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Everything posted by Sam.

  1. @Bone said in Police Support Suggestions: Right now its balanced very well from looking at "illegal" work always earns slight more than legal stuff yes bone you are talking now about true life, but we are in a game right now. Many Cops changed from cops to criminal life because they said it's boring. The money should be balanced more out for cops.
  2. @Skerdi said in Police Support Suggestions: Around 3 years ago it happened rarely for a sr to be stopped from cops, and now it happens every time. There are made a lot of improvements to cop side, like kill arrest glue removal also the place where crims camp in bank has been moved too. You complain that there is a jb, everytime but wont jb give you more money? All you have to do is get a combat shotgun and spam the bullets thats what every cop does. Players prefer criminal side over cop side? Well everyone has its preferences. Oh and double weapons, its not like double colt will help you that much, about double sawn off only a few players can use it and 2 cops can neutralize it easy. maybe you are right but i'm talking about now what i see the the criminals activity go up and up and the cop side down and down. A lot of improvements? Yes glue is removed but is bad for both sides, before the cops was more stronger and was playing much more together because they was all on 1 car now its harder. Kill arrest is good think this is the only good improvement in this server. But in BR a cop have 0 chance to shoot someone if in the booth ways to BR are campers by criminals and just spam shooting. The JB same think. We don't care really about money we care that the police side get alive and join more people that's why the cop side need to be improved more. double sawn off is very strong and is not fair. i don't think that 2 cops can make it since CLO are always in teams.
  3. @radri said in Police Support Suggestions: @Sam i dont think so Cuz if your skills are good in police u can earn 3m 5m per 1hour if u go to br and jb Oh now we are going to 3 -5M in 1 hour i want to see how you make 5M in hour. @Harmy said in Police Support Suggestions: Will extra money really fix it? Maybe it will attract a few more trainees in the long run but I dont think these are the people you mention that you wanted to get help from. No matter how large your bank account will get, it wont give the advantages that you seek. I have said it before and Ill say it again, deregulate the cop side, squads included. Do you want to know why people dont enjoy the cop side as much? Because they have to deal with a tone of uneccsary rules and pointless restrictions because someone on the helm decided to come up with them for who knows why. Examples? It takes a month to get PC from SAPA, do you really think a player wants to spend four weeks of his life to get a broader access to the police side which lets be honest doesnt give you a huge advantage anyway? Yeah I know theres the squad thing intro to PC but then you force them to join an organization over a group spawn. Whats the difference between a trainee who knows how to RP and a cadet? Oh yeah the cadet got trained for a month. Another one? Squads restricting their members to offer a bribe, kudos to that one. You restrict your members who joined your squad to do something that they can do, earn money from it and was given to them because you became official. Why? Because again nobody knows why but the leaders. Its like me starting going after TT members for using /sell, let them do what they want. I remember people who joined DE back in 2014-2015 telling me they had to run around the base for RP...lol, do you know what I had to do when I joined CLO? I got to enjoy the game. There are by far more examples if you sit and think about it for a bit. Ive been in the crim side since 2013, we never had to deal with these pointless regulations, and that problem in the cop side dates all the way from back then. The more the SAPD, PCD, police groups, squads and the elite cop groups etc. clamp down on forced RP and choke the members with useless and senseless rules that pointlessly restrict their gameplay, dont expect new players to join in numbers or in that matter stay to that side. People want to play and enjoy the game, not satisfy real police force regulations. James is not talking about SAPA or something else he is telling you and the other in the community how the truth is! He don't say just about the money. Just change the Police system make it more