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Posts posted by Filex

  1. Nickname: Filex
    Age: 18
    Country: Tunisia
    Languages spoken: Arabic French English
    From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): Im speaking english for like 6 years althought im not an expert so 7/10
    How long have you been playing on SAES: 7 months (700h on TAB)
    In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay:
    Arms Assassins is a gang that got a great names in SA streets out of its reputation in a result of their stealing loading selling and distributing jobs they were doing while they are staying in a ship protected of the other gangs and criminals as a family without rivals, morals or trust
    Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving):
    ThC (The Grade 1) : I left to join another gang so i help in raising their level but things turned wrong into a fight so i got blacklisted)
    BBMC (HQ Grade) : I helped this gang alot but couldnt give more after organizing somethings with them and left to find my way
    Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: No punishements except some adminjails when i started my career

    Name 3 BR rules:

    • You cant BR alone

    • You cant camp Bank's door when a BR already started

    • A gang can do a max of 2 BRs per day

    Name 3 GR rules:

    • No grenades or Explosives at GRs

    • CLO/DE assistance is not allowed

    • You are not allowed to spawn as cop for gang's assistance

    Name 3 Turf rules:

    • You cant Shoot or camp on unclimbable roofs

    • The only way to respawn is by getting killed (no healing) and to respawn in the hospital or gang's base

    • You cant spawn as peramedic, pizza boy or cop to help your gang in turfs

    What is Roleplay?:
    Roleplay is the photo of real life acting in game better saying its everything including communication that can be identic to life logic.
    What is Deathmatching?:

    Deathmatching is harming another player until death its allowed in an organized form in the server (agreement of both sides ; or Events) unless its illegal and can
    Someone DMs you. What do you do?:
    His Tags can tell everything if he is independant (no G/S/C) i will use /report directly if its a part of a G/S/C i will try to contact HQs First but it depends anyway on gang rules
    Youre passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?:
    I continue my way
    Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?:
    Yes i know many people relation maybe passive but i think they know something about me
    Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us):
    As I said in every single application i did, I'm not much experienced in SAES in comparison with other old school players but I learnt much in just 7 months thats enought (Rping; Cracking; Shooting and Communicating) for me to have confidence and apply for an old gang like AA
    In Addition im a happy person ambitious that respects the prescence of a human even if sometimes jokes can be limitless but in a good term with right people
    Thats why i can concidere myself mature also with the right people in the right time.

  2. Name: Filex
    Username: medtheman
    Age: 18
    Nationality: Tunisian
    English proficiency: i can say 8/10
    Playtime on the server: 700h
    Server Groups: IAC, UC
    Current organization (g/s/c): N/A
    Do you own a kart? No
    Why do you want to join us? Well i see that this group's idea is really original and new Indeed I'd like to be a part of such interresting thing, especially that its based on racing concept which i personally admire And finally i want to change the boring daily routine by trying out something new in SAES.
    Why should we accept you? I dont talk much about myself maybe i can say that I'm new if i get compared to other old SAES players but i have a quality, i can learn fast as a result i gained much experience in a small time Also I have some RP skills that can make me active in the media archive when its needed. In addition maturity will be present in a funny way that i always keep with my attitude and the way i approach to the community

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    -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number ) :=- 13
    -=(black,red)Roleplay with :=- The Underground Circle

    The Underground Circle - Media Archive:
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    RP#4 - Reloading

    Participants: @Cobra / @Reggi / @Lucifer666 / @Filex / @iBrooks

    Story: The Head of The Underground Circle heard about a new MC in town and there business. They were discussing about giving there products a try since there weapon stock was a little low. Don Tony(Cobra) gave a member from the Blood Brothers Motorcycle Club a call to make an appointment. The next day The Underground Circle drove to the clubhouse of BBMC and arrived after a short drive. The BBMC member welcomed The Underground Circle and invited them inside for a talk. They sat down and The Underground Circle explained the reason of there phone call. They heard some good things about their products and they wanted to give it a try. The BBMC member was very happy to hear that and he showed them their weapon crates, the BBMC member grabbed Colt 45 from one of the crates and gave it to Don Carlos(Reggi). Don Carlos was happy with quality and wanted ten of them. BBMC agreed so they started unloading the weapons out of the crates and loaded them in the car. After everything was loaded, Don Tony grabbed a bag with money out of there trunk and gave it to the BBMC member. The BBMC member accepted the bag with money and shook Don Tony's hand and The Underground Circle stepped in their car and left the area.

    ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/eYOXY13

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    -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number ) :=- 11
    -=(black,red)Roleplay name:=-The death of a priest (Second part)
    -=(black,red)Roleplay with :=- The Company
    -=(black,red)Participants :=- @Noisyboy

    BBMC never lose time, so i started the mission since the minute i left the ThC guy and went to the church where the
    priest is supposed to be and entered from the door secretly

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    The chuch door was old so it made noise when i opened it and the priest noticed that therefor he woke up to see what
    is happening although he was numb because of the cracks he is smoking.

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    I was trainned to hide what helped me alot then waited the priest to leave his quarter and followed him to the toilets

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    I took my gun and aimed on the toilet cab's door, i waited some seconds then said the famous sentence
    -=(gray)"rest in peace"=- and shooted without hesitation. 2 bullets were enough to get the corrupted priest down on the floor

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    After cleaning the toilet cab from blood and finger prints i was suppposed to hide the body so i took the church car
    to bury the corpse and took some photos

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    In the end i went back to ThC base shown the guy the dead body photos Indeed he gave me the money and followed
    me to the gate.

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    -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number ) :=- 10
    -=(black,red)Roleplay name:=-The death of a priest (First part)
    -=(black,red)Roleplay with :=- The Company
    -=(black,red)Participants :=- @Noisyboy

    I was sitting in the club bar drinking some bottles of wine Enjoying the moment as one the blood brothers, especially that
    my muderer life doesnt leave free time for me.

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    Suddenly a guy seems to be prestigious entered the bar and looked right to me. Then he came and asked me if he
    can sit in front of me, i didnt mind and i let him

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    He started talking and told me that he is a guy from the company the famous organized crime gang then asked me if
    i can come with him to their base so we will have a private talk. I couldnt refuse and asked him to follow me

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    I prepared my bike then started the road trip until their base. 15 minutes later we got there

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    The company guy asked me to follow him to interior where he had an office where we spoke. He asked me if i can
    take down a priest that is using his priveledges as religion man to drag young girls, indeed i didnt mind because
    BBMC rules in serial killing dont stop me from taking a corrupted guy , But i wondered what is the reason and
    i was suprised when he told me that his little sister was one of his victims althought he cant make this
    assassination himself for some reasons he couldnt give

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    Therefor i finished the talk with taking a part of the money i asked for and left to my bike, so i can start my mission

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  6. PART 1 - Personal Information
    Ingame & Account name: Filex & medtheman
    Real name: Yassine
    Age: 18
    Do you have discord? Yes i do

    PART 2 - Ingame Information
    Are you apart of any Groups? IAC
    Current S/G/C: BBMC
    How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 7 months
    What are your strengths: Im good in rp which is important for any group
    What are your weakness: i prefere saying i have no weakness they are temporary and i will solve what makes me weak
    Rate your English skills (0-10): 7/10
    Rate your RP skills (0-10): 8 to 9 from 10

    PART 3 - Additional Information
    Tell us about yourself: I learnt alot in ThC because i joined as a noob and i have now big experience in saes althought Im still new compared to other old school players: they take criminal roleplays like drug dealing and trafficking, arms dealing and trafficking also prostituation
    What is our main role (By your own words):
    Why do you want join our family: I saw friends regrouping for a roleplay they are a part of group so i asked for topic and liked it so here im applying
    Why should we accept you in our family: Im friendly thats what they say and my work will answer this question in futur
    If you had a chance to join our activities with us post the screens here: None

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    -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number ) :=- 9
    -=(black,red)Roleplay name:=-The conspiracy (Second part)
    -=(black,red)Roleplay with :=- Wild angels & The Company
    -=(black,red)Participants :=- @Noisyboy @brooks @XpookS

    At 16:00 the biker from BBMC was there with the dealer who came with a big black truck seems to be full of WA's

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    The place wasnt full of welcomed guest but also of a cop who couldnt wait and raided on the location whithout any

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    The dealer was completly afraid when he saw things out of control and started running to the woods leaving
    everything behind him including the biker with the detective and the package of weapons

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    The guy was a veteran BBMC member trainned to kill and torture people until they take their last breath, he wasnt
    afraid of the cop's riffle aimed on his body he just closed his eyes then took his pistol and shooted the police agent.
    The cop knew his end is near especially when he got asked about his infos source until he admitted with the last
    bullet passing from his head

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    The biker was a trainned killer he couldnt hide his anger and located the poor guy who made this conspiracy. He had
    no law or religion on his own system indeed he decided to execute the guy without any hesitation.
    He found him in one of San Fiero's building near the sea

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    Few seconds later he rushed on him and spoke with him for some time while the guy was completly scared

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    He asked him if he has any last wishes then shooted him in the face ending this bad long joke. Thats how he live as
    a BBMC member as a murderer that kills who doesnt deserve to live.

