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Everything posted by Wizax
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): RSD Other involved people: @Cataclysm Date, time and duration of activity: Thursday, 9th January , 2020, From 19:18 Until 20:08 Duration: 50 minutes Activity type: City Wide Patrol Around LS - LV Activity Details: I went on duty with my partner Cadet Cataclysm under unit adam 991 for a city wide patrol using statu 10-8, we quit base heading toward East of Las Venturas duo to the high activity there, we were informed about the high truckers activity on Thursday and there was a high threat of fake truckers who would be carring hiden illegal stuff, so we pulled over any trucker we met, and checked their ID, Driving License, Car Registation and Company license and analyze their load, Its around 20:00 and around this time many unites from Las Santos Takes a meal break on that time that's why we decided to move from Las Venturas City Wide Patrol to Las Santos City Wide Patrol, after we reached our destination we gathered around the city for truckers and kept making a complete DUI check with any we meet, and yet all truckers we meet are legal and validen, a few moments later and we made sure all Las Santos unites are back on duty we decided to end our tour of duty Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/2LKJsoN :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): RSD Other involved people: @Cataclysm, @Freezoom Date, time and duration of activity: 9th of Jan 2020, From 18:31 Until 19:06 Duration: 35 Activity type: RoadBlock Activity Details: I just started my evening tour of duty, i packed some construction matrials on the tow truck and headed toward Las Santos - Las Venturas Highway With Two partners under unit 991, few minutes after we built the roadblock we started working, i was watching from the watch tower while both officers were covering each side, Officer Cataclysm pulled over a trucker without any paper and his excuse was " i forgot them at home " while Officer Freezoom pulled over two citizen and made a quick DUI check with them, few moments later Officer Freezoom asked for a meal break so i took his spot, i pulled over a trucker who was trucking freeway bikes, after checking his papers, documents and company license, all seemed to be clear, we didn't stand too much after this last DUI check then we decided to close the road block Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/ROEfqr5 :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Major.Dawkins (( @marko )) Captain.Dom (( @Dom )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: @Faysal - @Ramos - @Toolbox - @Howlze - @Bangas - @AntiRug - @JohnnyEnglish - @jonathan959 - @Mysticuff - @Bizzle - @Spartan and few others Date, time and duration of activity: 8th of Jan 2020, From 19:40 Until (( Tbh i didn't look at time )) Duration: Something around 40-30 minutes i guess Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details: I was sitting in base watching TV When i got a code 0 call requesting all available unites to respond and mainly San Andreas Interceptors, without asking about details i responded to the given location as soon as i could, there i found two vehicle crash and an injured person, situation was too dangerous, one of the cars was carrying a bolt of gas, my job was to deal with the traffic and disallow any random to enter while San Andreas Fire Departement will deal with the accident, I requested medical back up while FireFighter Toolbox started the warning on their base requesting all unites to come to his location, after few minutes all needed back up responded, they carried the injured citizen to a safe place and told me to make the safer area bigger to not risk any lifes, the hardest part is that we must stop that fire as soon as possible because only 1 hour left and all state workers will be out of work and Las Santos - Las Venturas high way will be too busy, While San Andreas Medics were dealing with the injured, San andrease Fire Departements was stoping the fire, after half hour the fire is stoped and the vehicle chaissis were carried away out of the highway road and everything was clear Screenshots: ::: (( SAFD SS )) = https://imgur.com/a/NxcXTI2 https://imgur.com/a/oETgKXx :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )), Major Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: @Skomorje (( Madeen Deegan )) Date, time and duration of activity: 8th of jan 2020, From 19:01 until 19:32, Duration: 30 minutes Activity type: City Wide Patrol Activity Details: I quit base as Adam 991 with my partner Madeen Deegan for a tour of duty under code 10-8, After a short patrol around Las Venturas we saw a IC-2 Truck quiting Las Venturas Toward Las Santos in a high speed, i turned on the series, rolled down the window and yelled on my megaphone asking suspect to pull over while my partner reported all details on radio and kept updating everything, Suspect finaly accepts to pull over, i kept watching from my mirrior while my partner was talking with the suspect, after they had a short conversation, and while he took his paper i took care of the suspect, then we seen some weapon hiden on the suspect belts, but it was legal he had all license and own rights, so we just gave him a ticket and fall back to Las Venturas, There we decided to have a meal break, i bought 2 meal packs for both of us and kept the change as tips for the water, while eating we talked about some life issue then we ended our tour of duty Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/jddnPVJ :::
