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SAES Group Manager
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Everything posted by Element

  1. The game has been redeemed, thank you!
  2. Sorted.
  3. Sorted.
  4. Sorted.
  5. The property belongs to SAES Member, moved to archive.
  6. Sorted.
  7. Looks like there wasn't a new bid in the past 7 days, the topic will be archived to keep things clean. Feel free to create a new one if you wish to resume this auction.
  8. Sorted.
  9. Congrats on winning @AdemBygt , make sure to claim it within 48 hours.
  10. @Schwarz ~[Accepted]~(lime), contact any Major+ (Level 5) In-game for your entry test. Good luck! ~[*Note]~(red): Join SWAT Discord if you still haven't joined. Click here for SWAT Discord Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  11. Date: 14/05/2020 S.W.A.T Activity: S.W.A.T special training for the upcoming gang war round Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. @Break Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  13. Date: 11/05/2020 Property Name: Swat Headquarters Your Username: [gang]S.W.A.T. Rentee Username: K-9 & @Pika Duration: K-9 will be able to use the property currently for an unlimited time, SWAT HQ's may terminate the agreement/rental contract at any time without debate. Note: SWAT will remain the ownership of the icon during the rental. Fee: Free, Screenshot:
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