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SAES Group Manager
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Everything posted by Element

  1. SWAT Activity (30-31/10/2018) -Night Activity- Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lpEecIJ
  2. SWAT Activity (27-28/10/2018) -Night Activity- Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7D6KalJ
  3. @hoodie said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: RP#142 - The Suprise Participants: [SWAT] > @SKY-911 (Captain.SKY-911) , @FlaMe (Sergeant.FlaMe) , @DJO (Private.DJO) , @Element (Colonial.Element), @Swiggity (Private.Boi) | OC|> @Tape.Adjuster , OC|> @Hoodie Story: We had a suspicion a few days ago, that we may get raided by SWAT. So we recently moved all our illegal arms out of our base to an undisclosed location. It was late at night, Tape and I were chit-chatting at OverdoseCrimes base in Las Venturas. As we were talking in the distance I heard sounds of heavy vehicles coming our way, Ape and I prepared to fight! As the vehicles got closer, we noticed our suspicion was true and it was in fact SWAT approaching for a raid. We were quickly out-numbered, 5-2 I don't like those odds so we quickly complied with SWAT's demands. We held our hands in the air as we were asked, the leader of the team told us they were looking for weapons. Ape and I attempted to refuse to allow the search, but once again these men were well equipped. We both didn't feel like tasting the pavement this week so we complied once again. They escorted us to their van and got us to sit inside, they then proceeded to head across the road to our personal building. The door was locked, of course, so they escorted us out of the van and demanded I unlock it or they would break it down. I do like seeing things broken, but if I didn't unlock it and the door was broken I would be paying for it. I quickly unlocked the door, just so we could get this over and done with quicker. It's not like they were going to find anything anyway, so I humoured them. They entered the building quick and fast, throwing a flashbang at the first door to ensure no one was hiding. They proceeded through the whole house, every single room searching. I was surprised at the fact they searched everything so well, even looking in the lamp shades. After a thorough search, they headed back towards us at the entrance hall. They spoke with us once again, telling us they had found nothing. I asked them if that means if they will be harassing us all day now? They replied with yes, its there job. They continued to tell us about how they have a lot of information on us and that they will be coming back again to search. They were confident that even though they didn't find weapons this time, they will next time. With a quick smirk at the officers, they left. Good thing, we knew they were coming overwise things could have gone pear-shaped pretty quickly... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DUTRCnn
  4. @IG8820 There's more DEHQ's In SWAT.
  5. SWAT Activity (27/10/2018) -Day Activity- Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nZ8611J
  6. SWAT Activity (26-27/10/2018) -Night Acrivity- Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VD4NXof
  7. Congratulations bois!
  8. SWAT Activity (26/10/2018) -Morning Acrivity- Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uh29Vap
  9. Happy birthday veri veri veri russki
  10. SWAT Training (23/10/2018) -Tactical Shooting Traning- Participants: @Element @DROT @Filippo @Lemon @Access @Benny @Lightning @Swiggity Part I: So we went to the base for a brief briefing before going out to practice. Then we flew to a ship in front of the San Fierro port, there was a tactical range for SWAT members. When we arrived, I divided them into groups of 2 and every group had own letter that accompanied them along the training. The targets are spread throughout the entire ship, and the rules are simple: each team member gets 15 bullets (30 bullets together) and they must hit 28 targets (only) while they are allowed to miss only 2 bullets and they have to hit the targets in less than a minute and a half. All of the teams made the tactical range (Some are better and some are less, but of course we do it to improve and learn.), after that, we returned to the base and prepared for the next part of the training. Part II: In the second part of the training, we arrived at Jeff Motel, where I divided them all into two teams. Each group had 4 members and had to be assimilated into the other team (TDM). The rules were simple: everyone should use M4, camping/rushing is allowed. Team A included: @Filippo @Benny @Lightning @Elegant Team B included @Element @DROT @Swiggity @Access After we started the match, the two teams settled against each other and started the gunfight. It is important to note that the two teams were very skillful and showed many abilities, after a pretty long fight Group B won the battle and the training was over. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/M3H7XEL
  11. Donator In-Game Name: Element Donator Account Name: denis10 Donation: 10.00 GBP Transaction ID : 2KK43486VS015652M Requested Rewards: 1M Ingame Cash And 1 police Dodge (Parked at LVPD) Thanks!