SAFP || Official Media Archive
Wizax replied to scooter's topic in San Andreas Federal Police's Public Forum
^[] Type of the activity: Parashut race, Free-For-All DM, Practice chase training Members online: @Glayd , @DeepK, @iSsoUu, @laminee, @LandShark Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/XUj2VRh ::: -
Will miss you sir.Biz Bozi You were the one who invited me and faysal to SAPA our first official organization, gl with life man, Peace
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) , L.Martinez (( @Bizzlee )), Hass_Crosson (( Forums name )), Firstname_Lastname (( @Marko )), Firstname_Lastname (( @Kim )), Firstname_LastName (( [SWAT]Dom )) Divisions involved: RSD Other involved people: Officer.Cataclysm (( @alfmeister )) , Firstname_Lastname (( @Griffin )) Date, time and duration of activity: 12/28/2019, From 20:22 Server time to 21:19 Server time 57 Minutes Activity type: Roadblocks Activity Details: It was 20:22 PM, Las Santos - Las Venturas High way was very active and there was a heavy traffic jam, so i decided to make a road block to avoid accidents, illigals transproting and help freeing the route, before leaving base i requested some back up from all available unite Code 1 And i got the right amount of assistance i need, we built the road block and started working, we made some quick DUI Check and Vehicle analyzes, and while i was looking at my watch, i heard Capitan Dom yelling my name, i immediatly responded, he catched a citizen in the watch tower near our weapons he told me to take care of him, i cuffed the suspect and turned him to the wall then checked his pocket, i found nothing else than his ID, some other papers, money and some keys, after a short conversation with him, i requested from control to inspect his ID number SA-123, his ID was clear with no privious problem and at this moment i gave him a warning and left him go, Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/JW8Ma7j :::
^[] ^[~[Activity Check]~(#434994)] ^[] (( Missind Dom )), Total members online from 20:22 to 22:11 = 11 member
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn Divisions involved: RSD & HSPD Other involved people: Cataclysm (( @alfmeister )) Date, time and duration of activity: 12/28/2019, From 16:25 Server time to 18:13 Server time, 1 hour and 48 minutes Activity type: *RP Patrol, Roadblocks And Checkpoints Activity Details: I quit base to start my tour of duty with my partner Officer Cataclysm under unite 991 under status 10-8 on a City Wide Patrol Around Las venturas, It was very inactive and all seemed normal, we pulled over some citizen for a quick DUI check, and meanwhile we were enjoying the San Andreas FM Music we saw an over speeding red vehicle, i took out my megaphone and yelled asking them to pull over, Suspect accepted without problems, after a short converstaion i gave him a warning ticket after checking his ID, Driving license And car registation, then i checked the vehicle interrior and trunk and made a quick alchole test for him, Then we decided to switch from Las Venturas City Wide Patrol to Las Santos City Wide Patrol duo to the high traffic activity there, All seemed normal so we headed toward San Fierro, after few minutes of patrolling and watching the traffic we decided to go back to Las Santos-Las Venturas high way there we droped a Speed Camera, few minutes we were informed about a High speeding vehicle quiting Las Venturas Toward Las Santos using the Principal High way route, There was already an officer following it, so we land him some help, Suspect were boxed and the officer who were chasing him took care of him so we decided to had a meal break in the Las Venturas Donut ring store after reporting in radio under code 7 then after finishing our meal we decided to end up our tour of duty Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/UoC6Nv3 :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn Divisions involved: RSD Other involved people: @Turbo (( Thanks for helping )) Date, time and duration of activity: 12/26/2019, From 16:47 to 18:24 Duration 37 Minutes Activity type: Road Block Activity Details: It was Around 16:40 minutes when i decided to build a road block by Las Santos <> Las Venturas Highway duo to the high activity of traffic around this time, Me and Agent Turb made some DUI Checks and Vehicle/Load Analyze, and everything seemed to be clear Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/sc0w8OE :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn Divisions involved: RSD Other involved people: @alfmeister (( Cataclysm )) Date, time and duration of activity: 12/27/2019, From 23:16 Server time