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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Good luck, nice gang
  2. Filex


    @marko said in security: Forums are safe, it's just @Filex was asslicking u, idk why but he was and he just upvoted all your retarded posts and if u can read, those 66 notifications u got were filex upvoting u... :laughing: i wasn"t asslicking i was just trying to help hahahaha
  3. @master-chief said in Dislike all my posts: @moenesmjaid said in Dislike all my posts: Lucky @Master-Chief you have 54- :( call me lucky? this is the worst thing that have ever happened to me :disappointed: dw
  4. gz @Strong zebi our expert @Expert nabi gz all WA (@Karma @GanJa asba)
  5. @thek said in July Updates: @odorian said in July Updates: Wish one of the devs would no longer be continuing his job in SAES Clan I completely agree, and I would probably return (sooner) if what has to happen, does happen. just give me the name XD
  6. xD @Ment @zaza it's like u are wasting all the money u made upon years for a gt house wtf
  7. @human_ said in PolicySquad Recruitment [Not official gang we need first level 1]: Good luck! lol human @wesleyxl bro you won"t get lvl 1 with such topic, it's an uncomplete topic you need to add things and make the topic more realistic/original with some spoilers/logos you need to add a backstory/roleplays(list)/informations(like color code foundation date) and finally a media archive here where you post the activities/roleplays /events and everything It's not easy you need time bro ask me in pm if you need more informations :smile:
  8. Distinctive questions Ingame name: Filex Username: medtheman Country of Residence: Tunisia, Tunis Spoken Languages: Arabic, French and English Date of birth: 27/04/2000 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I dont have the exact date but 8 months and a half ago Previous organisations: ThC, BBMC,UE Miscellaneous questions 1- Define The Company's role in one sentence: The Company is an underground criminal covert organisation that's goal is to take over the world by selling and negotiating in an illegal ways. 2- You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? I would talk to him and solve in a suitable way by explaining the situation unless, otherwise i will talk to superior Staff/Admins that will be understandable. 3- You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? Althought my chances won't be big to survive I will try to stay alive the much possible until i find a solution or i would move to the other world. 4- There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? The relation will be professional in all situations, if i see any kind of disturbance i will talk to HQs/superiors and they will deal with him to keep things clear.
  9. PART 1 - Personal Information Ingame & Account name: Filex & medtheman Real name: Yassine Nationality: Tunisian Age: 18 Do you have discord? Yes PART 2 - Ingame Information Are you apart of any Groups? I was a part of many groups before one of them UC but i left for some reasons was thinking about retiring and then changed my mind finally to apply back here Current S/G/C: N/A How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 8 months and a half What are your strengths: Roleplaying skills, communication skills, pretty open to any kind of disscusions jokes and argumentation what makes me a good members for my mates. In addition the other classic game skills driving, shooting and piloting. What are your weakness: I sometimes take the next levelwhen i joke frequently what makes people annoyed and shows me as a kid (not mature enought for someone compared to my age) Rate your English skills (0-10): 8-9/10 (some spelling mistakes can take the last point) Rate your RP skills (0-10): 9/10 (some fantasy can take a point too) PART 3 - Additional Information Tell us about yourself: I'm Yassine an 18 years old tunisian, started playing saes 8 months ago, spent the first 3 months as a newbie as i knew nothing until i joined my first gang ThC where i learnt much about things basics for every part of the community like using forums posting, making rps and communication. I'm a mature person when it's the case to be otherwise i'm the kind guy who likes to joke and have fun. What is our main role (By your own words): Why do you want join our family: The reason been set in my old application and its still the same. one new reason added is I'm Ex member so i want to comeback Why should we accept you in our family: The informations i gave in my application are enought to present the capacity i have + I'm coming back fresh so will try my best to do what i can do. If you had a chance to join our activities with us post the screens here: Nope
  10. @ted said in Your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company: @filex lol you're internet explorer or what it has been months ago :grimacing: well igaf someone posted lattely so the topic comes out in the unread
  11. actully, its good from the rp side why not a group or a place on map like C to rent cars its like trying them with maybe 10% of the real price @Blade
  12. @human_ said in "Requesting a Lawyer" Concept: lmao, I could buy myself out of jail like 5000 times. I like this idea. abuser ahahah
  13. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 17] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Chicken Shooter (Classic Shotgun) ] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: CripZ>Zaza] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- Stlooth ] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture Number 1 / Picture Number 2 / Picture Number 3]
  14. @m7mod said in "Requesting a Lawyer" Concept: Maybe for government (Department of Justice) another example but the goverment is inactive maybe a new elections ?
