and RP's.
<Project is in development>
Architect Team:
Architect members create designs for new construction projects, alterations and redevelopments. They use their
specialist construction knowledge and high-level drawing skills to design buildings that are functional, safe, sustainable
and aesthetically pleasing. They are mostly experienced builders within the organization.
Worker Team:
Worker members are responsible for a number of on-site tasks, such as removing debris, erecting scaffolding, loading
and unloading building materials, and assisting with operating heavy equipment.
Membership and Promotions:
Membership and promotions will be handed out to dedicated players, how to do so is listed below.
Requirements for the Worker Team:
In order to join ZIP as a worker, just follow the steps here and are management team will proceed with the upmost
speed and care based on each players application.
Requirements for the Architect Team:
1] You must be active as "Worker" for a period of 2 months
not the time you've joined ZIP, but for how long you have been active within the group
2] You must have built 4 recent construction projects that you'd like to present to us.
you must use at least 200 objects per construction to avoid the 5 mins constructions, do us a favor, do it well, or don't at all.
afterwards, we'll pick one out of the 4 constructions which you'll need to write a background story about and post it in your portfolio.
3] Build a bridge that connects two sides of the land, Point A > B. The worker shall pick its location.
the bridge must be realistic and fitting all the logical parameters of a bridge
4] You'll be given some minutes to construct anything you want, here we evaluate your knowledge and use of the panel
take advantage of what you have and let your creativity shine
Requirements for the Event Team:
1] You must be active as "Architect" for a period of 2 months
not the time you've joined ZIP, but for how long you have been active within the group
2] You must hold a RP with 3 Workers and have a management or HQ member observing
the rp is the players choice. your actions, abilities, respect, and self confidence will be evaluated
3] You must organize an event with the help of an event group with a management or HQ member observing
the event is the players choice. your communication with an event group and the general players will be evaluated
Requirements for the Management Team:
At this time, ZIP-HQ will pick the best of the best to join our management team, do you have what it takes?