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Everything posted by MatizZ

  1. ^[When ICE gets their base (parking lot) ] ^[] ^[]
  2. Happy Birthday 3rs
  3. Its a good idea but all of us know that we wont get anything, SAES is boring and the game itself is old (i dont say if we get new scripts it change the gameplay fully , no but atleast you will have to do something except sr/br/jb ), we have suggested many good ideas to make SAES better but its need to be scripted and you know scripting is not that easy also some pro guys that scripting irl are getting payed for it. Maybe step by step we will get it :p
  4. @Sam said in Manage Donation Vehicles: @Brophy said that he is currently working on one new Manage Donation System. But when it's done we don't know. @James said in Manage Donation Vehicles: developers are making a panel so you can modify it youself ingame. Good news, it will be epic then !:+1: :sunglasses:
  5. Hey yo ! I'm here to suggest or more precisely bring back function "Manage donation vehicles" Well , why? because it was useful ... , very useful and less work for admins. Now we need an admin to add just a username for a donation vehicle or to change a color and you know that admins are always busy and also they have their life and they want to play SAES like a normal player and not just come online and help comunity always , they should also play & chill xD as i said it will be less work for admins. I dont know why it wasn't added when we moved to our new forum. And if some of you dont know what i'm talking about so read & check careful . Theres a function "Manage donation vehicles" in settings of your profile (old forums) You click and get a page with login panel, to login you use ingame username & ingame password . Of course if you have donated to SAES:RPG you will see a vehicle there, that you have ingmae (locked & owned to you) so you choose which vehicle you want to edit or you have just one vehicle (its depends how much you donated) and edit it. You can edit color , add/remove usernames , add wheels/nitro ~[ALSO]~(red) (suggestion) would be cool to have engine types & driving types ah and yeah "car shading" would be cool aswell (as you saw old suggestions), 1 shade for 1 vehicle :D . Yeah thats it . Its nothing maybe but ppl won't create a topic to add just a usernames or change color on a vehicle, he/she can do it by themself. Less work for admins ! You know how we love this community & you dear admins <3 :D
  6. ^[~[FOR SALE]~(ff4500)] ^[] Starting bid: 10,000,000$ Close to Los Santos bank Close to Jail Close to Administration building Can be used as a base for lvl0/1 gang/squad/group View on glen park Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Rest in peace BS ! It was a good gang with a nice members.Its sad that you closed it :cry: . Wishing to all your members in finding a new good family. Good luck !
  8. @Amine-s said in Black~Bullets: inviting in gang plis akkepted , send PM ingame SAES>RAMPAGE or [B~B]RAMPGE for invite.
  9. https://youtu.be/QbfNCZhvCCY
  10. Im agree with @Silence & @Tritosh , bring back old HR , it was nice and ppl get more fun , more challenges also HR got a nice places as you remember. Yeah but what now? Criminals use same SR places ... its get boring , cops snipping everytime from mountains and very far away that you even cant see them , may some of you remember that killing a criminal was a rulebreak , first you try arrest then you kill, now cops turned in combat system, instead of using taser they use CS/Sniper and other weps, i dont say in JBs/BRs ... even outside . Well yeah maybe it is a balance idk. My point is bring back old HR, so we gonna wait and guess where is new HR xd
  11. ^[Useful xD] ^[]
  12. ^[]
  13. M7mods automatically win... a7a
  14. ^[AUCTION ENDS TOMORROW ! ] @Xuho said in [FOR SALE] Small base | Parking | Business: 57.3m Leading.
  15. ^[]
  16. @Xuho said in [FOR SALE] Small base | Parking | Business: 55m Highest bid. Auction will end in few days !
  17. Yeah we need make it without crying babies and less reports. A new script might help, any ideas?
  18. @Ikzelf That's why i created this topic, we can improve it maybe some new scripts or maybe a new gang rob script will improve it.
  19. @Kain Yeah i think it will be fair , for now we have 8 lvl 5 gangs and 3 lvl4 gangs. As @kipt let them grow some balls from the start, but also i remember while i was VA(lvl2 gang) we was rekting lvl5-lvl4 gangs those times. Lower level doesnt mean they are low in skills, its all about tactics and base mapping. i think. As i said cracking is easy these days, i think a lvl2 gang even have like 3-4 crackers. We can make just like this - a lvl 2 gang that just got a base/spawn they are not ready to be in GRs maybe 1 month or 1-2 weeks is enough for them, to understand that they are an official gang with BRs,GRs,Turfs abilities.
  20. It's already separated like 1 or 2 years ago, isn't? I think we should make GRs not so strict, we can think it like turfs. I dont mean allow spawn kills, nades and anims... no . Maybe instead of stealing money in GRs , gangs will steal points? each GR 300 points for example . As you see @Ikzelf 's suggestion >https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2489/g-s-leaderboards Leaderboards will show which gang has many points like: 1st: Agang - 2500p 2nd: Bgang - 2000p 3rd: Cgang -1000p and etc. Every 1 or 2 months leaderboards will refresh from start. It also helps GM to see which gang activity/inactive. Yeah it also need to be scripted ik We can think how to improve it.
  21. @kipt Yeah ik maybe some scripts like while gang BRing , another gang cant gr them? scripts can fix it and it will avoid abuses, i think so. Maybe new rules for it.
  22. I think here admins cant do nothing , script is here on the server , working but only gangs and gang leaders with HQ team should decide. Yeah it will turn in big war with shits and hates , what i want is to make it without hates, ofc its imposible. If you lose just say "ggwp" and go on you can take revanche and win .
  23. Hello, as title says, this post about Gang Robs . What i want to say is what about to bring back gang robs? Yeah i know and all of you knows its a big war between gangs, many reports,hate and shit behaviors. Maybe we can fix it somehow and add it back? It was fun to be honestly , i remember 2014-2015 ,also when i was VA , it was nice memories... I think old UE guys still remember that big war between B~B xDD . UE,MMC,BS, vs B~B,HS & RDMC. Not only this ofc and many others wars. Every gang had a tactic how to defend their safe , like their gang's heart xD or how to attack this gang and who and where stay in which position :D . My idea is bring GRs back , i mean i want all gangs to be in GRs. GR system (script) still on server but not all gangs have a safe. Some gang have quit from it like we B~B have quited from it long time ago, yeah because almost all gangs quit from it and we also decided to quit from GRs but we still have safe in our base. These days turfing and bank robbing are boring i think. Yeah there still fights for banks xd, challange like cracking race xd. but it also boring. Maybe im wrong and GRs will get more hates. Its just suggestion and i want hear your opinions. It was fun for me and my friends even when we lose. And maybe make a new system like gang that just get lvl2 cant be in GRs bcz they are new in business but if they sure they are ready to be in , leader can request to be in. But a gang that lvl3 must be in GRs and defend their safe ! And also cracking these days is ez (not from trainer ofc xD) as i remember there is 7m on GR crack pad. As i said i want hear your opinions, lets think together and decided something. Here is old pic from our successful GR , old but gold xD :D P.S. dunno if this is right section for this... anyways.
  24. Happy Birthday 3rs
  25. When there are 2 guys with same nickname , be like : https://youtu.be/Yj_zZXo8mtg
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