to 0:10 Server time, 54 Minutes Activity type: *RoadBlock Activity Details: Las Venturas - Las Santos Highway road block, some Quick DUI Check and vehicle Interrior / Load analyze, All was clear nothing illegal, Also there was Medical assistance ready for any back up call Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/pbZMjmi :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( Wizax )) Divisions involved: CID Other involved people: @Siper_ Date, time and duration of activity: 12/27/2019 From 21:14 to 21:36, 22 Minutes Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details: I was enjoying my mean brake under code 7 around 21:00 when i get a warning notification from San Andreas Interceptors base, Unknown person was breaking in from the Sea, I immediatly get in my vehicle turned on the engine and hit the fuel, also requested any available unit for back up, Once i reached my destination, i got inside the building and i found that he desactived the cameras and cracked the first door, Few minutes of searching i found him in the second floor trying to crack our database files room door, he aimed with my M14 at him yelling so he put his hands up in the air, and somehow when i was not paying attention he shot me with his deagle on my hand so i couldn't hold the any weapon, he tried to escape by running to the roof and i followed him, he broke the glass and jumped, for a second i thought he suicided but he had a parashut and a black car down waiting him, i reported the car 10-17 and 10-20 on radio and requested immediat medical assistance, Few hours later after medics bandaged my bleeds and removed the ammo from my hand i went back to the SAI Building and tried to find any fingerprint but nothing and i was not really surprised, i knew he is not the typical type of criminals, he is some real rogues. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/4dsARkZ :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin Wrynn ( Wizax ) Divisions involved: ND Other involved people: @Freezoom Date, time and duration of activity: 12/26/2019, From 15:32 Server time to 16:01 28 Minutes Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details: I quit base as Unit Adam 991 with my partner Jack Steward, After few minutes while i was passing some neighborhood, i heard some shooting so i turned on my series and responded very quick while my partner reported in the radio and asked for possible back up call, we sleathly get in the house but it was too late when we responded the suspect already drove away, we went back in the house and we were shocked on what we found, Many Drugs bags, inactive bombs, high quiality weapon and ammo creates i weared some gloves and gave my partner gloves to ware so we dont put our finger prints on the drugs bag, after checking what type of drugs was it i sprayed on a bag to find previous fingersprint and took them a picture, i were sure the suspect wont come back so i decided to go back to base and bring a truck to carry all that and left Freezoom there to guard it and report me if anything happens, few minutes later i arrived with the truck we loaded everything and headed back to SAI base there i scaneed the fignersprint in the database to find a compared fingersprint that matchs those, and i found some information about them, i registed his name in the high wanted criminals in San Andreas and left the fingersprint picture in the achivement file in SAI Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Bco6Ljz :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin Wrynn ( Wizax ) Divisions involved: RSD Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 12/26/2019, 14:58 Server time to 15:32 Server time 34 Minutes Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: It was 14:58 When i started my duty under Unit Licoln 991 Statu 10-8, Everyting seemed to be clear, after a long moment i decided to have a mean brake so i reported my Statu 10-7 under code 7, I went to the burger shot there i bought a small pack for my lunch, and once i finished i reported that im back on duty code 10-30, after few minutes i saw a two doors Tow Truck IC-1 Entring Las Venturas (( @JojoDb )) , so i decided to make a quick DUI check with him, After a small converstation i took his ID and Driving License All was valide and his Driving license will expire on 1st Feb, so i took his Company licenses all seemed clear for me, i asked him to step out his vehicle to check the interrior, there i found an empty can of beer and ashe of cigarret, i could know from him that he drunk this last night after his shift i couldn't easliy belive him so i decided to make a quick drunk test for him, and he was not under alchol effect so i decided to let him go Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/v9rcjsC :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin Wrynn ( Wizax ) Divisions involved: RSD Other involved people: Random people around San Andreas who were passing the high way Date, time and duration of activity: 12/25/2019, 1:38 Server time to 3:06 Server time 1 hour and 28 minutes Activity type: Roadblocks Activity Details: I quit