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Everything posted by Raf0

  1. Happy birthday ya a7lla si @Faysal l3a9ba l100 sna
  2. Welcome @jojoa finally we see u in bro so glad for u mate, gz and welcome again
  3. Happy birthday @FXY enjoy brooo
  4. HBD
  5. Happy birthday @Bone bro, enjoy Your time bro.
  6. @Maxyou12 said in Prevent criminals from mark killing at Jail: @Raf0 stop talking and refusing suggestions and you don't understand it who said i don't understand it , i got it but if u make suggestion let us give our opinions, why do u like to make fights in forum? anywyas i won't answer u anymore. keep crying
  7. @Maxyou12 said in Prevent criminals from mark killing at Jail: @Raf0 oh, i didn't notice in the topic that the vote not for kids (17+) just vote and shut up i just gave my opinion lol. you have think before talking
  8. @Tut-Greco said in Prevent criminals from mark killing at Jail: @Raf0 @alex0107 @sila abuse is abuse, it applies to both sides. If we get reports or see it happen we take action by verbal/warning -> jail. Get a recording software so that you can replay the scenario and prove that a player was abusing the protection. Screenshots are less effective in this case, which is why we usually can't do anything but ask the reported player to be careful with marker protection. that means to kill in jail mark not allowed ? bro that won't be good man
  9. @Maxyou12 . Lol all cops are camping in the mark and abuse it and u want us to stop killing cops in the mark ? please just stop crying and act just 1 time seriously. as sila said, just as i said stop crying
  10. Well mate, , sad to see you go, good luck man , hope you enjoy your future
  11. HBD @Spetnazz
  12. ah ya @Anas_ Happy birthday khouya ( kol 3am wenti 7y b5ir)
  13. Happy birthday @Sanek
  14. HBD @zKill98
  15. @Bartman said in [Suggestion] Possibility to use X in all the cars.: also what would be nice is beeing able to have more than 8 mens in a ~50 sitter bus : D i mean not unlimited amount. like what teddy said 3 or 2
  16. @Teddy said in [Suggestion] Possibility to use X in all the cars.: No for unlimited amount of glues, those should be reserved for the current cars which you can glue. But 100% yes for a small limit, e.g. 1 person can glue on a 2-door car and 2 people can glue to all 4-door cars. yeah exactly atleast 2 or 3
  17. Well, everyone knows that we cannot use X in any car except the trucks or Stick to it, so i wanna say, why don't we just let the possibility to use X in all cars, and i think that will be good for crims and cops and all players, so that's all, and thanks for voting.
  18. ^[] Applicant Main Information : - Nickname : I'm known as 'Raf' - Username : My username is 'raefmlaih' - Age : I'm currently 15 - Nationality : Tunisian - Languages you can speak : Arabic, Frensh and English Player SAES Career Information : - Dow long have you been playing on SAES? : I'm playing SAES since 2016 - Ho you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : ICE/ SAFP/ FBI/ PB - If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : i left ICE bec i was hanging alone and bec of the inactivity. I left SAFP because I had some problems with HQ's . i left FBI for the same reason with SAFP. PB Died. - Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Yes I got ban,Because I get admin in copycat server when I was AFK then Brophy banned me. - What groups are you currently part of ? : I'm part of IAC,Cluck and FC Personality Information : - What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you?: I may joined many gangs but my loyalty for B~B it will be really perfect so i would like to make activities such a good things for Black Bullets, and it would be a wish for anybody to join such an amazing gang such as B~B - Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black~Bullets a is founded criminal organization, they are based in San Fierro but their services cover San andreas as a whole, the classes they assassinate include cops, civilians, and criminals and For the right price they can eliminate who threats their business. - Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : After I saw the members and read the topic of Black Bullets I've really got a huge motivation and positivity towards the gang and it would just an honor to join such a great gang. - Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes,I know many friends Like Faysal,Voli,Nicky,Nyx... But no one told me to apply I decided alone. - Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Well, that's all thank you. ::: :::
  19. Happy birthday @Aurora :clap:
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