  15. Good luck bro
  16. Username: gosta Last seen: 4th november 2017 Screenshots: ::: ^[] :::
  17. @xavier said in "Requesting a Lawyer" Concept: As much as i would love to see this open for everyone , but maybe make it a spawn available to those with the ProCop diploma. Great idea tho that's what i meant
  18. Gangs - level 1-5 -=(#C34A2C)[TT] - Tuga Thugs=- : [The same point will be stated for 3 allies AA-TT-BB they are all great gangs one of the oldest but inactivity from the activity is leaving an emptyy space althought TT is doing the main activity in server for all OGs which is BRs but turfs, Rps and events are still missing] -=(#cc0066)[AA] - Arms Assasins=- : A gang with all competances, from the activity of members and the skills, where we find the most professional Dmers out of CLO there whithout mentionning, the gang came back to turfs lately but disappeared again, also same for BRs when the new system came. It's one of the best but like a closed castiel ] -=(#ff8c00)[B~B] - Black Bullets=- : [Same for both nothing to add, except that members activity is lowered, i see only 3 members from time to time including RAMPAGE the [L] and A7mad rest deseapered] -=(#99cc66)[Z] - Organization Zero=- : [Old gang, many legends came out of it's nest but now its a gang for the new community to learn basic Indeed Z deserves lvl5 because i believe many legends will come out from there] -=(#800000)[UE] - Underground Empire=- : [UE is nothing compared to the old stories i heard about but the HQ team knows how to revive a gang and thats what we see compared to the old activity] -=(#493d26)[BS] - Black Syndicate=- : [Winter wasnt the best season for BS as i noticed big inactivity now they are back to the battle, same for there leader who was inactive] -=(#80002b)[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : [The Gang is not organized that well although, the members are good. we can call CDC the night gang because of it's late activity at night (brazilian members) something to add new members to present the gang the the early time of the server] -=(#696969)[O] - The Outfit=-: [The Gang has an awesome activity also skills, their HQ team should be noticed too for its activity but still some work on the archives] -=(#00554f)CripZ=-: [I can just say amk Zaza your gang disappeared since lvl 5 only HQs are on and some players, I mean it when i say some] -=(#800080)[WA]- Wild Angel=-: [The gang is a real example for the activity, the members want to add something also the leader and his vice. perfect nothing to add currently] -=(#ababab)[THC] - The Company=-: [The gang has a big activity, which make it a good place to have in addition its active from all sides, Perfect yet ] Squads - level 1-5 Sorry but never been in a squad doesnt give me the right to comment. I tried to state what i think, votes are your freedom and i will accept any kind of arguments
  19. @ted said in Your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company: Ice should have shown more progress than activity. The first option should be to create an appropriate rank system and leaving fast promotions inside the squad. Secondly, the recruitment system should be based on a high standard for all of these test. If you succeed on these targets you may improve your quality on the server. I believe, when you solve these fundamentals, we could see better ICE in the future. Regards Ted nigga you serious hahaha
  20. @blade said in "Requesting a Lawyer" Concept: Me likey, however wouldn't this be abused? Even though it's a money sink (as 50% goes away). I like the concept however. well yeah it will get abused if the wrong people use it, indeed i suggest a group so mature people will be able to do the job :sunglasses:
  21. Sir @chikoU , sorry to interrupt you but this is not the right place to apply also you didn't specify which/what you want to join. bro meet me ingame i"m ready to offer any kind of help :smile:
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