base under Licoln 991, Headed toward Las Venturas-Las Santos highway, i was aware of the low activity of traffic that that late time of night but this is the best time for criminals to delivery their illegals from A to B, so i decided to drop a road block and stop anyone who will looks wierd for me, After few minutes an IC-2 Truck passed by and accepted to pull over without any problems, i checked his company license and some of his documents using database and all was valide then i checked his load and after comfirming all was clear i allowed him to go, Then after few minutes a IC-2 Trucker who had a wierd load, he rushed in the road block and escaped from it so i reported him to units in LV giving them his 10-20 and 10-17, Then another trucker passed, he wasn't from San Andreas he couldn't speak english well, looks like he is new in the city or just delivrying a load that came outside of SA, i checked his documents and company license and knew that this load came from Spanish and according to his ID he is Spanish, I analazyed his vehicle and checked his documents in the database and all was clear so he was free to go, after couple of minuts a vehicle on fire broke the silience, i immediatly called SAFD Assistance, good thing there was no injures, after clearing everything i decided to go off duty and have a break Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/YaJ8UKh :::
Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn ( Wizax ) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) Other involved people: @Faysal Date, time and duration of activity: 12/25/2019, 00:20 to 1:04 Duration 44 minutes. Activity type: RP Activity Details: It's the day in the month when San Andreas Interceptors makes their regular vehicle Engine, Wheels and chaissis check to fix any problem that may interrupt members from doing their jobs and that's why i've phoned a friend of mine from All Load Trucking to come and inspect the vehicles, he responded after few minutes he parked his can and we had a small converstation then he started doing his job while i was watching him, After checking each vehicle engine, chaissis and wheels everything looked fine expect one that it engine was losing oil because it has a hole on it, we grabbed it to his base and there we chained the engine and made sure it's working as before, then i paid him and quit back to SAI Headquart with the vehicle Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/GdWYj4a :::
SAFP || Official Media Archive
Wizax replied to scooter's topic in San Andreas Federal Police's Public Forum
Type: Musical Chair LWS/G6: Alex Prize: 1,000,000 for first place and 500.000 for second Winner: 2nd Douglass 1st Arma Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Q5mu2gw ::: -
Role Play Number: 21 Participants in The RP: @Nord @Wizax @Harb @Skinner @radiogaga @hope @madezer @MrDeathBoy RP Scenario: ^[ PART II] I brought the Fingers sprint to Las Santos Police Departemement to check if they applies to any other finger sprnts, there i found one of our Directors Mr.Nord and his is one of the Directorate of Science & Technology, i gave him the cigar to scann it and cover the fingers sprint then check the Police Departements data base, he took out his prints sprayer and sprayed on the cigar, then he putted it under the scanner and turned on the data base, after searching he found that prints belong to a high wanted drug dealer in San Andreas also we could knew some personal informations about him, i made a plan with Mr.Nord to order drugs from him and ask him to come personally to give us it, we checked his last seens locations and deguised as a man and his wife and went to a bar he always goes to, we asked the guard about the reserves and his name was in the list, we got inside the bar and acted like the community inside, and when we saw him getting inside, i walked for him with my wife ( Nord ) and asked him for permission to sit and talk with him, after a small descussion with him i ordered 50kg of cocaine and i asked him to come personally and give me it, i have gim date and location and we talked about the price, the day of receive has came i went with some CIA agents deguised as bodyguards and their boss, after few munites of waiting they came, but their boss wasnt with em, i asked them to show me the cocaine and while they was not looking i glued a Tracking Device connected to Central Intelligence Agency computers on their trucker, i acted like the drugs was not high quality and i didn't like it and ordered something better, i were sure they gonna drive back to their warehouse or something that can help us, so after they drove away i turned on the computer and watched where they are going, after they stopped i followed the road they took, it leaded me to a big warehouse there i saw them talking with their boss, i called all the agents for back up and raided them, they surrendred, we cuffed them and took them to Police departement to interrogate and jail with them Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/wOPkoRd :::
Happy Birthday @scooter, my fat teacher <3, without you SAFP is nothing.
