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Posts posted by Filex

  1. @skerdi said in Jailbreaks Rework:

    Well that jail with racking system was so big. But at this jail when you are cracking cops will come and arrest you so fast, but if you are an elite cracker and got some protection it seems like a good idea.

    Well It will be like the BR system alert starts when the door is already cracked + we can leave the classic JB as i mentioned

  2. Well After the ATM suggestion i see that this suggestion can fit too
    Back in the days (when i didnt exist yet :sunglasses: ) i heard that people used to crack to JB
    So i came with an idea to rework Jailbreaks and make it alive again because its dying
    Nowadays you jb just to get a friend out or if you are bored as fuck so you want to dm
    Also with the reset coming soon people will spam good income spawns to get money before others it will be a race
    Indeed i want to make JBs for income as the following :

    • Usually people in SAES need to JB fast so we will keep the first door classic , i mean u move to the door it
      starts opening and you jb as usual

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    • But we can make a script for the famous back door so people can crack (or find a new system, if cracking
      became too classic) so they open the gate indeed they get money for that like if you are taking a safe in a
      bank robbery

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    Also when he is escaping back

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    • Second idea was to make prisoners able to get their own freedom, Indeed we will make the rp part (so it can
      be more realistic) a technical problem in the jail security cells open every lets say ( 50 sec / it can change as
      people want to) and they will be able to crack a door inside of the jail (and i said it can be a new system not old
      cracking system + winning the money

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    Picture from the other side

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    • To finish the idea we need to make the other door able to be opened from the back side (it will also fix
      the problem of getting stuck inside and conflicts between criminals for this case) indeed we can make
      it classic (which is easy) or make a marker (it will be difficult because cops will be alerted)

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    • The final point was to make criminals able to rescue from the up of the jail and to crack a door from
      both sides

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    Note :


    Any comments to make idea better because i see that somethings are missing like time , time between cracks, mapping
    And sorry for scripters if the scipt will be long


  3. @kipt said in THIS IS NOT FAIR:


    I believe this got answer already, either by @Teddy or @Gengar's post. So I think its better if @vinnie closes this for now, unless either ICE, SAES or the staff in question has more to say, which in my opinion should be held in private.

    Side note and my small opinion about this topic: I understand all the frustration but I believe that neither the staff mention or any other staff goes around trying to screw, in a bad way, with people. On the other hand, I believe that ICE leadership needs to work on their communication skills, not only on the english side of it. They must learn when and when not to engage in a fight. We all have our meltdowns here and there but let's not go overboard with it.


    come on @kipt let @Licano and @Tilong have more fun watching this lmao

  4. @combine said in THIS IS NOT FAIR:

    @joshbond said in THIS IS NOT FAIR:

    @tut-greco said in THIS IS NOT FAIR:

    butthurt beyond 110%

    Not butthurt mate got more important things to be worried about ;)

    Just trying to help these guys out and also point out such actions should not be accepted. Not trying to get Human removed at all man. Everyone makes mistakes but I think a HQ member needs to speak to him about his poor choice of actions today and give him some advice on what he should do.

    It's funny because looking at all the text you've wrote on this topic it clearly seems like you don't have much important shit to do.

    I'm gonna briefly answer you too... Today I had an issue with ICE|James|VL who decided to shoot down my Combine Harvester till it exploded, claiming that he did it because I slightly rammed his bus at LV X which was stopped and he wasn't even driving, to top the thing he couldn't even explain himself for his actions with his bad English and when I asked an explanation to ICE|Sam|L he just told me "It's just a game, have fun" till I lastly convinced him to speak with James which probably didn't even happen. Oh and I was spawned trainee with 0 stars.

    Oh yeah James didn't even say "stop hitting my bus" before shooting me till my vehicle exploded, which I find pretty strange coming from an offical squad vice leader... Also not much to speak about his childish attitude, as I asked him if he reported me and he said he did not, and 10 minutes earlier Hesha was telling me he reported me (with a bullshit reason probably)

    So you want actions to be taken but certainly not inside your squad, when your Vice Leader cannot even abstain of doing "revenge deathmatch"

    Everything I see is pure interest.

    already everybody knows it ICE fucked everything since level 2

  5. @joshbond said in THIS IS NOT FAIR:

    @brophy said in THIS IS NOT FAIR:


    Such feels for being put in jail.

    Brophy, I am a bit disappointed with your comment to be honest. I expected more of a responsible review of this due to yourself being saes HQ. Now I understand that this is just a game, I completely do but such actions from SAES staff are serious.

    Similar to the example I used above with myself. If the sort of action that Human done was not acceptable 3 years ago, when I was staff. Then why are they acceptable now?

    I think this is something that should not be ignored as ICE reputation has been effected big time by this and could possibly effect our rank up to level 3 because of a poor choice from a SAES staff member.