interesting like criminals have much things to do. It was just a suggestion to increase the money. The jail need to be changed because we have a rule in F1 that criminals are not allowed to camp in jail but they still camping everyday in jail. Admin should watch the jail more or as i said before change the jail interior make it different. Of course the people want to play but we don't say to Roleplay but the most of the people like to roleplay from alone. To get level higher you need RP in media archive so tell me how you can ever go up without RP? Ofc Criminals or squads level 5 don't care much because they are already level 5. But this is not what we are talking here. We are talking that the criminals activity is to high and we need to make the police side more interesting. So people join back to the Police team. Ofc that criminals have a problem with it but you must look the police side as well. Let's say there will be no cops anymore what you do after? Riding SR and Jail? How? Jail without cops? SR without cops? BR without cops? Criminals will get very bored and stop playing the server. We are trying to help and suggest something so the police stay alive. 8-9 official squads against 20 Official gangs + another 20 Criminal Groups? Seriously? every month i see all the time new gangs or criminal groups.. That's why the activity from the cops go down. Criminal taking over the server. As criminal is hard to see that. Try to as cop for a month and you will see. @batya8890 said in Police Support Suggestions: the cops make a lot of money when I played the cops, I quietly earned 2 million in 3 hours of play. The police are stronger than criminals and have an advantage over them. For the police there is the organization of desert eagles, it's like for the CLO criminals WOW another one, 2M in 3 hours maybe is possible. But we are not talking only about money here! you should read the previous posts. Yes police is stronger because we arrest them and they need to stay in jail. BUT if there is no cops the criminals are free all the time because no one secure the jail. the difference between CLO and DE is that CLO are able to JB taking part in BRs and store robberies. What DE does? Just killing CLO? aha very interesting @DROT said in Police Support Suggestions: Increasing money gain will not attract more people to cop side, perhaps only for short periods of time to farm some cash before they merrily head back to their crim life. It's not difficult to be attracted to side that has many more possibilities; selling drugs and weapons, turfing, robbing banks and stores, breaking your buddies out of jail etc., on top of that there are extra spawns which enable transporting, pickpocketing, robbing houses and even having sex with other players for money, next to selling dildos. In the meantime, entirety of police team existence revolves around responding to what criminals do. To arrest someone in the first place, the criminal has to get wanted. For police to stop a store robbery, criminal has to rob the store. For police to prevent a bank robbery (which isnt rewarded), criminal has be there to start robbing that bank. Jailbreak? Doesn't start without criminals breaking in. At the end of the day, the first step is never made by the cop team and except for responding to what criminals do, there is absolutely nothing you can do. Unfortunately there aren't any events cops can trigger, such as base raid or turf raid or even witness protection/transport but with actual progress bar triggered by the cop team that criminals could then respond to, instead it once again comes down to same old nightstick swinging but in different parts of the map. Potentially there is also that detective spawn but it is broken and would hardly be fun even if it wasn't, so let's pretend it isn't there. It doesn't matter if you are spawned trainee, state trooper, squad member or something fourth; your job will always come down to waiting for criminals to choose a place where you will try to arrest them. With those evident lacks on the blue side, it isn't a surprise that someone would choose the better developed and numerous reds. None of this will be fixed by banning clo/cem weapons or increasing money gain. Cop job isn't poorly paid or impossibly hard to do, however it is very limited in options and as such, easy to get bored of. Finally, SRs are a piece of cake! You just have to find a different weak spot for each location or alternatively kamikaze the roof. Yes you are right that's why we suggest something better for the cop side.
