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Everything posted by Raf0

  1. I have corrected it myself
  2. I - BASIC INFORMATION Real Name: raef In-game Name: raf Account: raefmlaih Age: 13 Primary Language: arabic Other Languages: English and frencais II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you being playing MTA? Since 2017 How long have you being playing SAES? 1 years. Are you PC (ProCop)? no Past squad/gang/companies (State if you left or were kicked and why): I was not in any team. Current and past groups (State the reason if left or kicked): I was not in any team. What is RP? (Explain using 15 words or more): Role-play is the act of where someone acts the role of another person, usually in a work related environment such as a Police Officer. What is DM? (Explain using 15 words or more): Death-matching is the act of where one player goes up to another player and kills them without reason or cause. This is usually done where a civilian kills another civilian or a criminal killing a cop who isn't chasing them. What is Park-Killing? (Explain using 15 words or more): Park-killing is the act of where a person drives over and places their car on top of another person, slowly killing them and causing them to be re-spawned. III - RULES KNOWLEDGE Did you read and agree with all F1 rules? yes Did you read and agree with all SAFP rules? yes What is the minimum wanted level for arrest? 5 stars or higher Are you allowed to arrest or kill other police officers? No Are you allowed to arrest/kill in hospitals? No Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? No Is marker-arresting allowed? No Explain SAFP's rule 3: Role-play as much as you can. We're here to uphold the public trust and the best way of doing that is role-playing with them and acting out the role we hold. Explain SAFP's rule 4: Do not arrest those who pose a low threat to the community. Those who are under 5 stars do not pose that much of a threat and have not committed high criminal actions to be warranted for a Federal Arrest. Explain SAFP's rule 8: Do not arrest our allies per the contract guidelines. ALT holds a contract with the SAFP to ensure they don't get arrested and in return we provide escorts and bribes to ALT. Anyone who violates the contract will face punishment. IV - MISC. INFORMATION Your strengths: Arrest criminals and work as a team Your weaknesses: Pursuing many criminals alone Have you received any bans from the server? no Why did you decide to join our squad? (Use 15 words or more): I love the police and I love all the police teams so I decided to participate in this active team Explain why we should accept you (Use 15 words or more): I am an active person and I love to work hard and do not violate the laws and I love to help Who recommended you applying for SAFP? MAX
  3. please hassoni give me another chance only
  4. Raf0


    1-Personal Informations a.Ingame Name & Real Name:raf b.Account Name: raefmlaih c.Age: 12 d.Nationality: tunisie e.Rate Your English Level (1-10): 7 f.Tell us about yourself :my name is raef surname is mlaih im from tunisie/sousse i am studying i am in the holiday now and i speak arabic g.Do you have teamspeak or discord :i have ts 2-Ingame Informations a.How long have you been playing on SAES: since 2017 b.Tell us about your saes carrier : From the first I could not play but with the help of my older brother and some of my friends I was able to play skillfully and respect hq. However, all my friends love me and help me with money c.Previous gang or squads(include leaving reason): thelost mc deleted,hell soldiers deleted d.Have you ever been banned from SAES(if yes please explain): no e.What Does DM mean and give an example: kill without a reason,: Deathmatch is damaging someone or a car without any valid reason. f.What Does Roleplay mean and give an example: play like u act in reallife g.What Does Avoid Arrest mean and give an example: Avoiding arrest is escaping the cops who are chasing you in an illegal way like suicide or logging-off. the difference between them that gate-avoid is entering a gated base that only your class have access to open it so the cop won't be able to enter h.Tell us 3 of Bank Robbery Rules:1-one gang is allowed to do maximum 2 gang robs per day 2-camping the entrance of a bank once a br has started is not allowed 3-assisting your own gang as a medic and or pizzaboy is not allowed i.Tell us 3 of Turf Rules:1-you can only use your gang spawn orthe hospital spawn when a turfwar is going on 2-you are not allowed to spawn medic or cop to asist you gang in a turfwar 3-you are not alloweed to camp on unclimbable rooftops j.Tell us 3 of Gang Robbery Rules:1- no grenades tobe at gangrob at all this includes using vehicles as explosives 2-you are not allowed to be rob alone 3- squads are permitted to arrest 3-Additional Informations a.A Character Backstory ( must be suit for our role ) : Another day was coming and the day started. cripz The phone was ringing... and we got a call from a rich man that he wants some drugs from us. We decided to smuggle some drugs for him if he pays. So we arranged the place and we met there. As long as we kept waiting for him we smoked a cigarette and he finally came. We slowly and safely talked about the money. First of all he said he wants to see the drugs. We modestly explained