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Everything posted by MatizZ

  1. ^[] ^[] Event #177 Event Type: Land on my car (2 rounds) Prize(s): 500.000$ LWS/G6 Helper(s): Me Winner(s): Hotfire & Skinner ScreenShots: ::: ::: ^[] ^[]
  2. Nice to see you back guys, like old gold saes days. Wish you best of luck !
  3. Legendary place of Big Smoke's order :p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuvUgaLxemg
  4. ^[] -126- Event Type: Colt 45 LMS Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): [AA]Terry Screenshots: ::: ::: ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[] Event number: 171 Event type: LMS Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): me Winner(s): [AA]ANARCHY ScreenShots: ::: ::: ^[] ^[]
  6. Why not to make it both ? and an option for player which one would he like to use ios system or android , i for example using ios and you may like android, And make it like if u wanna change to ios u should pay 1m$ or more , same goes for android since the ecomy fucked up , 1m is nothing now...
  7. Hai @The-Blood-Brothers-MC
  8. ^[] ^[] ^[~[20/04/2019 SF Bank]~(#ff4500)] ^[] ^[] ^[~[21/04/2019 LS Bank]~(#ff4500)] ^[] ^[] ^[~[22/04/2019 SF / RC Banks]~(#ff4500)] ^[] ^[]
  9. ^[] -93- Event Type: Colt 45 LMS Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): [AA]Sem Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3XhJdZl ^[] ^[~[THROUGH ADVERSITY TO FREEDOM, OB FTW !!!]~(#511b1b)]
  10. NOTE: All of themes or GUI skins are found in official MTA:SA Forums Hey ! Recently i watched a video in YouTube about MTA , mods and etc , i saw one guy using different MTA theme , to be honestly i didnt know that we can change MTA themes , yeah i knew about GUIs only , im sure some of you already know it and some of you dont know , so this topic for those who dont know how to change MTA theme also GUI too. I'm talking about this : MTA Theme ::: ::: GUI : ::: ::: How to install? MTA Theme? It's simple , you dowloand a theme (themes you can find bellow) once you dowloand it, it should be named "images" , so you need to put "images" folder in the following folder > MTA San Andreas 1.5\MTA\cgui paste it there. (backup old folder incase if you dont like a theme so you can use MTA Original one) and once you open MTA you see your MTA with a new theme. Yeah its nothing , just a theme :D MTA Themes: #1 Horror theme ::: ::: #2 GTA V theme #3 Neon theme How to install GUI? Dowloand GUI skins and put them in the following folder > MTA San Andreas 1.5\skins Then run your MTA and go > Settings > Interface > Skins > Choose which one you want ::: ::: Pack of GUI skins #1 Pack 4 Themes Click > HERE to dowloand #2 Black/Red & Black/Purple ::: ::: Here is a video if you are lazy to read: https://youtu.be/GZuVVFxAU2o As i said above "all themes/gui skins are found in mta sa forums" and im sure half of our comunnity knew about this themes exept me and maybe others xd . I hope some if you guys have your own themes so you can share it here also i would like to use MTA theme something like with SAES Logo or some good design xD
  11. Happy Birthday RAMPUGE !!!
  12. ^[] ^[~[P]~(#ff4500)art I:] How much have you donated for the sever? 40 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2 months ago Why do you need this change? I dont use them Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/81312-donationmatizz-amount-1000-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/81443-donationmatizz-amount-1000-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/81681-donationmatizz-amount-1000-gbp/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3354/donation-matizz-amount-10-00-gpb Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6403/matizz-s-reward-change ^[~[P]~(#ff4500)art II: What I Want to be Removed] Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: LV Airport Username: matizz Screens: Vehicle 2: Hotring racer 1 (BMW) Location: LV X Aparts Username: matizz Screens: ^[~[P]~(#ff4500)art III: What I Want to be Added] Vehicle 1 & 2: Bullet & NRG-500 Location: BC , loc of my trailer you can check in ss Username: matizz Screens: Thanks ! :)
  13. Account name:* maxican00 Last seen: 11th of March 2019 Screenshots: ::: ::: //////////// sorted by teddy
  15. wow good job @Filex :+1: , i really like it . The system is good , if any others says "its sux" ,... guys dont you bored from cracking system(lower/high)?
  16. Actually good idea, useful for auctions , no need a middleman and u wont get scammed.
  17. it was nice thing , i remember old times, we should find pro designer and pay him to make nicer signature xd . Also the designers made money on it, i remember we had many designers and now just few left. I think we can make a limit on it and those who dont want or their potato pc will be laggy so they can just disable it in settings. As @Tut-Greco said we are in 2019 it wont lag as u think just for those who have bad/potato pc :/ . Im up to have back signatures
  18. Happy Birthday AA :p
  20. ^[] ^[~[P]~(red)art I:] How much have you donated for the sever? 40 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 3 months ago Why do you need this change? I dont use it Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/81312-donationmatizz-amount-1000-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/81443-donationmatizz-amount-1000-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/81681-donationmatizz-amount-1000-gbp/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3354/donation-matizz-amount-10-00-gpb Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3892/reward-changes ^[~[P]~(red)art II: What I Want to be Removed] Vehicle 1: SuperGT Location: LV X Aparts Username: matizz Screens: ::: ::: ^[~[P]~(red)art III: What I Want to be Added] Vehicle 1: Hotring racer 1 (bmw e30) Location: LV X Aparts Username: matizz Modification: 10x nitro & color code #ffffff (black) Screens: ::: ::: Also i lost my interior long time ago due to inactivity, so i want to pick one :) Small interior 4 is good for me, please place it at Apartment 64 Lv Complexsouth (same loc) Ah and i need help with my donation icons , i will explain ingame.
  21. ^[]
  22. Isnt these house was on sale bug after server update? Just asking...
  23. Yeah i agree Huntey has good mod but we can place G class into Landstalker ppl dont use it anyways...
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