  4. @nicus said in Police Support Suggestions: Increase the reward in SR & Arresting - okej it's not a bad idea since all the cops are just killing criminals We are trying to kill them so we decrease the criminals activity in the SR. Administrator to inspect more the prison, and punish the criminal that are just camping to have the prison open - its not easy to find out if someone is camping or not. Let me give you an example - you have 3 friends, you are getting jb'ed. One friend gets arrested so u come back and get him back, this happens next 5 times. How should we react to it? Punish them for that? Maybe map a different jail? Or Make a different system like to open the prison you need 3 People. Disable using the double Weapon in prison that is not fair - Our headshot got taken away already. If you look closer into CLO ranks, only Coronel+ has it. To receive Coronel u have to be in CLO for atleast 1.5years+. It's very fair because we had to work for it. CEM is a different story. alright but it wear nice if the Double weapons is disabled in Jail Get a reward for stopping the BR as Cop - u can get alot of money from just kill-arrest during BR's but lets face the facts, cops are just lazy. I once said by an accident on main chat "TT BR LV", none of 25 online cops cared, 5 of them came to the bank robbery while it was ending. Only problem i see is lack of any cooperation between squads. Even if 10 cops came to the BR we still don't have chance against 50 criminals camping and just shooting. Here maybe a different mapping as well for the BR
  5. @Cappo said in Police Support Suggestions: Wait, are you serious? First of all, let's take Las Venturas, Come-a-lot. Now, you sneak around the SR and see a good amount of criminals. What every cop would do is simply get your packer spawned and park it right behind, so you can sneak behind them and JUST SPAM YOUR NIGHSTICK. So, as you did that, just after the first try, you can get ~100k from arrests. And that's the first try, you can do that until the SR finishes, furthermore, you can use the radio and actually call someone to help you out stopping it. That "strategy" can happen in like, every SR, but it's just way too easy in LS Wilowfied and LV come-a-lot. So, why do you need more money? How would the money help you out, when your point is that the criminals are way too unballanced? If the whole point is abour the money, well, once again, how would the money help you out getting to be a better cop? As someone else already stated, ~10 organised cops (which can be your squad) can clear a SR of 20-30 crims with a few strategies. Raiding it, or maybe parking a packer, also the flashbangs are still a thing. All good as of now, I think I've cleared up the most of the topic, but I gotta admit two things. First, it actually is difficult stopping a BR or a JB for example, in my opinion, those people that are "deffending" can spam their bullets for ever and not allow ANYONE run by and eventually arrest them, also considering the fact that there are so much criminals and less cops. In my opinion, the Jail and the Banks should be reviewed and a bit improved, as when there are no buddies of your squad to help you out, it actually is difficult stopping it, as there are just trainees around you. So, should be fun if some SAES member comes out with a fresh map, so we can test it out and say if it practically is balanced. Also, what did you mean "cops life is just repair your vehicle and chase" or something like that. Lol, what? First of all, its well known that the glue got removed, there's no more 4+ criminals on a veh, so if you're alone, patrolling, just chase one criminal, so you can deal with him, taking 2v1 is difficult and it actually should be. My suggestion for that kind of topics, well, simply play 2 hours as a criminal, get wanted and see what would happen. Not as easy ad you imagine it. Good, alright but james is not meaning only the money he mean to increase the money to get more players to the police side. 150 players and from all these players are 80% criminals. Yes about the SR you are a bit right but it's still not that's easy to stop the SR. we are mostly all day online and we see what is happening around SA. 15 cops online and only 2-3 cops at SR with 20-30 criminals how can this be possible?
  6. @TaaviLaudur The most are afk or lazy to come to the SR. Not even with 5 cops you don't have any chance to take SR down. Since SR have more then 20 criminals and all are shooting at you.
  7. @TaaviLaudur said in Police Support Suggestions: a group of 6 organized cops can take down a SR with 20 crims, cops can also respawn after they die - criminals cant come back after being arrested. Yes you are right but as you see the activity from the cop side is not really enough to do it thats why james suggest something to make Police alive again.
  8. @Matheus said in Police Support Suggestions: We already make a good amount of money from arresting, honestly, and the reward for stopping the SR is just a bonus since you have to arrest the criminals first. SR is full of criminal you don't have even chance to get closer to the SR if they are waiting 20+ criminals and all shot at you. The most of the time in the day Criminal winning nonstop. Cops are not enough or just lazy to go to the SR or maybe AFK. About the Arresting it could be more as it is now. Maybe change the prison layout? I liked the island and the one in Flint County, must have a reason for why they got removed, though. good idea. We can kill them to arrest, it's also not very fair. Kill the to arrest? With Armor lol The reward is, again, arresting the criminals. Arresting the criminal in BR? 40 criminals are camping in BR you don't have even chance to get closer.