  12. Updated SWAT Discord link: https://discord.gg/UjbnMEv
  13. @Mickey @Lincoln I don't lick any ass Mickey and I don't have any reason to, no reason to give tips/or help them out while they don't help themselves, and don't worry about me I have a lot of positive attitudes, however do not push your nose into places you do not need, now let's cut it here.
  14. Well, first of all, I can't understand your English at all, you're not smart (I'm sure about that right now), I believe that I'm talking with a kid, but of your response I sure 100% that I'm right, so we'll cut this right here, It's just way too weird.
  15. Well @Dan09, nice that you didn't SS the whole situation, that you started to hit/box me outside(For no reason) and the solution to this was arrest (Very simple, right ?) which is allowed since it's not even an official event (And the gates were closed already-event started), at the second SS you came back after the jail time and pointed a gun at me, and I asked you nicely to move the gun from me and leave the area, and as we both know you didn't do that and you kept pointing your gun at me, so you got killed (Very simple), now before you trying to act like a smartass, think twice mate.
  16. @Arone First of all, I didn't DM anyone, and yes you guys cant take control while hosting events, none is even listening to you at all, and yes everything is possible, but not in this case, as I said before good luck spending your own time.
  17. Create another group, which is not having as many requirements as LWS/G6, Because we both know it will not get anywhere, They simply waste their time and time of the players who come to their events (I was waiting for LMS to start while all the players had spots already, for about 20 mins of waiting for CD, many people got killed even I got killed twice, players were using drugs and nades while it was not allowed at all, and CEO members did nothing expect saying that it's not allowed).
  18. A poor group, trying to copy LWS role & job, I've seen you "working" and hosting events, It was not organized at all and at a very low level of events, I strongly advise you not to waste time, and as people said there's no point in this group because you do not expect a bright future. @seth said in Central Events Organization: Well, for those who think LWS are already in server. We will bring new things events soon. I am working on new ideas of events which will bring a lot of new Event types which going to make events more entertainment then just for money As I saw, there's only LMS/Sky Fall/Chicken Shooter/ and some more basic types of events, nothing special or "new" at all, however you guys cant take control while hosting events, letting people kill/sell stuff that not allowed/ and even use items that are not allowed.
  19. Event Type#10: ~[Air-Box (All vs All).]~ LWS Helper(s): Cripz>Nyx Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): [TST]Rocker[R] ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/4m7Pn
  20. Event Type#9: ~[Land On My Huntly.]~ LWS Helper(s): Cripz>Nyx Prize(s): 250.000$ (3 Rounds) Winner(s): [B~B]Honer,Cripz>Pular,[B~B]xTrade. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/iA9AR
  21. Event Type#8: ~[The Purge.]~ LWS Helper(s): [NNB]Deu Prize(s): 6.000.000$ Winner(s): [ThC]hRL ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Kf1oN
  22. Event Type#7: ~[Triathlon.]~ LWS Helper(s): Haveer & [B~B]Mattiz. Prize(s): 4.000.000$ Winner(s): UE|Castiel ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/uq8Rs
  23. Event Type#6: ~[Paracuting & LMS.]~ LWS Helper(s): [ThC]M7od, O|Totti. Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Nunbob ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/q3OZI
  24. Event Type#5: ~[Fallout.]~ LWS Helper(s): [ThC]M7od, O|Totti. Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Kybalion ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/0ZGdS
  25. Event Type#4: ~[Reach The Rose.]~ LWS Helper(s): Cripz>Brondy Prize(s): 4.000.000$ Winner(s): None. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Q457H
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