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Posts posted by jonathan959

  1. @Wizax said in SAI - Contributions & Activity log:

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    Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Calvin_Perez (( @Markus ))

    Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD

    Other involved people: Sasha_Dzudovski (( @painty )), @jonathan959, John_Martinez @Griffin, @Klay, @Element, @Spanish, @MarksMan @WenDo @SkulioN and more...

    Date, time and duration of activity: Saturday, 25th of January 2020

    Activity type: RolePlay

    Activity Details: I was having a meal break when In San Fierro Caffe legends while I got a call from a dispatcher, bayside citizen complaining about some criminal activity on the bridge, they are blocking the traffic and shooting anyone come close, I immediately responded to confirm the report or reject it, there I found five vehicles blocking both sides of the road, once I got close they started shooting me, I parked the car on protection mode and requested heavy back up, I kept my head down while Commander Perez was trying to talk with him but they kept refusing, a few minutes later air and ground backup has responded, but criminals didn't stop the fire, so we had to fire back in case to stop all of this there were few units that got shot/injured so we requested medical back up, after hadcuffing the criminals all and taking them to the police department the road is back available for use and all the debris are cleaned





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    Roleplay #75
    Personal Roleplay #2
    Participants: @Wizax @LandShark @laminee
    Description: I was with paramedic Laminee talking about how life was going when we then received a call from dispatches JohnnySpanish that someone had crashed and needed immediate medical assistance, we quickly got into our ambulance and headed to the crash location, while we were going to the scene, many other police cars passed us by and heading the crash direction, at first we thought it was only a crash but as we were going we heard over the radio that there was a chase and the criminal was on foot, when we arrived there we quickly confirmed what had happened, the police was chasing a criminal which apparently had fled the scene but the police officer was unable to go after him due to his injures, I got out of the car quikcly while Laminee was preparing everything to get him into the ambulance, when I got there another officer was trying to treat him, I quickly got in control and started holding pressure on the wound, he was bleeding from the head and other multiple areas, I then proceed to bandage some areas where he was bleeding and quickly took him into the ambulance, then as quick as possible we got in the ambulance and set off to the closest hospital, we got him out and other medics began to treat his wounds and ensure he was out of danger, when he got a room we went to visit him to see how things were going, he thanked us a lot for saving his life, thanks to our quick response he did not recieve serious injures.
    screenshots:** (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/rZB9nbX


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