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Everything posted by Filex

  1. your ping average is so high this happens to me when i have some connexion issues and even if you will join you want be able to finish 10 sec before getting kicked :(
  2. ~[23/09/2018 - Gang Activity]~(magenta)
  3. ~[22/09/2018 - San Fierro BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #29]~(magenta)
  4. Well, as it's a message to the mentionned people up this won't be much appreciated but i will give my opinion like everytime, SAES is not Something able to die easily even if people are leaving because it's more than just an RPG server upon the years it gained more than that to become an attached Community and even better to say a family, you can see that in the tribute i attended few minutes ago, now let's talk about what you mentionned groups and improvements but also what the Community wants, you are right the server is trying to improve/change to the best and even completely with old stories like KATLA but if you will present this as the Reason people are leaving for you should be wrong because people are asking more for these features, some classic it's not bad you can stop the mods by simple unchecking it in the settings when you press "m", Second the groups who are not getting chances, here i'm with you nowadays SAES is Simply attached to the old classic groups like lws/zip/g6/clo/de and any group with a similar idea will be buried in few weeks and worst to become a sarcastic meme Inside the server like what happened to "CEO"; if we try to give more chances to improve what people give as scripts/suggestions accepted as it's the main Reason a whole section on forums is made SAES let's say won't become boring because it will only die when the clan is dead.
  5. @PunchLine meet me ingame can you archive this please :D
  6. Rest in peace Faker you were and you will last as our brother here and there
  7. if the problem is with the client not the server go to MTA discord server they will be able to help you more
  8. ~[22/09/2018 - San Fierro BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #29]~(magenta)
  9. ^[] ^[ -=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 26] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Land on my Fire Truck] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Mrwan] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- Matizz / sarp] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture Number 1 / Picture Number 2 / Picture Number 3 / Picture Number 4] ^[]
  10. Type of Event: Land On My Fire Truck LWS Helpers: @Mrwan Prize: 1.000.000$ (2 rounds) Winner: Matrizz/sarp Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 25] ^[ -=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Knock me off my NRG] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: [AA]Zombie] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- Zombie] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture Number 1 / Picture Number 2 / Picture Number 3 / Picture Number 4 / Picture Number 5] ^[]
  12. Event Number: 333 Event Type: Knock me off my NRG LWS/G6/Ceo : Zombie Winner(s): Destor/Taj/rainers Prize: 1.500.000$ (3 rounds of 500k) Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. ~[21/09/2018 - Las Venturas BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #26]~(magenta)
  14. @chief said in see ya in my birthday: @Filex Stalker nah i just hav a watching sta on BBMC topic
  15. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/278/the-blood-brothers-mc-level-1/196 @Thing
  16. Today you breath tomorrow you die but you never know when whish he had a good life and died satisfied with what he knew No words can describe so just rip
  17. Event Number: 332 Event Type: Rhino Shooter LWS/G6/Ceo : Licano Winner(s): Camaron Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. @teddy said in Best admin EVER :3: the new chrome visual update sucks so bad +1
  19. Stating Bid : 150k ~[Map]~(maroon,navy) / ~[GUI]~(maroon,navy)
  20. Event Number: 331 Event Type: Chicken Nader LWS/G6/Ceo : @Arone Winner(s): grizzly Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. First time i see a tamsou7 post upvoted to 6 because he is roasting @Marko
  22. Filex


    @pau said in bye: @scripter said in bye: yes i am accepted to fox i wasnt banned keep dreaming, you little boy scriptr will fit well for fox accept him already @Hassoni @Sam_
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