Okay i continue Your opinion about a Gang Squad or Company on this Forum! It works as the same like the other one! Tell us your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company. What makes them so awesome? If there is something you don't like about a Gang / Squad or Company. Do you have any good advice how they can do it better? -=(red)Only share opinions about a S/G/C, don't start to insult others, if you don't agree with the opinions then ignore it!! Gangs - level 1-5 -=(#C34A2C)[TT] - Thuga Thugs=- ~[Gangs - level 1-5]~(maroon) -=(#cc0066)[AA] - @Arms-Assassins =- : [state your opinion here] -=(#ff8c00)[B~B] - @Black-Bullets =- : [state your opinion here] -=(#99cc66)[Z] - @Organization-Zero =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#800000)[UE] - @Underground-Empire =- : [state your opinion here] -=(#80002b)[CDC] - @Comando-Da-Capital =- : [state your opinion here] -=(#696969)[O] - @The-Outfit =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#00554f)CripZ - @CripZ =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#ababab)[THC] - @The-Company =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#C34A2C)[TT] - @Tuga-Thugs =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#700000)[Rebel MC] - @Rebels-MC =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#776117)[C] - @Clandestine-Mob =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#3B311B)[U] - @Undisputed-Command =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#D4BDA5)[LE] - @Los-Escondidos =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#C20000)[BloodZ] - @BloodZ =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#635437)[CDS] - @Cartel-De-Sinaloa =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#5d5163)(X) - Generation X=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#363636)[GJMC] - Gypsy Jokers MC=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#4A092B)[INKAS] - Los INKAS=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#9b6c62 )[M] - Medellin Cartel=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#523D3A)[P~B] - @Peaky-Blinders=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#144000)[Rogue 21] - Rogue 21=-: [state your opinion here] -=(blue)Squads - level 1-5=- -=(#000080)[FBI] - @Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation =- : [state your opinion here] -=(#0000ff)[SWAT] - @S-W-A-T =- : [state your opinion here] -=(#0000cd)[SAFP] - @San-Andreas-Federal-Police =- : [state your opinion here] -=(#2f4f4f)[FOX] - @Fox-Operations-X =- : [state your opinion here] -=(#0066ff,#00a1f7)[ICE] - @ICE-Immigration-Customs-Enforcements =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#00eaff)[Five-0] - @Five-0 =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#2F2E2A )[ETF] - @Emergency-Task-Force =-: [state your opinion here] -=(orange)Companies - level 1-5=- ~[[RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas]~(#ff0022): [state your opinion here] ~[[Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell]~(orange): [state your opinion here] ~[[GXT] - Global Express Trucking]~(#DC3005): [state your opinion here] ~[[SAS] - San Andreas Studios]~(#B8B894): [state your opinion here] Here is a Format to copy it: ~[*Gangs - level 1-5*]~(maroon) -=(#cc0066)[AA] - Arms Assassins=- : [state your opinion here] -=(#ff8c00)[B~B] - Black Bullets=- : [state your opinion here] -=(#99cc66)[Z] - Organization Zero=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#800000)[UE] - Underground Empire=- : [state your opinion here] -=(#80002b)[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : [state your opinion here] -=(#696969)[O] - The Outfit=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#00554f)CripZ=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#ababab)[THC] - The Company=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#C34A2C)[TT] - Thuga Thugs=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#700000)[Rebel MC) - Rebel MC=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#776117)[C] - @Clandestine-Mob =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#3B311B)[U] - @Undisputed-Command =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#D4BDA5)[LE] - @Los-Escondidos =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#C20000)[BloodZ] - @BloodZ =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#635437)[CDS] - @Cartel-De-Sinaloa =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#5d5163)(X) - Generation X=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#363636)[GJMC] - Gypsy Jokers MC=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#4A092B)[INKAS] - Los INKAS=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#9b6c62 )[M] - Medellin Cartel=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#523D3A)[P~B] - @Peaky-Blinders=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#144000)[Rogue 21] - Rogue 21=-: [state your opinion here] *-=(blue)Squads - level 1-5=-* -=(#000080)[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : [state your opinion here] -=(#0000ff)[SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : [state your opinion here] -=(#0000cd)[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : [state your opinion here] -=(#2f4f4f)[FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- : [state your opinion here] -=(#0066ff,#00a1f7)[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: [state your opinion here] -=(#00eaff)[Five-0] - @Five-0 =-: [state your opinion here] -=(#2F2E2A )[ETF] - @Emergency-Task-Force =-: [state your opinion here] -=(orange)Companies - level 1-5=- ~[[RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas]~(#ff0022): [state your opinion here] ~[[Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell]~(orange): [state your opinion here] ~[[GXT] - Global Express Trucking]~(#DC3005): [state your opinion here] ~[[SAS] - San Andreas Studios]~(#B8B894): [state your opinion here] -=(maroon)Favorite Gang=- : -=(blue)Favorite Squad=- : If you can't pick the Gang, Squad or Company you are in now. What would be your : -=(maroon)Favorite Gang=- : -=(blue)Favorite Squad=- : Any Gang/Squad or Company missing, getting promoted or demoted then please Contact me. Regards Sam