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SAES Group Manager
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Everything posted by Element

  1. Well, why shouldn't he arrest you? he's doing his job after all? why would a wanted criminal come close to a police officer? It's like a Deer going to a Lion and saying "Hey", pretty sure it won't end that well, right?
  2. Great suggestion, simply improves the communication & team play using party system, can be very useful.
  3. I don't see any reason applying such a script on cops, while they're the one being DM'ed/Killed ? As a Criminal you should use common sense before shooting a cop, if you see that the cop is not chasing anyone I don't see any reason but leaving him. If you're brave enough to shoot a cop who's not chasing anyone, be brave to bear the consequences of killing a cop (Which counted as a DM in your case/Shooting a cop that not chasing you or anyone else). Simple as that, use common sense before pulling the trigger.
  4. @smeevil Would be great getting that fixed, report the bug on the appropriate bug tracker: https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues
  5. @Luffy Add a poll that asks the community if they're supporting/not supporting your suggestion/idea.
  6. @Luffy Would be cool, however, Prison time has reduced down to 7.14 seconds per star from 10 (5 minutes when you've 42 wanted level), which doesn't give you much time to play Basketball (in this case) or whatever. Anyhow, in this case we'll need to map a whole new Prison, and that's a different case (Not sure if everyone will be happy with that) From my point of view, I see that as a pointless suggestion. *Note: Add a poll that asks the community if they're supporting/not supporting your suggestion/idea.
  7. Happy birthday, officer Martin! enjoy your day :v:
  8. 1997 Since someone picked 1997 already I'll pick 1800 instead
  9. @Petrow There's no reason in having another Prison, the current one is already messy and having another Prison won't make anything better but on the contrary, There won't be enough cops to respond to both of the Prisons and let's not forget that in the meanwhile there other criminal activities (Such as SR's/BR's/PBR's/VIP and etc) so at this point having another Prison at this point won't help anyone.
  10. Happy Birthday, mate, enjoy your day! <3
  11. @GorillaSnacks Yeap, as @Moley said, there's no reason in adding a weapons customization/Mod considering the fact that the server is a bit laggy already, so adding useless mods to the server such as weapons customization would be pretty much useless and laggy at some point, so yeah feel free to install weapons customization by yourself. Here's a pretty simple & quick tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDaXgxeb5_E
  12. @SAFP-Stoner Normal poll that asks the community if they're supporting/not supporting your suggestion/idea.
  13. @SAFP-Stoner I highly recommend you to add a poll.
  14. S.W.A.T Event Event: Old School Parkour Prize: 2.000.000 $ LWS: Vektor Winner(s): Disaster Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QrpszYf
  15. Event Type#105: ~[Old School Parkour]~ LWS Helper(s): Vektor Prize(s): 2.000.000 $ Winner(s): Disaster ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/QrpszYf
  16. @Ridden It's a great suggestion besides that I've got a great idea/suggestion that might be good & useful for this case. So my suggestion is pretty simple/easy, creating a Discord server that'll be called "SAES:RPG Designers" (for example) which includes all the designers of the server who are interested in sharing their work and help other players with their needs regarding photoshop, once you do so publish the server at ( https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14383/discord-servers-updated-version-v2/29 ) and I'm pretty sure that most of the community will be joining & requesting designs over there. -Payments will be done via in-game money (obviously). Again, that's my opinion regarding that, I think that it might be way useful & cooler.
  17. S.W.A.T Event Event: Need For Speed Prize: 2.000.000 $ LWS: Dufabo Winner(s): Nubbob Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZqClCFv
  18. Event Type#104: ~[Need For Speed]~ LWS Helper(s): Dufabo Prize(s): 2.000.000 $ Winner(s): Nubbob ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/ZqClCFv
  19. A little bit of S.W.A.T Decade Anniversary (10 Years) Video Celebrations! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZMDQCStat0&feature=youtu.be Credits: Director & Editor @Estinoge
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