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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Event Number: 78 Event Type: Hide and Seek LWS/G6: Dufabo Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Bernasx ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  2. Event Number: 77 Event Type: Hunter Shooter LWS/G6: Nyx Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): aboody ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  3. Event Number: 76 Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6: Ramos Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Hash ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  4. Event Number: 75 Event Type: 1vs1 Sniper HOSTER : Filex Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Jizzy ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  5. ~[30/09/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #45]~(magenta) ::: ~[Special Thank for our lovely allies and friends for supporting us all along the road <3 ]~(purple,maroon,navy) :::
  6. @nemesis said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @pump said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @Blade, can you please get this conversation to a private conversation or maybe creating a topic or whatever because he wont stop talking and Im sure right now he is answering you in a comment. His case was closed long ago, if he keeps spamming his shit on every single topic (including PMing admins) his punishment will be extended. Tamsou7 is showing that his interest in saes is over, he won't give a fuck :laughing:
  7. @ayken said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: hahaha 1-im not being a dick 2-stop bullshiting in this topic its to say 1 thing to staffs not to open conversation here ! talk to me in PM if you want to speak to me. pump said that but you were indifferent lol
  8. @ayken said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @Pump you can't tell me what to do if the admins told me don't do that i wont do that you are not admin so shut up and if you don't want to see me then don't read my comment ! that's why you banned ?
  9. @nemesis said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @ayken said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: I want to say something to all HQ and Admins in saes, yea im banned from saes i wont lie for it i insulted 1 HQ and 1 admin you are not banned for insulting @ayken said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: you are not our lord I am Tamsou7 is banned for being a kid simply the time gave for his appeal is a time that he should spend discovering how to become a mature person.
  10. Change the name already and get me some popcorn this is getting hotter @Tilong /me waiting for drama
  11. @zeus74330 said in Underground Empire: Ye @ClaR be a ragging kiddo, not my fault that u dont know how to do ur job, pay some attention to ur gang's discord before judge or take decisions, grow up a little, aight? Stfu
  12. ^[] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 27] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=- Avoid The Jihadhist] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Strong] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- NeverSit] ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ] ^[Picture Number 1 / Picture Number 2 / Picture Number 3] ^[]
  13. Event Number: 338 Event Type: Avoid Th Jihadist LWS/G6/Ceo : Strong Winner(s): NeverSit Prize: 5.000.000$ Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. lol this topic turning like silence's topic hahaahha
  15. @kipt said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @Filex @Pilcrow The difference here is that everyone wants to join 'company A' in the first place. When they realize that they don't have any change either by their own skills or contacts, they decide to create the "B company" so they can fell a bit better about themselves. Sorry if I'm too direct here but hey, I'm behind a PC so I can say the fuck I want. My point is. Want to create a group to make it official? Cool, you have my full support, but try to make something different from what we already have on the server and not just copy paste a group because 'you' couldn't join. For example, I remember a group (couple years ago) called E-ZIP that was a ZIP's subgroup (kind off) for events. Guess what? Many members that after join E-ZIP joined LWS 'left' the group, which lead to its death, that and inactive members. "You can see where this is going." Well let's say Ceo is LWS copycat ok, but bes is not g6's for the simple reason explained at the first part of my reply
  16. @pilcrow said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: Adding on Filex's reply, it's similar to economics. Imagine this example. A country has a company called A. This company is the only of its type in the country, so it doesn't have competition. This means that it can offer services however it wants. It can be expensive, offer terrible customer service, etc.. Now a new company called B opens in the country. There is now competition between companies A and B. If company B wants to become better (and make more money) than company A, it has to offer better services. So company B offers the same services of company A but cheaper and with better customer service. Company A doesn't want to lose its customers, so it drops the prices more than B, or offers attractive packages. You can see where this is going. Just a thought. but the goverment will be supporting one of them and the other one will be suppressed to clear the market the goverment here is the clan
  17. @human_ said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: Life is all about favourism @Filex . It will always help you if you know/get along with the boss of a company you want to be part of. Better off learning that before you go out into real life, and not after youve been turned down several times. Quality is important for gangs/squads/clo/de, but most important is how you act and how well you get along. i know that right but there is always a second choice and thats what this topic is made for
  18. ~[23/09/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #30]~(magenta)
  19. @Bone Having one group with same role is not a Reason to denie another group , let's say G6 is simillar to BES role but let me explain a small point here, CLO is a group made for criminals and prohibited for the other side (which i mean with squads/DE/Goverment) and you will never be able to join G6 without joinning CLO that's a point. as it's from an old topic of (the cuban embassy) which is the first step to join the Cuban army (aka: CLO) but i think it still stands for the same thing find it here Now let's move to the second important part of that which is related to our thinking and logic as humans, and please let's stop being dramatic and too good at acting because everybody knows that if you fuck up with someone from the group you are looking for, you will dream to join it (for example if you fuck up with a CLO/DE jefe/commander you will never be able to join), let's say it's not the same and you will be able to join based on what you can give but trust me we will be lying to our selfs because the recruitement of players today is no more based on just the quality it's based on Something called favouritism. So these groups turned from a place where you can find the typical members of the server to a place where sit the best of the best in a--licking with my respect to some. ~[So Having two groups with same role is not a useless thing it's more helpful than anyone thinks, because the hidden is much uglier than what we can see, last to say insult me or correct me but trust me idgaf if you won't get Something reasonable to argument with.]~(maroon,navy,sienna)
  20. join here so we talk more https://discord.gg/MR64u4T if you don't have discord try the reset ingame if you don't get the email two Probabilities 1- wrong email, that they can check 2- system fucked and (nano sucks) which is fixed long ago
  21. @scripter said in hey i need help: okay thanks some people downvote me just to annoy just stay quiet, say good things and they won't :D
  22. @scripter idk but as @Jamal420 said try now and please don't try to be an attention whore or something so you won't lose ur rep i won't be able to help more
  23. funny how this topic turned from a message about the server in global to a fight between LWS and Ceo
  24. @StarDust this is a dead gang you can't apply for it Bu artk yok bir ete var
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