to him, if he wants to see his drugs then better to give the money. He finally grabbed his own money and threw it towards me. We took the money from the ground. So, we went inside the house and let him see the drugs. Everything was there as he expected and wanted. In the end of this he came to my colleague and asked for his phone number. Because he liked and appreciated us and our drugs and he said he will call us again. b.Explain CripZs roleplay with your own words:i think cripz gang very good at drugs dealing in san andreas and i know they are breaks car down so they sell expensive prices pieces of cars and i heard they bring moonshine from abroad they find the head c.Why do you want to join CripZ: im an experienced and skilled player that can bring to CripZ all his efforts and power i'm a loyal,respected and faithful person that can support gang's members and help them .i keep helping and hanging with CripZ and doing all efforts and showing my skills to join this gang and i want to because really i like the teamwork and the activity of this gang also i know many members in CripZ and They are friendly .CripZ for me it's not a just gang it's my big family d.Why should we accept you: I do not think there is a special reason to accept me but i have already a gang inreallife so i can share my experiences with you and if you want to see a roleplayer man in the your gang he is me. Maybe after i join cripz being more fun and more exicitng bankrobs,gangrobs etc. Waiting us together. e.What is your strenghts roleplay,escape from cops,cracking,driving ,shooting f.What is your weaknesses: sniper,flying,dealing g.Post your screens when you hanging with CripZ(use spoiler):[spoiler]https:no
  5. Name:raef mlaih In-game name:raf Age:12 Sex:male English proficiency:6/8 Native language:arabic Other language(s):English Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?:No When did you start playing SAES/MTA?:Before 1year Total gameplay (hours): i dont know Total gameplay (hours): i dont know Aprox.gameplay daily (hours):gameplay daily (hours): least 7 hours daily. Average FPS:120 Average ping:500 Previous organizations: Are you active user of Discord?: yes are
  6. Username: raefmlaih Account name: raf Age: 14 Gender: male Nationality: tunisie Languages: Arabic/English English skills (1-10): 7 Do you use Teamspeak: no Tell us about youself: my name is raef mlaih im 14 year old im from tunisia i love mta im good in cop . In-Game Experience: How long you play SAES/RPG: 1 year How long you play MTA: 1 year How long you play every day: 10 hours How much in-game hours do you have: 300 hours Previous Gang/Squad/Company: was SAES : RDMC . KSA Why did you leave : RIP Have ever been banned before: no Reason for ban: N/A Misc Information Your strengths: Making arrests Your Weaknesses: im not good with driving Why did you decide to join our squad: Because I love i.c.e police and I love chasing criminals and this is an energetic band Explain why we should accept you: Because I will be active and good Who Recommended you applying for ICE: SAM Rules Knowledge Did you read the F1 rules:yes Did you read the Squad rules: yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital: no Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events?: no Is marker arrest allowed: no Explain what is marker arrest:arresting people in door like a store robbery and bank Explain what is Death-matching: People were deliberately killed Explain ICE Rule 2: i wont arrest people with less than 10 stars Explain ICE Rule 3: dont kill or arrest cops Explain ICE Rule 10: I'll try to avoid killing criminals because I should respect other players
  7. Username: raefmlaih Account name: raf Age: 14 Gender: male Nationality: tunisie Languages: Arabic/English English skills (1-10): 7 Do you use Teamspeak: no Tell us about youself: my name is raef mlaih im 14 year old im from tunisia i love mta im good in cop . In-Game Experience: How long you play SAES/RPG: 1 year How long you play MTA: 1 year How long you play every day: 10 hours How much in-game hours do you have: 300 hours Previous Gang/Squad/Company: was SAES : RDMC . KSA Why did you leave : RIP Have ever been banned before: no Reason for ban: N/A Misc Information Your strengths: Making arrests Your Weaknesses: im not good with driving Why did you decide to join our squad: Because I love i.c.e police and I love chasing criminals and this is an energetic band Explain why we should accept you: Because I will be active and good Who Recommended you applying for ICE: SAM Rules Knowledge Did you read the F1 rules:yes Did you read the Squad rules: yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital: no Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events?: no Is marker arrest allowed: no Explain what is marker arrest:arresting people in door like a store robbery and bank Explain what is Death-matching: People were deliberately killed Explain ICE Rule 2: i wont arrest people with less than 10 stars Explain ICE Rule 3: dont kill or arrest cops Explain ICE Rule 10: I'll try to avoid killing criminals because I should respect other players
  8. hi all im nouveau in saesrpg please accepter my invitations on groupe ice and cirpz and fox operation x and sawat and SAPD PC Qualified Testers and Special Task Force
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