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SAES Group Manager
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Everything posted by Element

  1. Well, hello there SAES:RPG! As most of us do like motorcycles, I would like to suggest one new mod which will enhance the experience of the game and will give it a push of realism, however, those mods are suggested by me and I'm sure that there are more good mods out there, so if any of you got better one to suggest go ahead and show everyone a picture down below, I hope that SAES HQ's and SAES Community will agree and come to a decision that not only the mods of cars are important also the motorcycles! Sanchez mod: Download link: Click here for download link ~[Note]~(red): I deliberately chose basic/general motorcycles mod that'll be used by all sides (Crime/Police/Civilians).
  2. @Siirtuga Great one as well! Go ahead and create a topic regarding your suggestion
  3. Just simple & perfect suggestion, no other words needed.
  4. @Thing Again, anyone can install mods indeed, but you don't get the fun part of having the same mod as everyone which means that all of the players can see your mod and you can see their mod at the same time, simple logic. If you do getting worried about the MB/Size subject, be sure that the mods will be reduced as lower as possible so it won't make any huge changes within server download/lag and of course, If It'll cause any problems there will be always the option to delete them or re-place them.
  5. @Thing Whether you have noticed or not (I guess that not) mods are mostly the "mainstream" of SAES:RPG nowadays. Players do have fun chilling around with moded vehicles, having races, and even selling them. Also, we can not deny the fact that they add a lot of Interest to the server among new players and also contribute their share to the realism side of the server. However, I think that there's no point in using original GTA:SA Vehicles in 2019 (Most of the vehicles are badly looking) and I dont really see a reason for not adding mods in the server. Also, the fun thing is to be able to see other mods which cant be done by yourself, you do need the mods to be added by the server itself. And as Markus said, you always can disable/enable the mods by yourself by 'M' Panel.
  6. @Tut-Greco This is not specific to NRG-500 generally for Motorcycles, I just shared my fantasy :D
  7. Well, hello there SAES:RPG! As most of us do like motorcycles, I would like to suggest 2 new mods which will enhance the experience of the game and will give it a push of realism, however, those mods are suggested by me and I'm sure that there are more good mods out there, so if any of you got better one to suggest go ahead and show everyone a picture down below, I hope that SAES HQ's and SAES Community will agree and come to a decision that not only the mods of cars are important also the motorcycles! So, let's start with Sanchez mod: Download link: Click here for download link NRG-500 mod: Download link: Click here for download link ~[Note]~(red): I deliberately chose two basic/general motorcycles mods that'll be used by all sides (Crime/Police/Civilians).
  8. @Tut-Greco Will work on that one :ok_hand:
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1oFIsEu40w&list=RDU1oFIsEu40w&start_radio=1 Good old song <3
  10. It's a cool mode, but hardly anyone uses Fagio nowadays and I guess that it'll be a waste of MB's. Will be cool having mod for Sanchez or NRG-500 instead. For exmple:
  11. Name: Element Username: denis10 Team Betting on: S.W.A.T Ammount: 25m
  12. Welcome back
  13. G/S name: Special Weapons And Tactics [SWAT] G/S captain: @doom [SWAT]Dom Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes, we do agree with your rules & payment of the registration. Anything we need to improve?: N/A
  14. @pr0abel On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage ~[DENIED]~(red), Your application is not good enough and does not match our standards at all, since you're not interested in SAT there's nothing else that I can say but no. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  15. @Exile said in S.W.A.T. Shader! 100,000,000$ Reward!: Came up with a few prototypes because I was bored,don't know the information on regards to what you guys would like but heres a 3 i thought of. Both colors are SWAT's color code but may look different because of the lighting. I'm sorry, but it does not match our standards, but still gj on that one!
  16. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Around 5 months ago. Why do you need this change? Because we got a new base and I want to move it there. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3386/donation-element-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: Old forums ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Police dodge Location: LVPD Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: FBI Truck Location: SWAT Base Username: bendrin12, specialist12,denis10,lightning12 Interior: N/A
  17. Sounds too good to be true! big +1!
  18. Great job! we're done with looking for admins to fix the weather!
  19. Awesome update! great job!
  20. In the name of SWAT members & HQ's, I would like to wish Happy Birthday to the biggest faggit in SWAT @Hesha So happy birthday! May all your dreams come true, you deserve all the cakes, love, hugs and happiness today. Enjoy your day my friend!
  21. Element


    Teddy is not even SWAT?
  22. Element


    I'm glad to hear that you like SWAT and our work itself, you're more than welcome to join our patrols/activities if you want to experience a little more :D
  23. More like giving rewards to cops for killing criminals in turf zones, let's be realistic for a moment. There are at least 20+ criminals at turf zones (Including helpers and such, most of the times it's even more), so that'll be much harder for cops to kill/arrest criminals at turf zones (That's a fact), also criminals are getting rewards for taking over turf zones so yeah... no reason to give them extra rewards.
  24. @Phinixofhel On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage- ~[DENIED]~(red), Due to the fact that you applied for every official squad on SAES:RPG from 2 different accounts ( @Phinixofhel @vahvah1 ) (Including SWAT), changing your name will not help you in anything. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
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