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Everything posted by Sam.

  1. @faker said in Your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company: @Sam Could SEALs be added? Full name: S.A. Elite SEALs Tag: SEAL| Color: #3b5c85 Hello Mr @Faker Only official squads will be added here, when your squad becomes official contact me again. Regards Sam
  2. Happy Birthday
  3. Topic Updated Added [STF]-Special Task Force and [OC] - Overdose Crime
  4. Happy birthday mate!
  5. Good luck
  6. @nirjhor said in I'M BLUE!: You don't either. What is your problem i didn't say something about you.
  7. LoL it don't make really sense this topic!
  8. Username: coolme Last seen: 24th June 2018 Screenshots:
  9. Dear Mr, @Formula ~[RENT ACCEPTED]~(lime) - Your application to rent a Emergency vehicle has been accepted. Find me in-game to sort it out!
  10. Dear mr, @scoore ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime)- You have been accepted by the Group. Find a HQ or Higher rank member for the in game tests. ( Look the roster to find one HQ or higher rank members )
  11. Dear Mr, @Gary_Alex ~[RENT ACCEPTED]~(lime) - Your application to rent a Shamal/aircraft has been accepted. Find me in-game to sort it out!
  12. Dear Mr, @Reus ~[DENIED]~(red) - Your application for staff has been Denied, do not copy other application formats from other people feel free to re-apply again in 2 weeks. Good luck!
  13. Dear Mr, @Toretto ~[PASSED]~(lime) - You have passed all in-game tests, welcome in our team!
  14. Dear Mr, @Toretto ACCEPTED- You have been accepted by the Group. Find a HQ or Higher rank member for the in game tests. ( Look the roster to find one HQ or higher rank members )
  15. ...
  16. This is our Media archive here you can find our Roleplay,Activity and events! I will give Formats here you need only to copy and past it and also of course fill it up! ROLEPLAY FORMAT ::: Roleplay #Number: Rented Car Name: Participants: Story: Screenshots: ::: ACTIVITY FORMAT ::: Activity #Number: Members: Screenshots: ::: EVENT FORMAT ::: Event #Number: Event Type: Lws/G6: Price: Winner: Screenshots: :::
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. @thing said in Departure from ICE: Not one that big. If you kicked one member as a Sub-Leader, it is fine, but 12 people at once without any form of communication is not your task only, that is something you speak about as a team. If you do not understand that, you should not be in a position to decide about those sorts of decisions. Thank you that some people understand what i mean that's what i wanted to say.
  19. i speak her like i speak with the wall. I made you the sub leader to help ice and not to kick half of our team that's rude. The question is why do you don't speak with us like a meeting before you kicked them. I want to see you when you was a squad leader and i would kick 12 members you will be not happy to the same position.
  20. So slowly you breaking my nerves with your big liars you didn't done nothing in ICE. You are the noob here not me. You got banned not me. you got kicked out from staff member not me. Everyone hate you because of your bad attitude and bad reputation what i hear from other people. You think you are smart but the true is that you are no smart you think you are. About my english not a lot people is perfect in english. A lot people do not learn a lot english but i think my english is enough to understand me. I am not a fucking stupid cunt like you and i am not from england like you thats why my english is not so good but understandable. So do not speak about other people because you are from england the main language is english. I learned the most english i austria at my school time and the rest i learn now in greece so i think that's enough. I speak many other languages like german,czechs and greek. Because of you the most member in ice left because you are to strict and fight all the time with the players. and this is smart? Saes:rpg is a game to have fun not a academy school to learn ij think that you life in another world not on the earth.
  21. So first of all i say it again even if you are Sub Leader you do not have the right to kick 12 members for in activity. I knew that we had inavtive members in our team but i didn't took them out because maybe they will come back from inactivity. The Inactive members are maybe sick or in hospital or they have family problems or they are not home can be anything so why we must kick out inactive members they diden't done nothing wrong and who cares about the squad panel let them there. I saw many squads have inactive members so @Teddy you are wrong if you look in all squads you will find many inactive players. I put @Joshbond the rank SL because in the beginning he told me serious thinks how he can help the squad and i accepted it but after slowly i saw how much serious is joshbond and bad to players and fight all the time with our members. The reason why he fight with them its for his hobby he like to be like a dictator. What he have done for ICE when i say the truth NOTHING, i told him 3 times if you find try to find players for ice or he do not post even one activity or rp in media archive he don't do nothing. All what he do is talk in the community. ICE is a family and Joshbond wanted to destroy our family.
  22. @laza said in can't post images at imgur: Are you registered on imgur, Jackson? He said that he can't log out
  23. Then go to Settings > Account > Delete my Account if nothing works.
  24. @jackson said in can't post images at imgur: i did it but it still didn't work Then try to restart your PC/Laptop.
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