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    -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number ) :=- 8
    -=(black,red)Roleplay name:=-The conspiracy (First part)
    -=(black,red)Roleplay with :=- Wild angels & The Company
    -=(black,red)Participants :=- @Noisyboy @brooks @XpookS

    I heard about Wild Angels's arms in the market and how they are getting a better reputation for their products
    So I was happy to pick my phone and call one of their dealers to meet in one of BC empty sides to have a talk

    The next day i went to the location of meeting and started smoking a cigarette

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    Few minutes later the dealer came in his black truck, therefor i moved to discuss with him some staff like the time
    and the location. after a small talk we agreed to meet after 3 hours in red country and to pay him 1k for the single

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    Meanwhile, a poor guy was sitting in the back off the abondoned house and heard everything about our negociation
    and illegal weapon exchange

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    The poor guy couldnt hide his fear and went quickly to the police departement where he found the chef detective
    there. He was so exhausted indeed he took a breathe then told the agent everything.

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    Just 40minutes were left before the exchange so the detective had no choices and went alone to stop this illegal
    deals but he was unconsious about the consequences.

  9. Nickname:Filex
    Languages spoken: Arabic French English
    7How long have you been playing on SAES: 7months
    Tell us who are BBMC and their roleplay(One sentence): BBMC is a group of bikers that is selling arms and trading with their own tactics and law
    Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): ThC (didnt get on well with the HQ team)
    Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: none(just some adminjails in my beginings)
    Name 3 BR rules: Max 2 BRs a day, We can start just with more than 1 member, Camping the entrance when a BR already started is not allowed
    Name 3 GR rules:Grenades are not allowed; its not allowed to rob alone, Squads are permitted to arrest
    Name 3 Turf rules:Dont shoot from unclimbable roofs, Gaining heath is only allowed via respawning, we can only use gang spawn or hospital
    What is Roleplay?: is the stories we play as if its was a real story
    What is Deathmatching?: DM is killing people and fighting with them
    What is avoid arresting ? Doesnt getting arrested by with legal ways (without damaging server rules)
    Someone DMs you. What do you do?: it depends on the gang rules ;but mostlikely we contact superior HQs before reporting
    Why should we accept you ? I can give much as i can take
    Convince us for you(TEXT): Im not much experienced in this server but i learnt things in a small tile that can help a gang like yours in leveling up

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    -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #237=- - The Raid (Second part)
    -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay with=- : SAFP & WA

    -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Noisyboy, @Tefa , @karim, @Gonza & @Dark

    Once Filex entered the truck the SAFP agents took him to their base.

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    When they arrived they surronded him and obliged him to follow them upstairs where they had a cells room and locked him there

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    Few seconds after, Tefa started investigating Filex and used some methods to steal words from him but he kept silence. Filex refuse made the agents so mad but they couldnt do anything to him. Indeed,they left the room until the next day so they take him to the court in the middle of Los Santos for his judgement

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    Filex had so much informations about the organisation he was part of, everybody knew that filex wont stand the torture he will face until he reveals everything what made high ranked members send a serial killer from the gang (Noisylost) to eliminate him

    The Sk waited until everybody left base so he could sneak into the interior

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    Unfortually, after breaking into the interior Noisy found a security guy so he killed him without any hesitation and finished his way to the cells room

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    After succeeding his mission he cleared his footprints and camera's memory to leave quicly the base. He runned into the woods until he reached the darkness where nobody can notice or find him

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    -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay #236=- - The Raid (First part)
    -=(blue,purple,maroon)Roleplay with=- : SAFP & WA

    -=(blue,purple,maroon)Participants=- : @Noisyboy, @Tefa, @karim, @Gonza & @Dark

    Tefa (high ranked SAFP agent) got some information from trusted people that a big exchange of arms will happen,So he asked 2 agents (Karim & Noisyboy) for help and talked to them about the mission for some minutes.

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    Then they took their guns,armor and went to the truck so they can attend the location.

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    Meanwhile, ThC member (Filex) took his phone out of his pocket and called a trusted taxi driver (Gonza) to pick him
    from Bone Country Bar where he was hiding his package of guns, Indeed he smoked a cigarette for some minutes then entered the cab
    to the location of the exchange.

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    When he got there he took the weapons out of the trunk and took a rest until the russian guy (Dark) came with his
    Black car .

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    On the other side SAFP agents were waiting for the negociation to start so they can attack.

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    But few seconds before the raid the russian dealer noticed the lazer coming out from the cops"s rifles and escaped
    fast with his car although Filex had no way to run away from his faith and got arrested.

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    Filex layed on the ground and through his guns away, Therefor tefa bounded him and asked him to get in the truck
    before he could even take a breathe.

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