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Everything posted by Filex

  1. @Carter said in Ghost town script: Not that hard. I can do that easily Nah calm urself im doing this
  2. @Radrick said in Ghost town script: +1 Good Idea filex and as pular said would be great for boxing too also racing Im thinking about a script that @Adistar thought about Gonna suggest after this one
  3. Imma work on the system wont take long but next week as the poll is positive until now
  4. this suggestion was requested by someone. Well as many of you know the thing of ghost town and how its something (traditional) to describe it in SAES. But unfortunately many people are suffering of scum or rage in such situations what i wanna make here is a small system to place the money from both sides and start the game. We can even make it better to teleport em to a different dimension so they fight there without any interruptions and this will allow having more than 1 fight at once
  5. 36 person voted for me im sorry that i lost but i promise a better start next elections. God saves us god saves san andreas
  6. Damn we all know that its because of the name Erdogan
  7. @reket said in Carjacker revote: it should be moving a bit faster, otherwise it is way too easy to do it Yea check the note
  8. @Predator said in Carjacker revote: i think adding an animation to this will be perfect,Well Done!! Yes working on static stuff
  9. ^[] ^[Las Venturas Bank Robbery - 8/8 - 07/04/2019] ^[]
  10. well as many of you know this was my suggestion 8 months ago (my first ) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1158/carjacker-script-idea?page=1 and as i saw some disagreement when i shared a small "demo" i'm doing the vote again note : this is just a demo the real jacking process will have 3 rounds of the minigame and harder each time ofc so it wont be ez to lose your car https://youtu.be/dtoeDmCA7HU
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtoeDmCA7HU&feature=youtu.be
  12. for any party that want to share the discord server i'm making a special election update tonight
  13. ^[] ^[Las Venturas Bank Robbery - 8/8 - 06/04/2019] ^[]
  14. ^[] ^[San Fierro Bank Robbery - 8/8 - 06/04/2019] ^[]
  15. @Anas_ said in Time to restart for brs: nah What a useful comment brother.
  16. @KARIM said in Time to restart for brs: @JohnnyEnglish why the fuck cops need timing? only the gang that is robbing the bank needs a timing to avoid risk or.. Nah the suggestion will go for both it will help criminals to avoid a fail and it will help cops to manage better and to know how much to give for a raid or whatever
  17. @JohnnyEnglish said in Time to restart for brs: @KARIM said in Time to restart for brs: @Filex fk u with ur time, i mean better to make the time starts after opening the 3 DOOR. Oh yes, my expert cracking skills need 15 mins to crack 8 safes This will make BRs immune so no. What do you want the police to do if you fail it at 2nd door, wait until some Crim sneaks back inside recracks it and then arrest after safes are started? What are u talking about, when u crack first door u have 20min baby then 5min after third door.
  18. @KARIM said in Time to restart for brs: yey CD like old one ( uk time ) :D My clock is being fixed
  19. Well to explain more im suggestion a small draw to be added when a br starts for those inside the bank to know the time left to reset i think this is easy to do and useful And why not add the safes left aswell (edit: didnt explain it so im now, we may add a command as option to hide it or show it back in case it puts pressures on u as cracker)
  20. @Tut-Greco said in Dodger challenger: just fyi i'm not removing Tampa so if this gets added it'll be placed on a random unused car We will add a poll to replace tampaa later dw xD
  21. Well as the title says here is the pic... Here is the link Vote guys (replace current tampaa mod) https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/68319-dodge-challenger-srt-hellcat-2015-hqlm-pj.html
  22. @JohnnyEnglish said in Spy/follower spawn: That ped might obstruct other players and scripting it an AI to move free about ain't gonna be easy other, moreover Cough HLS Cough Not really the ped/his vehicle will have no collision indeed he will affect no one and no crashes will happen and maybe even set em invisble for everyone except spy Finally the AI who said we need an AI we can make many possibilities and just make ped move based on those possibilities which will be chosen randomly Its not a question of difficulty its a question of will and support
  23. @Nav said in Porsche mod: @Filex just stop with the dumb suggestions I dont see something dumb except a person commenting with shit words instead of working his mind and explaining his opinion
  24. @Marko said in Porsche mod: why people aint suggesting car mods of true awesome vehicles like: ::: ::: Imma suggest this to replace tampa
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