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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Thanks a lot Tut, you save the day ^^
  2. Of course, a necessity. I'll script a small fragment of code which SAES Devs can implement in the spawn system.
  3. ^ Please dont break the game's rule, 1 word. Scissor
  4. @Anas_ said in Sprunk Vending Machines Across SA: Good idea, but try to change the panel that appears into a smaller thing, more simple too, otherwise, I'd like to see this in the server, +1 from me. Mega made me remove the panel so It's just go stand in front of it, hit enter and drink :D
  5. This property belongs to a SAES Clan Member, ( SAES>Magnus ) You cannot request it. Refer to this link beforehand requesting again https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  6. @BusterMcBadass said in Global Trust: Personal Information Ingame name: BusterMcBadass Account name: pedrinho Age: 19 A very impressive application you have presented right there. The Board welcomes you to Global Trust. Kindly join the discord server for further instructions Johnny "JohnnyEnglish" English, Chief Technical Officer, Global Trust. s s, s *
  7. @Flex Kindly state your reason for disagreeing with the suggestion
  8. @Mega9 said in Sprunk Vending Machines Across SA: Remove the ugly GUI and make it use just a key press. Done, works with the Enter key just like SA but I'll need you to invoke the SAES topbar notifs into it to notify the player to press enter to buy as I have no access or idea whatsoever to use em @kipt Well that was GTASA font I used but you're right, having it GUI less is better and more handy Also I've kept the price to $10 because the food shops which replenish HP are pretty cheap as well, actually you buy $10 of food which gives you like 50 HP XD, so I want to keep it at $10, it also is a RP-suitable price and what everyone has on them at all times ^_^ Update You can buy the drink by simply pressing enter while you are standing in front of the Vending Machine! No need to click anything.
  9. Grettings, folks. Through this post I put forth a suggestion to implement Vending Machines across SA at Public places and inside a few interiors such as PDs, A few group bases and such. I have scripted a bit and made what can be the raw structure of a vending machine, look at the video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1SUcXHKLi4&feature=youtu.be Why? "We Have Food Shops" I suggest these machines because it promotes Roleplay. A minor roleplay of a buying a drink in admist of a public gathering or other activity enhances your Roleplay. Also, in my script I have implemented a +10 HP factor from these drinks, Audio and animations have been remade just like original GTA:SA Machines. Even if not many people will use it, it still can prove useful in some situations and the minor HP buff is quite nice in some situations. If you Vote No Kindly don't be a prick and state no reason, your feedback is appreciated. If you have any suggestions/recommendations to further enhance this system then state so. PS: Snack Vending machines are also possible which dispense Burritos, Burgers and Chips [Real time objects in your hand as you eat them] Thank you for reading. Regards, JE.
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