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Everything posted by TaaviLaudur

  1. @Alperreis said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: @Tut-Greco said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: @Alperreis said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: What I was thinking is kill-arrest script should be removed, it's not really realistic but if kill-arrest removed from game, there should be another timer for criminals to escape from jail if they cannot manage to escape then they should send back to their cells, so this will prevent the camping inside the jail. im against, this would ruin OB and others who enjoy doing long jailbreaks There shouldn't be such a thing like "long jailbreaks", it's just endless dm cycle within the jail long jailbreaks are caused by the kill-arrest script.
  2. dont apporve this and on another note: I see that kill-arrest isnt a temporary script anymore so why not fix it: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3647/fix-kill-arrest
  3. Property: San Fierro Offices Building GUI: ::: ::: Exterior: ::: ::: Starting bid: 15mil
  4. Press F to pay respec
  5. Laudur's blessings to AA! AA :p
  6. wrong bmw was added, e36 would satisfy
  7. Event : parkour Prize: $5.126.969 Winner(s): @ArCoM Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: TaaviLaudur Screens: https://imgur.com/a/u5RTsYZ
  8. what about not changing the huntley, it already has a great skin
  9. @Ted said in Suggestion about County Banks: Instead of increasing the current reward on big banks keep them same and reduce the smaller bank's rewards so that's it. revenue was also lowered by half during the new update.
  10. Rain causes a short circuit in my toaster. It cant take it.
  11. @Crash Strange...i see DE headshotting people almost daily
  12. @Sam u telling me you cant find 5 other cops with you and raid SR?
  13. a group of 6 organized cops can take down a SR with 20 crims, cops can also respawn after they die - criminals cant come back after being arrested.
  14. You can make 1mil in 1.5 hours as cop. The pay isnt low at all, its your skill that is low.
  15. Address: Billionaires Penthouse Account name: joshbond Last seen: 2nd of january 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/gy6GqhV
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