^[] On the behalf of The Company, I'm here to answer the applications today; @Vanced & @netirelis22 Thank you for your interest in The Company. Having reviewed your application we regret to inform you that you are ~[denied]~(red). Efforts have shown in-game is not enough to make you one of us. You can apply again in 2 weeks if you are still interested, good luck! @FreshCoffee Our members have a positive opinion about you, we had reviewed your application we are currently declaring you ~[pending]~(orange). You've earned a chance to have a chat with our testers, your tests will be held by Strong & Docpizza, find any of them in-game. Before asking for the tests, make sure you are ready to have your tests. @sohaybX & @Lionardo, get to know our members. Spend your free time hanging with them and you might get a chance to have a chat with testers. Until then, you both ~[under review]~(navy). ~[If you want to know who our testers are. See which Coordinator, High Council member, or Director has the 'Tester' tag on our Discord channel, or ask one of our members in-game.]~(red) Blue, Coordinator of The Company.