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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Well i was happy to see the idea coming @Kain before few hours But after making things into practice i found a big huge space between the theoritical and the practical part The new BR system is challenging from the numbers but incapacitate defenders We tried the system this morning with 2 of our best crackers with another cracker and we got 7/8 and 6/8 both reasons of fail were cops destroying the defense immediatly althought we had a good defense in Coridors I suggest to lower Numbers or make defenders able to stay in the entery room as usual
  2. well i see this more challenging but we need to look about a more interresting problem which is the number of gangs currently patrolling in SAES which doesnt give the opportunity to everbody to start a BR and create conflicts out of stealings what i want to say making this longer means also making the opportunity to do it shorter and set the timer to 3h between each BR so the marker comes up again
  4. @joshbond said in RIP O.... again (sorry Joe): @jay said in RIP O.... again (sorry Joe): @achik no, leadership has gone to @Joshbond @Jay Nah already dealt with a shit organisation 'ICE' dont need another one to deal with ;) dont worry josh u wont get it think if josh takes O the gang has plenty inactive people who made things for the gang he will kick them all ahahaha :laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
  5. ^[] ^[LS BR 8/8] ::: ^[] :::
  6. @mootje said in Official Quote Wall: @filex What about you just click on the image with your right mouse button and then click on copy image address? ... And @Reacher Imgur works perfectly but you use the album link instead of the actual link of the image. That's why it doesn't work on the forums. If you want it to work you need the actual image link with the extension at the end (example .png & .jpg). You can get the actual image link by doing what I told Filex above ^ same xD just 2 sec wasted of a life
  7. we cant for example use the function addPedClothes ?
  8. @reacher said in Official Quote Wall: I had the same problem, when you use imgur links, the image simply doesn't show up. What I'm currently doing is uploading images on a discord server and then copying the link and posting it here. Trust me it works. I have the solution and its working : First when you will upload a picture on imgur you do that Then it will show and i think you all use the link that shows Indeed you need to go to ur account and click Images then click on the image and a list of links will show you need to copy direct link and it will work Example of what you get with the link that shows directly when you upload
  9. -Nickname: Filex -Username: medtheman -Age: 18 -English proficiency: i would rather say 8/10 -Why would you like to join us?: Venturas Turning is a real original idea group that i would like to say that i want to change the routine in saes and help as much as i can Indeed i have many friends in VT -How you will benefit us?: i can give as much as i can, with any kindness and acceptable attitude, plus i can help in everything that is in relation with the media or topic posts -Character roleplay backstory: Med Filex was born in the middle of Los Santos in the 7th of april 1990, he had a special ambation in painting things, this obsession grew with him with years until he became able to join a designing university and learn more about the complex basics of designing, After finishing his studying years he went with a friend of his father ricardo - who had a car house that prepare new designs for the main house- he learnt more about vehicle mechanics and components. Indeed he gain the much experience to lead the house after ricardo's death but he wasnt satisfied so he left to the current house controlling the market with the name Venturas Tunning.
  10. @Adistar be like and leave leadership for someone who deserve good luck jay wish u all the best with ur futur
  11. ^[] ^[LS BR 8/8] ::: ^[] :::
  12. I was laughing to this so hard, althought its a bug that caused us a lost pbr but it was funny tho What happened is we started a pbr in the sf bank exactly at 19:27 server time and after 2 or 3 mins the bank closed its's doors and markers function was stopped then safes door got opened again but the other doors were still closed and markers with no function yet. until bank resetted SAES>Fyrr assisted to this @Fyrr -=(blue)Album of Pics=- (click)
  13. ^[Turfing LV & BC] ::: ^[Before] ^[-=(red)Zones Before=-] ^[After] ^[-=(lime)Zones After=-] :::
  14. @starwars said in Fixing the jail: Not only that but also I'd like to remind you all that this USED to be a thing back when the jail was implemented and not moved at all. It was already a feature which no one used to complain about back in the day, it worked well and was good to have around. You can't just walk in a jail like nothing. You never ask the question why it changed ? maybe it was changed on purpose And if you want to talk about the realistic part @Lartsa a criminal doesnt get guilty before commiting the crime and sometimes people have the right to enter from jails garage maybe to talk with trainnes and wardens Indeed he gets spotted by cameras inside and becomes guilty
  15. the warden spawn is there, no fun if u arrest him before it even happens -1
  16. Good luck and RIP @Adistar is HQ
  17. ICE ICE baby
