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Everything posted by Sam.

  1. Nice copy from ICE!
  2. Bozi
  3. Congratulation and i wish you and your members good luck for level 2!
  4. Topic Updated Added: [BBMC] - The Blood Brothers MC
  5. This is a topic about a players opinion/suggestion! It's very easy choose one player and place your opinion/suggestion about him! Please if you try to place a opinion/suggestion about a player make sure that you place it seriously! That topic is to help the community to see what opinion/suggestion the players have about others! ~[If you have any problem with the players opinion or suggestion please be calm and try only to read what he write.You are allowed to write a comment to the players, but take it easy.]~(red) Opinion/Suggestion Format: ::: Players Forum Name (@Tag): Rate his in-game skills (0-10): Rate his english skills (0-10): Do you know this player in real life: How long do you know this player in-game: Your Opinion about this player in-game: Your Suggestion about this player in-game: ::: If you have any Questions or want to add something to it PM me!
  6. Happy Birthday safp, FTW SAFP! HEIL SAFP!
  7. @jamal said in Selling House in LS with Car spawn! ( Near Jail ): Why can't i see th SS?! Sir you can see it! Bet is by: 1.5M
  8. @dhia-eddine said in Selling House in LS with Car spawn! ( Near Jail ): i have buy please Place your bet sir.
  9. Great idea i hope that the developer team add this script because as a leader in ice we had a lot of issue like multi account in ICE. Many players try to join with different account in ice so they can be in a squad and gang. Another think Members what get kicked or banned in ICE, they try to join as well with different account. After that i say to myself to look in my member list, and i find out that 1 member had 2 or even 3 accounts in ICE so 3 accounts was 1 player. It's hard to have this under control because it's not easy to find this out. I know that it's not a rulebreak but i think that if they add the script to the server it will be more easy for all the community, especially for the g/s/c. +1
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