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Posts posted by jonathan959

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    RolePlay Story: We were at SAFP HQ with officer Laminee and Raf, we were discussing that we needed a new upgrade and that's when we decided to call some friends at AIC to bring us some advanced weapons. We waited patiently for them to arrive, when they came we started talking if they could provide us we a few gun improvements to make our fight against crime easier, they said that they had some new advancements that they could offer us. We went to their weapon showcase and they showed us the improvement they had to offer, we were very happy with those improvements and accepted to pay for those new weapons after we paid we started to load the new improved weapons into the ban and thanked them for service when we finished we quickly got out and started heading base to start using our new weapons. At the end of the day our fight against crime just got easier thanks to IAC.
    Participants: @Raf0 @laminee @Hash @Judy


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    Date and time Hosted : 20 of December ,20:52 Server time
    Hoster : SAFP|JoNa|SFC
    Attenders: @Raf0 @Hash @laminee

    Training Details : We rallied up in a line and I explained them what we were doing. The training consisted on learning basic driving skills, this is a very important lesson since many of us don't follow those basic rules and later cause problems at the road.

    Phase 1: Brief briefing
    Phase 2: Practice how to drive properly
    Phase 3: Explain rules they should follow that they usually don't do it
    Phase 4: Show how it should be done

    Phase 1 : They made a straight line and got a brief announcement and told them what we were doing.
    Phase 2: They were explained that traffic lights and follow the right lane was very important as they are the #1 cause of car crashed in SAES since 2012.
    Phase 3: We did a quick drive around the city to demonstrate how important it is to follow this rules and how it could save someone's car and lives. We also talked what was the maximum speed that they should run in different areas.
    Phase 4: We took a quick drive through the city following this important rules they were just reminded of.



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    Date and time Hosted : 20 of December ,20:22 Server time
    Hoster : SAFP|JoNa|SFC
    Attenders: @Raf0 @Hash @laminee

    Training Details : We rallied up in a line and I explained them what we were doing. The training consisted on learning and applying their heli skills, this means that they had to test their skills in training and later do them in real time.

    Phase 1: Brief briefing
    Phase 2: Grabing the Heli and moving into the practice area
    Phase 3: Practice how heligrab and helidrop
    Phase 4: Practice it live

    Phase 1 : They made a straight line and got a brief announcement and told them what we were doing.
    Phase 2: We went to our parachute training area and talked how we were going to proceed and what we were doing.
    Phase 3: We did two types of training, helidrop first and then heligrab, on the helidrop we practiced landing from the highest attitude as possible, on the heligrab part they had to jump into the heli from a roof.
    Phase 4: We went into a SR and practiced the skill the had learned, the raid was a complete success and the SR was ended.



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    • Section A: Personal Information:

    Nickname: SAFP|JoNa|SFC

    Account name: jonathan959

    Age: 15

    Country of residence U.S.

    Primary Language: Spanish

    Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: 2018

    Current S/G/C and rank: SAFP, SFC, lvl 2

    Other RP groups you're in: SAPA

    Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): BES(inactive)

    Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received: I haven't received punishments

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    • Section B: General Questionnaire:

    Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) SAM is the official medic group of SAES, their job is to heal everyone that needs it, they have the knowledge and equipment to be prepare to any kind of situation they face. They don't care if you are a criminal or a cop, their job is to make sure that help and treat those injured or in need.

    What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us most

    Who founded SAM? Doctor Joe Valachi

    Who is the current leader? Doctor JohnnyEnglish

    For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?: I play some times when I'm not doing nothing

    Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: Don't jail break criminals

    Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: You can not go inside the SR and heal people, you have to stand with your ambulance waiting for people to come.

    Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?: Yes, I can

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    • Section C : Aptitudes:

    1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I would accept it and listen to know how can I improve

    2. Why exactly are you applying today? I have many reasons why I am applying today, for long time I have wanted to apply but I have never had the courage to do it, until one day I so a SAM healing people in the JB and then I decided I was going to do it. I waited to get my rank up at SAFP to concentrate in SAM and that's why I'm applying today.

    3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    I always respect others
    Good person in general
    I'm good driver

    I'm not an expert at RP, I can do RP but I'm not a master at it

    4. Why should we accept you to our team? I think i would make a good fit at SAM because, I consider myself mature enough to be in SAM, I like to patrol and help others as medic, I could also offer activity to SAM to make sure its always active.

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