  9. @Matheus said in Police Support Suggestions: We already make a good amount of money from arresting, honestly, and the reward for stopping the SR is just a bonus since you have to arrest the criminals first. SR is full of criminal you don't have even chance to get closer to the SR if they are waiting 20+ criminals and all shot at you. The most of the time in the day Criminal winning nonstop. Cops are not enough or just lazy to go to the SR or maybe AFK.
  10. @Human_ said in Police Support Suggestions: I expected more from you ICE... Its really balanced as it is now imo. Really? No it's not, since Criminals have many things more to make money like. Public BR 200k-300k Gangs BR 500k-600k for gang Store Robbery 40k Turf Wars ( Gangs ) Also by selling drugs or Weapons you getting money So i don't thinks so, also you have no chance if there is 100 criminals against 15 cops.
  11. @SNome said in Police Support Suggestions: Anything else?
  12. @TaaviLaudur said in Police Support Suggestions: You can make 1mil in 1.5 hours as cop. The pay isnt low at all, its your skill low. AHA, 1M in 1.5 hours really? I don't think so, the criminal activity is very high now.
  13. Tell him what to do that he just need to wait until one admin respond.
  14. @kipt how you know instead of saying that you could help him. @RahimM you need to wait until one administrator respond to your ban appeal. Just wait and the admin will give you a answer.
  15. @Markus said in DSI - Dienst Speciale Interventies: Take this fucking topic down before I get the SAES HQs to do it. This was my and one other dutch guy's topic on another RPG server that I will not advertise here. You're even stupid enough to leave his RP name on there. You have 72 hours. Excuse me but this don't make sense at all. This server have nothing to do with the other server. I think there is no problem to take another name from another server.
  16. It don't make really sense. Drugs for unlimited time? For the event okay, like LWS will have in the panel a DRUG system. To give everyone Drugs (Speed) Unlimited until the event finish.
  17. Happy Birthday :birthday:
  18. Good luck but you should improve your topic like adding backstory and roleplay story also add some nice banners and make it more interesting. Stop copying application format from other squads and make something unique. Anyhow good luck
  19. LoL @Mega9 hahaha
  20. @Brophy said that he is currently working on one new Manage Donation System. But when it's done we don't know.
  21. Scoreboard Replacements! Kill Scoreboard @Tut-Greco removed, added instead @PerroLoc0 Place 4! @WaffStar removed, added instead @Velona Place 10! @Ramos removed, added instead @Karma Place 14! @Brondy removed, added instead @Duracell Place 8! Store Robbery Scoreboard @bazuka36 removed,added instead @PerroLoc0 Place 4! @Douglass removed,added instead @Viktor Place 13! @Ment removed,added instead @VinnyBL Place 11! @Zoom-In removed,added instead @Duracell Place 9! Public Bank Robbery Scoreboard @Ment removed,added instead @xPaw Place 10! @bazuka36 and @Zodiac removed,added instead @PerroLoc0 Place 15! @Filex removed,added instead @Duracell Place 5! Safes Crack Scoreboard @xPaw took over Place 2, @Duracell moved to 3th place! @Zodiac removed,added instead @Duracell Place 3! @Viktor added into Place 15! @Velona added into Place 6! Truck Delivery Scoreboard @ment removed,added instead @Epichu Place 14! @brondy removed,added instead @Viktor Place 4! @Arctic removed,added instead @VinnyBL Place 10! Race wins Scoreboard @Dexter removed,added instead @Viktor Place 7! @Douglass removed,added instead @VinnyBL Place 5! @PerroLoc0 added into Place 14! @Velona added into Place 14! @Karma added into Place 14! 1st to 3th Winners @Duracell reached the 3th Place in Safe Crack Scoreboard! Congratulation! @xPaw reached the 2nd Place in Safe Crack Scoreboard! Congratulation! ~[You are always free to post new stats so i can update it! But please have at least 500 skills different then your old one!]~(red)
  22. gz guys
  23. 22
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