Old topic HERE I have an expample (new one) so let's check it out. So here is the second biggest casino in Las Venturas... " The Visage " ::: ::: There are 3 doors that criminals should to crack them. ::: 1 2 3 ::: Safes room: ::: ::: Also there is an elevator , it will be available only for police. ::: ::: Here is a roof, that door will bring you inside to elevator: ::: ::: As i wrote above "it will be available only for police." So lets talk about crack system. It could be like in BRs high/low or like in PBR . BUT also.. maybe some of you have played GTA V heist you should see that crack system .. i think its called "Circuit breaker - FAIL/RAGE" or smth like that. So you can check it out in the video below... https://youtu.be/qakBAVdJDqc And yes maybe it will be hard to script it but if you guys have another ideas about crack system , im waiting your suggestions in commets. CASH: I think it should be low cash or maybe normal. Also i have an idea ... it seems to be like in "PBR" you get your bag and delivery to warehouse , also i think to make something in here but instead of warehouse criminals will bring bag over here (see the picture) ::: ::: Also kill arrest system allow in Cassino Robbery. If you got any ideas share it here guys. Together we can make it more better :D EDIT: idk how to make a poll... anyways fk it :p EDIT v2: VOTE HERE: https://www.strawpoll.me/16695349