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Posts posted by Filex

  1. @mega9 said in Fixing the jail:

    @filex said in Fixing the jail:

    @starwars said in Fixing the jail:

    Not only that but also I'd like to remind you all that this USED to be a thing back when the jail was implemented and not moved at all. It was already a feature which no one used to complain about back in the day, it worked well and was good to have around.
    You can't just walk in a jail like nothing.

    You never ask the question why it changed ?
    maybe it was changed on purpose

    And if you want to talk about the realistic part @Lartsa a criminal doesnt get guilty before commiting the crime and sometimes people have the right to enter from jails garage maybe to talk with trainnes and wardens
    Indeed he gets spotted by cameras inside and becomes guilty

    It wasn't purposely removed, I simply accidentally removed it while cleaning up the garbage old code.

    yeah i noticed that, and wb mega

  2. Well our relation wasnt that good lately but yeah as u said everything comes to an end as feeling too
    and im sorry for everything i did wrong as anything good i appreciate doing
    Good luck bro

  3. @kybali0n said in [FEEDBACK] Bank Robbery Balance:

    Years ago the BRs defended themselves in the corridors. I don't agree with this change since only this is planned from a police perspective, a BR is organized by a TEAM of criminals, which evokes work of all (crackers, defenders), now if only one cop goes with the intention of arresting to get money and benefit himself and not stop the BR, then there is no teamwork. The cops don't know how to work as a team, if they grouped together from 5 to more, having flashbang and tazer, everything would be different. There is no problem with the increase in the amount of cracker, only this is being signaled because the police don't know how to work in a team.

    First time but yeah i agree with kyba

  4. @swiggity said in [FEEDBACK] Bank Robbery Balance:

    I honestly see some advantages about the new code pattern. This will force gangs to start a bankrob with a larger amount of members as example.

    However, about that collision part, I see some disadvantages (f.e. the crackers in the saferoom). Because you won't get any money for staying/camping at the lobby and this will force those criminals to even go and stay inside the saferoom. I bet that the crackers will be annoyed cuz of some people who can't behave inside that room.

    Like I said, it has its advantages but has disadvantages aswell...

    back to u today in UE BR 4 newbies got killed for hitting crackers and i got hit honestly causing me the lost of the number i was cracking

  5. @groove said in [FEEDBACK] Bank Robbery Balance:

    I kinda like the idea to defend in corridors. I'm also quite happy with doors having an higher codes but my issue comes at the safes. It'd be slightly better if only 2 to 4 safes had a 7 digits codes, the others having a 6 digits code like before; would make the safes-cracking harder than before without falling into exageration

    Im with groove i suggest this coding

    Door 1 - 1,000,000
    Door 2 - 2,500,000
    Door 3 - 5,000,000

    Safe 1 - 700,000
    Safe 2 - 800,000
    Safe 3 - 900,000
    Safe 4 - 1,000,000
    Safe 5 - 2,000,000
    Safe 6 - 3,000,000
    Safe 7 - 4,000,000
    Safe 8 - 5,000,000

    making a max of 5m will be better as u are cracking a 50k or 500k but with 6digits
    and will give back the abillity to make solo BRs because some gangs has only 1 cracker who is active from time to time

  6. @kipt said in [FEEDBACK] Bank Robbery Balance:

    To be fair, we (criminals) used to defend BRs from corridors when this mapped bank got added. Ain't that hard. Just place half of your defense on each side and keep on spraying. Oh and please don't BR SF while there are 10 SWATs on.

    as what happened in UE BR this morning SWAT fucked it in corridors who can kill 5 raiding xD
    things to add laggy cops and yeah we are done with corridors RIP BR

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