  18. I swear if Netflix comes and make a movie out of ICE story it will break up man dont feel sorry for ICE Sam is fucking the squad and he will keep doing that the only way to stop ICE from dying is to clean the HQ team not the inactive members that cant be done because of the mess your leader is causing I have no personal problems non with sam nor with ICE members but the best thing you did is leaving Note : no one including leader have the power to decide alone
  19. @laza said in Few Updates: @filex said in Few Updates: @nicus the polish @Hesha the egyptian and @System31 the turkish in the clan house R.I.P SAES :stuck_out_tongue: Gz boys why u copy my text nigga? it looks similiar! :D tbh i didnt even see it but i will keep just gz :P
  20. Gz boys
  21. Roleplay title : A fast deal with a new alliance Roleplay with : Overdose Crime Participants : @Mrwan Everybody heard about overdose crime the old drugs gang coming back to the streets, indeed our infos had some calls and got into small dealings with them one of them was this evening when one of our powerful muscle soldiers went to desert where he found Mrwan the founder and leader of the reviving. They talked for some time about their situation and each one was explaining the concept of dealing from his side After few minutes our soldier asked him to follow him to the trunk where he was hiding the drugs in case any tropper stops him then he aked mrwan to review if the qualitie is not worthless but precious as UE drugs aways been lately Mrwan took the package of money out of his jacket pocket and gave it to our soldier Before they take drugs to Mrwan's car and blow up the old one Mrwan took UE's guy to a safe place where he could find transport and went away with the car after a successful deal
  22. Roleplay title : The end of a traitor Participants : @ClaR Underground Empire had it's prestigious reputation and respect between San Andreas streets, what made recruits learn how to act professional before they become a new addition to the organization soldiers. Indeed the story comes to talk about one of these new soldiers, who was normal in all cases before he lose his sense and try to dumbess his leaders The morning Clar one of the patriarch called him to his office, he had no doubt that something will happen later this conversation he asked many questions before he understood that the soldier lost his lust to fight and war in the name of the gang. and his doubts got bigger when he knew that guy who UE threw in the prison was his brother (out of his infos) He wanted to give him another chance when he asked him to follow the prisoner and get him out of the prison before shutting his head off with a colt 15. The soldier had no complaints and left the office directly to UE's car followed secretly by a secret person ordered by Clar and started driving to the jail location The wardens were corrupted so it was easy to get him out of the jail, he fast changed his car to a white alpha and gave the keys to his brother so he drives, they stopped in the middle of the desert and had a conversation he informed him with everything he was asked to do. Indeed the brother told him to come with him and warned him about what will happen to him althought he said i will tell them any excuse to leave me and left the car back to his car. He was driving between mountains until he got lost out of fuel. Therfor he went to a gaz station left his car and start fueling back when he got a fast sniper bullet passing throught his brain cells. He got down on the floor drowning in his blood. On the other side Clar called the soldier and gave him the order to end the traitor's life. Thats what happen to everyone who refuses the orders of the patriarch.
  23. @starwars said in Smart Banking System in SAES: Why a group: The group members will be able to delete, give loans and take properties to make a auction with the taken properties for the group bank (in help with SAHA) ''a special panel will be set for the group money'' (except the creation that will be automatic). -=(navy,maroon,sienna,black)THE MEMBERS WILL BE CHOSEN ONCE THE GROUP AND THE IDEA ARE SET BY ADMINS=- The idea behind this is marvelous. But what I see here is quite an issue. Even though SAES members would recruit "responsable" players for such a position.. Wouldn't it be safer to not to involve players at all? Make a menu where you select a property, (house that costs 10 k as an example) You can get a loan of 10 k as maximum, as it's what the value which you got instead is. You get a term of some time to return the loan, if you don't, property gets automatically claimed by saes. Then a simple saha can auction the house as usual and make even more money for the banking system. If it comes to a vehicle, just use the price which you get when you sell it, (If I'm not wrong, half the price it costs when you buy it) So for example, if you've got a car that costs 500 k, you'll get a loan of 250 k max, and the car will be removed from the disk automatically, once again, without involving players. Another thing, didn't see a word about interest rates, if you get a loan for x time, there should be x% that will be an extra. < If you didn't consider this, it would improve the script even more, making it even more complicated to write. In overall, you've got a great idea right there that might be really a gamechanger as with a proper economy reset, the banking system could be updated.. well scripters will be fixing bugs that can be caused out of the system so the best thing to deal with that is to make players able to do the job, and we have trust-worthy members in SAES that can do this including admins Watch the example of SAHA
  24. @human_ said in Smart Banking System in SAES: U able to script this? Ability is just a question of time
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