Role Play Number: 20 Participants in The RP: @Ace, @Dangerr, @medei, @Wizax and @Polate RP Scenario: ^[Part I] I was on a City Wide Patrol around Las Venturas Under unit 91 on my night tour of duty, but it was too calm, and that was something weird that never happens in Las Venturas at night, so i decided to deguise as civillian, take a normal car and go to the worst place in Las Venturas, The Craw Bar, there i found my line, there was a flatbed with two black vehicle protecting it, i asked the bar guard about the informations he knows about that flatbed or it load, he didn't wanted to answer so i bribed him with 150$ dollar, he told me the drivers names and what is insde the truck trunk, there was drugs in each box but its well hiden from cops, in each create has some chemicals around it makes the dogs cant sniff the drugs odor, but he didn't know the driver destination, he told me they are inside having some drinks, so i got inside and sitted in the table next to them and tried to hear what they were talking about, i could know that they were going to San Fierro to sell the drugs there but where exactly, i couldnt know, few moments later they left the bar and started driving away, i spy them from far away so they doubt about me, they stopped on a construction area and a deguised person came out of a pink vehicle, i was watching them with my telescoop from a hiden place, after a short discussion betwean them, they loaded three creates in the deguised person's car, then they drove away, i went there hoping to find anything, after few seconds of searching i found a cigaret with of one of them, it has his finger sprint, i kept the cigaret with me to give it to the Directorate of Science & Technology to find the fingers sprint on it then check San Andreas data-base and see if they find any fingers sprint Applied to those. ScreenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/GDACL6z :::
C.I.A. - Central Intelligence Agency
Wizax replied to Ardron's topic in Territorial Support Group (TSG) - ARCHIVE
^[GENERAL INFORMATION] In Game Name: Wizax. Username: wawawa. Age: 18 Years old. Nationality: Tunisian. Languages: Arabic, English and French. Total Server Playtime: 2034 Hours. Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: San Andreas Police Academy MI-6 San Andreas Federal Police. Current/Previous Groups: San Andreas Police Departement ( ProCop ) Black Eagles Security Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: No. ^[ROLEPLAY INFORMATION] For you, what is C.I.A.: C.I.A is a fresh formed Squad, it got respected and experienced members, good reputation in the server and its has an original role also its growing up fast and i can see a good future for this squad, and i want to help in building this future What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: Directorate of Operations, Because i feel comfortable with it. What is our main role: C.I.A or Central Intelligence Agency is a territorial support squad resided in the United States of America, it main role is collect pieces of dangerous information and secrets for the grovements, it have a good reputation with the white house and it members, and The goal of the C.I.A is to keep San Andreas peace What can you bring to the squad: I will bring the squad my respect, my trust, my skills, my courage and my honesty. And, i try to help anyone in need of help. Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: First of all i will disguise on a civillian cloths then take some light gear ( Deagle, MP4, Night version, telescope, body Armor ect...) and use a normal vehicle, i will follow the target like nothing is wrong and if he goes off road i will watch him with the telesope ^[OTHER INFORMATION] Any other information you wish to specify: I've been playing this game since a long time so you can say i am experienced and skilled player, my roleplay skills and radio usage is perfect if I rate it as 1-10, It will be 8. Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: No one. Why did you choose C.I.A.: As i mentioned, C.I.A is growing up and building it future and i want to build that future with it by helping in everything it need -
@Faysal, The one who encouraged me to come back to this game after being inactive since 2014.