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Everything posted by Blue

  1. ^[] ^[Assisting Medellin Cartel in BR] ^[]
  2. ^[] ^[Store Robbery] ^[]
  3. #1061 Event Type: TDM LWS: KARIM Winners: JK Team Prize: 1.500.000$ Screenshots:
  4. ^[] ^[Assisting Medellin Cartel in BR] ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[Assisting Medellin Cartel in BR] ^[] ^[]
  6. ^[] ^[Store Robbery] ^[] ^[]
  7. Dont ever change! Stay as amazing as you are, my friend! Happy 27TH BDAY
  8. ^[] ^[#1036] ^[Event Type: Reach to roses] ^[Organiser: Abdullah el hadid ] ^[Winners: Lazar] ^[Prize: 60.000.000$] ^[Screenshot(s):] ::: ^[] ^[] ^[] :::
  9. Blue


    @moley said in Bye SAES: @Black-Bullets goodbye bro why did you tag every gang idiot
  10. HBD
  11. leotard stfu moroncan pls
  12. we play minecraft xd
  13. ^[] On the behalf of The Company, I'm here to answer the applications today; @Vanced & @netirelis22 Thank you for your interest in The Company. Having reviewed your application we regret to inform you that you are ~[denied]~(red). Efforts have shown in-game is not enough to make you one of us. You can apply again in 2 weeks if you are still interested, good luck! @FreshCoffee Our members have a positive opinion about you, we had reviewed your application we are currently declaring you ~[pending]~(orange). You've earned a chance to have a chat with our testers, your tests will be held by Strong & Docpizza, find any of them in-game. Before asking for the tests, make sure you are ready to have your tests. @sohaybX & @Lionardo, get to know our members. Spend your free time hanging with them and you might get a chance to have a chat with testers. Until then, you both ~[under review]~(navy). ~[If you want to know who our testers are. See which Coordinator, High Council member, or Director has the 'Tester' tag on our Discord channel, or ask one of our members in-game.]~(red) Blue, Coordinator of The Company.
  14. taos mens ;D
  15. Event Name: Race Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Wendo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Otw94UU
  16. Event Name: Hydra Shooter Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Petrow Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ydHr3z0
  17. Blue


  18. #1021 Event Name : LMS LWS/G6/CEO : Abdurrahman Al Hadid Winner : Colobria Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot(s) : ::: https://imgur.com/a/xh0Jw4E :::
  19. HBD KID :honk:
  20. Happy birthday future tt member :clown_face:
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