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Everything posted by Raf0

  1. Happy birthday @Hotfire hoty hoty
  2. Hbd @Filex
  3. HBD
  4. HBD bro
  5. Congratz @Terry and @Velona deserved it guys . Enjoy
  6. HBD!!!
  7. good job mate @Wizax and @Faysal did this idea so well and thanks to a7la si @Shadro and @Laminee and all who came and thanks to me who did the best in this video haahha kidding
  8. hbd
  9. @Kybali0n said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: why not??, if money makes u happy, lets make the money whores happy! no not like that bro, i don't want money just to be with some fair
  10. HBD ma bro
  11. Address: Cheap Food Store Account name: sickezz Last seen: 2nd January 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. @Pump said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: What i'm saying is, if a bank rob ends as 7/8, it is a failure to cops they shouldn't get money, 7/8 is basically decent, 8/8 perfect. Cops should be getting money from 6/8. yes that's it , 8/8 and 7/8 won't get money bec there is no big defferent
  13. @Pump said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: Your idea is good, it does make sense but I do not believe you know what does it mean to stop a bankrob, logically, 8/8 is a succesful bankrob yeah but 7/8 should be a succesful one as well, let's criminals in the world, they cannot rob the whole bank, so I suggest that stopping a BR should start from 6/8 like a 7/8 counts as a succesful bankrob. I do believe criminals get enough money from a 7/8, more than cops at least & I do believe as well that cops didn't stop a 7/8 Bankrob as more than half of it has already been robbed & they got away with the money, for your suggestion to be fully undestandable, we should make another poll to make succesful BRs as 7/8 and 8/8 the cops just will take money for the safes left like 7/8 they get 10k / 6/8 20k 5/8 30k 4/8 50k 3/8 85k 2/8 100k 1/8 130k 0/8 150k, well that will be fair and enough and good for crims and cop that will be 100% fair. Ik crims get more in PBR or some thing but it's better than nothing.
  14. @Siirtuga said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Raf0 but u only spoke for Cop side lol will because crims get money we need some fair here.
  15. @Bunny said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Raf0 If you would get 0 safes opened, getting 20k per safe is total of 8x20=160k 80k from all safes not cracked is more reasonable. You still get money from arresting. i know u get money from arrest but if you u came and someone arrest them all and he doesn't get money then it will be 160k better then 80, crims get 200k in PBR and almost 300k or less in BR, so let's do some fair here.
  16. @Siirtuga said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Bartman nice idea weather boy :D hihihi I'm intelligent
  17. @Bunny said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: When the BR ends, depending on how many safes are opened, you get paid 5-10k for each safe that wasn't cracked? this is a good idea but isn't it so low 5-10k ? or like 20k for safe like crims they get 17k or 20k in 1 safe
  18. @Laminee said in Happy birthday Laminee: @Raf0 a7la si raf fedenya thanks a lot np ya a7la 5ou fdenya
  19. HBD Ya a77la si laminee
  20. Happy birthday Ya a7la si @Laminee , I hope you enjoy your new age and be happy your all-new years without any problems. ~[Happy birthday]~(pink) <3 <3
  21. So, Always when we stop BR, we just got money in arrests and we still waiting for many mins, so i suggest today to just give a reward like 100k or more for the cops because we stay boring at bank and we don't get anything so, the cops would get money per safe so like 6/8 20k 5/8 30k 4/8 50k 3/8 85k 2/8 100k 1/8 130k 0/8 150k, so when the BR end with 7/8 or 8/8 cops don't get money, that will be fair for crims and cops, So, I suggest this idea for cops and this is your choice to vote. And thanks for voting.
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