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Everything posted by Wizax

  1. Type of the activity: Training [ Parashut lending, Parashut race(We all jump in the same time and who reach the 35 first one win), TDM] Members online: @supreme @wizax @tefa @deepk @DJO Screenshots: ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler
  2. Type:Box All Vs All In Dark Cage LWS/G6: M7mod Prize: 1.000,000 Winner: @Djappa Screenshots: ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  3. -=(#ff0000,#ff0000)* PART I=- Main characters: @Wizax @tefa @Killer Story: It was 22:08, I was patroling with Colonel Tefa, We went to donate shop to buy something to eat Screenshots:##spoiler==Spoiler ##endspoiler ##endspoiler
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