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Everything posted by TaaviLaudur

  1. @Denox let dnb guide your life, bye bye
  2. as the title says, leave your opinion
  3. @chief said in Arrests/SR Scoreboard: I wonder how @TaaviLaudur is a criminal and he got :first_place_medal: ? look at my bio and you will see why
  4. username: lennygostoso last login: 30th august 2018 screen:https://i.imgur.com/3NV0tgC.jpg?1
  5. atleast they try to make events, they cant control the people nor do huge builds/events cause of the limitation on their construction panel. Its a good initative nonetheless. They arent LWS/G6 afterall... Its not a waste of time for them if they like to create events, besides what else would you do on the server if you are bored?
  6. correct me if im wrong, the kill-arrest system was implemented temporarily? if so when will it be removed if thats the case
  7. is this a new trend?
  8. is saes dm server?
  9. Transportation #5 Participators: TaaviLaudur, miKu, Zoom-In Amount of participators: 3 Date of transportation: 08.07.2018 Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/cDHUyoc.jpg?1
  10. Event: Parkour Prize: $20,000,000 Winner(s): @JoseFrags Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: gudi Screen: https://i.imgur.com/AKVJZht.jpg?1
  11. cool, snakeer
  12. @Kybali0n this time i feel like im gonna land on 35
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