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Posts posted by jonathan959

    Nickname: JoNa
    Username: jonathan959
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Current gang/squad: SAFP
    Current groups: SAM, SAPA
    Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): N/A

    Why would you like to join our company? I like that the group gives an option for someone to choose between a trucker and a mechanic, I want to join because I would like to repair people's car and just chill being a mechanic.
    Can you offer anything special? I can not offer anything no one else can't offer but what I can offer is being active and posting activities, I connect almost every day even if it's just for a little, I can also post activities and help out the group.
    Which division do you prefer? Trucking or Maintaining? (state why): Maintaining, I chose that division because I have played as a trucker before and now I don't find it as much interesting as before and also almost everyone is at the trucking division and it would be better me being at maintaining.
    What roleplay stands for? Roleplay means to like an act in real life, for example when u roleplay with someone about a pullover, u need to act like real cops and ask and just don't go get him out and arrest him.
    What do you do if someone insults you in main chat? I don't get easily triggered so if someone insults me I probably won't care and ignore him.
    What do you do if someone deathmatches you? Depends on who it is, if its a new guy I always try to explain to them so that they understand, if he isn't new I would probably report him if he did it intentionally.
    Additional Information: I hope that if I get accepted I help u out the most I can :D

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    RolePlay Story:
    I was in my night shift with some buddies on patrol when we decided to take a quick break and set up a speed trap on the LV-LS highway. We got there and set it up, after a couple of minutes some cars were passing by but no one was above the speed limit. Until a reporter drove with his car very fast and on the wrong line, making it a big risk for himself and other vehicles passing by, we chased after him and he eventually stopped his car as he should. We approached him and began to speak to him, at first he refused to comply with our orders as we thought that he might be drunk or was in some kind of rush, we began talking and he told us that he was on an important case and he needed to be the first one, we wanted to make sure that he wasn't drunk and wanted him to step out but he didn't want to, but after talking with him for a while we decided that it wasn't necessary and we decided that he was just in his rush to be the first on one on the scene for his reporting company. Then other officers approached the scene to help out and verify that everything was good, they stayed there protecting us in case that something could happen. Then they were called and had to leave, then shortly we finished with our traffic stop. The driver was issued a multiple tickets and 6 points to his license, meaning that another infraction would mean to his license removal, when we left the scene he stayed there for a couple of minutes and then left.
    **Participants: @laminee @holand @leland @Klay @ridouan


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    Roleplay Number: #6
    Title: A brother in need
    Participants: @Jerry-Mouse
    I was chilling doing nothing waiting for the boss to call me to do some work but instead, a friend called me that he needed some help. We started talking and he told me that the Cuban Impounders had taken his car and that he needed a new one fast, so the first thing that got into my mind was quickly stealing one and giving it to him. I knew where to find one since I had done some surveillance on a rich guy that owns a gas station, he leaves his car there every day and only takes it when he is going to party, so I figured out that he wasn't going to be there and quickly got to more. I went to the gas station and slowly parked my car where no one would suspect anything, then since the gas station was closed and no one was around I knew it was my chance to steal it, I quickly ran to it and started to open it and got away really fast, I then called him and he came pretty quickly, he was surprised how fast I got the car and thanked me for the new car, he then took off to do more jobs for the boss.


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    RolePlay Story: It as late-night when Commissioner Halo contacted me to go to his cabinet. He informed me that he got a hit on the drug narco named "Pablo.v2", I was surprised on his hit and accepted to go and take him down, he informed me that I shouldn't go alone because he is too dangerous. The next day I contacted captain Formula, an experienced member of the squad. We got into our FBI Rancher and went to look out for him on the location where Halo has told us he would be, Halo was right and Pablo.v2 got caught on the act of transporting his drugs, we get out of our car and sneaked up on him slowly so that he wouldn't run away, when he was close enough we surprised him with right-handed, we searched him up in case he had any hidden weapons but he didn't think he was going to be in any trouble today and didn't have any weapons, just some cocaine, and weed. We placed him on the back of the FBI Rancher and left the scene to secure him. While on the way the captain Formula called for some officers to examine the scene and take all the drug away. When we got there he was escorted to a cell where he is going to remain until we start building his case for drug trafficking.
    Participants: @Halo @Formula @PaBlo


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    Roleplay 71#
    Personal Roleplay 1#
    Participants: @SAFP-Shadro @Sanfara @Punish
    Some days in the line of job leave scars for the rest of your life. It was a shiny day and everything was clam, I was waiting for a call when I suddenly received a call from dispatcher JohnnySpanish called in, he reported to me that he had received a call that someone just collapsed into the ground. I quickly got into the ambulance and rushed into the scene as quick as possible. When I got there I quickly got to the patient who was already on the ground. I checked that he had no pulse I tried to give him CPR, I continued doing it for a couple of minutes but I had no answer from the patient, I decided that it wasn't working and explained to the family that he had sadly passed away and there was nothing we could do about it. Then when everything calmed down and his body was in the lab, it was discovered that he had a heart attack and he was already dead before I even got to the scene. At the end of the day, it was a tragic day for everyone and it is a day that would never be forgotten by anyone on the scene.
    Screenshots: (Please use a link)
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  6. Well the mayority of the community are criminals so i guess why they would want it added, plus if it is added then add a reward for arresting a CLO. SaesHQ already said no for a reason so i dont think there is a point creating another post.

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