Hello everyone, We at Lounge VC are now announcing an official building contest! Our gang war finals are coming closer and closer to the end and the best team of this season is about to be decided very soon! So, for our finals we decided we'd add more spice to it if we let you build the map, which is going to be used in our finals! We think having professional gamblers, tournament participants, guests and spectators isn't enough, we'd like to give builders aswell a challenge! Now it is your turn. We want you to build the next maps which are going to be used in future gang wars of Lounge. The best built map is going to be used in our finals. With credits to the owner, of course! Depending on how much entries we get and if we're unable to decide who deserved the 1st place, we will also give the prize to other winners and get their maps for the future matches. However, for now we have one single and huge prize for the winner: Take an example of Verona Mall. Not smaller, but bigger is definitely suggested! LINK FOR MAP We do not want shoot-through roofs, best example is Ghost Town. Try to make the map as balanced as possible. So not only one side wins. The map has to be suitable for a 5 versus 5. Attacker and Defender side. It doesn't have to be a map specifically just for attacker and defenders' side. You can implement your own idea. Like Capture the flag. IT SHOULDN'T LOOK LIKE ~[LMS]~(red) MAP After you finish the map, please send us the LWS/ZIP code privately. The duration of this contest is: 10 days. That means you got time until the: 19th of June 2020. We are open for questions! Do not hesitate to write down below or contact us through Discord (LINK) Kind regards, Head of Host Services, Blue.