    Like Brophy gives a fuck about what you think LMAO ahhahahahah

  6. -=(gray)(Applicant's Report)=-
    -=(maroon,black)A STORE ROBBERY IN LOS SANTOS CITY=-

    We got informations that a big number of calls was hitting off the police department's phone number, we were suprised so we went to the location recommended from one of our trust-worthy souces, We were suprised to see a number of 2 criminals still unknown stealing things from the interior Therefor we tried to calm and take some pictures for the happening

    Note ( The Official Logo of our New company KTN was used for Copyrights's system)
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    First of wall we tried to take pictures of the store while police officiers were negociating with the robbers to leave location and surrender
    and thats the front and back of the respected store.

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    Criminals were in a hard situation because of the number of cops surronding the store from both sides Indeed they used a smart tactic and jumped on the roof to escape from jefferson's street. Cops couldnt chase them and as some of our informations say they had a friendly car waiting for them infront of the famous jefferson's motel but no cameras could flash them.

    Althought our photographers took some pics of each one's face while jumping on the roof

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    After we enterred the store where we found the body of the store's owner who was unfortuatly murdered while resisting, In addition we want to give special thanks to the offciers who were easy to our lust for information Indeed we could easily take pics of the store Interior

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    To support his family our ability wasnt enought to publish the picture of the dead corp So we found an old picture of him to post below as you see.

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    In The end also we made an interview with the two cops that lead the evacuation and raid of the store.

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    Officier Micheal Grade 2

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    Officier Phillips Jefferson Street's Police Department General.

    -=(maroon,black)The Interview:=-


    KTN's Reporter : Congratulation Sir for this mission
    Phillips : I dont find it Succeeded so i prefer to keep celebrations after we get the two suspects
    KTN's Reporter : What do you want to say to the store's owner family
    Philips : We are really sorry for what happened but i give promises as the general of the departement to get your son's rights back by giving the right judgement and traitement to the robbers


    For More Stunning News Follow our company -=(cyan,navy,red,black)KTN (Kool Times News)=-

  7. PART 1
    Nickname: Filex
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Current Groups: IAC/UC/KC/TMH
    Rate your English (1-10 scale): 8
    Have you ever been banned (state why): No

    PART 2
    What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security): Reporter
    Why are you interested in joining this division: I feel like its the division that can fit my skills; i love writing about events,things and exposing it to people in my own style thats why i want to be a part of it.
    Why do you want to be part of KTN: By reading the topic i found that KTN is a really interresting group as i say in all my application to new ideas groups i want to change the routine of SAES; rpg Indeed the idea of making news about every event happening (Brs, special events, public opinion and weather) is making SAES more realistic althought its a bit difficult
    State why should we choose you over other candidates: I can communicate to get information and obiously write it in a special way to people so they can find it understandable and funny if it is or serious in other part Indeed i can be a plus for the KTN
    ( In addition i made a report you can check it -=(red)here=- )

  8. I suggest to make a script for ATM so criminals can hack atm for money
    and i suggest to use the cracking script indeed normal criminals will have the chance to learn cracking
    instead of keep it as a priviledge for official gangs

    -=(gray) (When i discussed this suggestion in first place with a friend he said if people wants to crack they can use nanoweb which is in this link for wonders but my answer was nanoweb is also made for Official gang members because they learn to crack so they get money in BRs, while normal criminals hav nothing to motivate for that) =-

    Explanition of the suggestion :

    • ATM in SAES are divided on all map :

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    • A criminal can go to an ATM

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    • He will get the usual window of the takeout what ATM are made for

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    • We can add a little trick with guiCreateButton

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    • Then the hacker will be able to have the cracking panel on his screen for a period of time generated in a way to fit the number

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    In the case of the cracking number i can suggest to make a window that allows cracker to choose the number he wants to crack and the money generated to an algorithm (but the script will take much time ) instead i suggest to make random number and also random amount of money
    To avoid abuse also a period of time between cracks will be enought
    Also the player will get a number of stars after ending his mission

  9. @teddy Everybody can do bad things in his life sometimes you cant remember Indeed you come to forgive urself this man doesnt just forgive himself but also made people think about life in another way (saying its not the end)
    Listen to this song Click Here

  10. ^[alt text]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 13]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Jefferson Motel's Ultimate Quiz (Fixed version of Filex's Jefferson Quiz) ]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: SAES>Fyrr]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- [TT]Note]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ]

    ^[Picture Number 1 / Picture Number 2 / Picture Number 3 / Picture Number 4 /Picture Number 5]

    ^[alt text]

  11. XXXTENTACION was a legend that cant be forgotten.
    If you are like me a fan post your favourite Quote, Song or Picture made by him
    and lets keep him reminded
    -=(red,blue,black)Rest in Peace Legend !=-

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