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Everything posted by Raf0

  1. ^[Yo @Kodigo Boss i've done your signature hope you like it :D]
  2. ^[I've Done ur car wrap as you told me @Elet hope u like it ] ^[]
  3. ^[today and as u can see i made a simple wrap for my self (Hope u like it!)] ^[]
  4. ^[@GamerZ450 i've done ur logo and i added some lightning behind the controller Hope you like it amigo] ^[]
  5. ^[@M7mDGr7 Hope you like it amigo] ^[Non Animated] ^[] ^[Animated] ^[]
  6. ^[@Orten1 Hope you like it amigo] ^[Non Animated] ^[] ^[Animated] ^[]
  7. ^[] ^[Welcome To My Designs Topic] ^[Hello there, and welcome to my designs topic, here i'll be assisting @Liyones in his works cause as u can see he made a topic for designs too, atm he's getting many works to do so i wanted to assist him and make a team , anyways in this topic i'll show u all my works and hope you like it!!] Liyones's Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24546/liyones-designs-free?page=1 How to request: Contact me on via discord : Raf0#1313 What i can design: Forum Signature, Forum cover picture, Car Wrap/texture. works: ^[this is my first design i did for liyones] ^[] ^[After improving my designs...] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[ANIMATED DESIGNS] ^[] ^[]
  8. starting bid :10m
  10. Starting Bid: 20M Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kBJAGhC
  11. Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: #0a520a Specify any upgrades: N/A Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) raefmlaih Where you want it placed: BC AP
  12. This is a manual post TXN ID: 7N1589039W454103Y (Event) Donation Amount: 10.00 Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  13. Risitas v.2
  14. hbd ; have a good one
  15. Happy birthday @Canelas bro
  16. @elet said in [SUGGESTIONS] New advertisement chat: Instead of making tons of unnecessary chats which players wont be able to follow all at once good thing would be to make something similar - in a style of vending machine near LVx (which is almost the most visited - passed by place on the server which most of people know) and place some kind of marker that would open up a bar that shows "Daily sales" where players can auction their houses/cars or something else that they offer on sale and things could be smoother that way. To make it even more easier categories can be added for each thing someone wants to sell - a player wants to sell his house - he puts ad for example one entire day and he pays certain price for it to stay on there (maybe add something where you pay more for your ad and its put on top of screen when players open "sales market"). That's just an idea that could make sales easier and me personally think it would help a lot to prevent people from spamming main chat aswell with "Selling ... for ..." and ads that disappear in few seconds. This is good idea too tbh.
  17. Well, I think this idea will help everyone , in selling their cars or houses or buying it , it's simple idea, as u can see no one can see the ad cause it disapear in like 1 sec or more, so instead of that we can make an advert chat like teamsay or mainchat or other, so players can see it. Maybe newbie players can spam the advert chat so we can add 1 min in each advert , i mean when someone advert something he should wait 1 min or more to advert again.
  18. @MrGamer @Stoner @Versace @TripleX @MrSolrac congratulations enjoy fellas
  19. Happy birthday ya jakel ya ghali @JaKeL
  20. Happy birthday brooooo
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