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Everything posted by Wizax

  1. activity check ~[To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-]~
  2. Participants: @wizax @Kayser @Steve @kevin @Methomas @ziad Yesterday, our dispatcher got these photos about this criminal activity This one in the middle is one of the largest drug dealer in San Andreas, and is required for the law, and all officers were given an order to choke around San fierro, Red Country and Bayside to catch them, after a long search found them in bayside - San Fierro bridge we kept chasing them and shooting them till they lose the control on their car after that i cuffed their hands and brought them to SA. Federal Police base we brought 1 by 1 to the integration room from the first one we knew what does the creates has inside and what is the name of who sold them this delivery From the second we knew where the drug dealer lives and who is his boss and his customers -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  3. -=(#824b82,lime,blue)A partner has no without invitation=- Participants: @SQuiZo @brand @JoseFrags @Wizax Its 00:13, I was in SA. Federal Police base teaching new applicant some new tactics when we got a warning about not welcome partner in our base trying to destroy the door to get inside our Federal Files room i called some back up and went there as soon as possible, Officer Gelbert [Brand] cuffs the suspect hands then we brought him to integration room, While officer.JoseFrags was dealing with him i was watching from the Watching room, we coulding know any information from him else than his personaly information because he didnt want to speak without a lawyer, after taking him Photos we brought him to Cells ScreenShot(s) More ScreenShots in Imgure link >https://imgur.com/a/suqhm5k< -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  4. Good luck!
  5. Morning activity check -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  6. @nori999 use /gunfix, its a bug
  7. @asesino said in The Company | Media Archive: Roleplay#: 311 The time has arrived. All started when one of main head from The Company meet with others followers of The Company. This meeting was planned for days ago. Lately we had several problems, our members were being catched making their illegal sides therefore previously we are searching for one solution, ... and yes we finally found the solution so we decided to solve it. Tonight we agreed the meeting in The Company loby, we welcomed them and Asesino talk a bit what were the plans and also taught them the location and the proccedure which they were going to take. Everything clear we just were waiting for the perfect time to start. Meanwhile Asesino prepared the vehicles and guide them where they should go. Night's was favorable for them because there weren't much crowded of civils around, about the weather there is not much to say, It was cloudy and fresh wind. We headed the vehicles straight to Las Venturas where we agreed the execution. Once we arrived to Las Venturas we were locating them via Global Positioning System (GPS). As they usually patrol in wealthy villages we focused on this kind of zones. We finally got the exact loc. of them so we went there. They were in the Police Patrol waiting for emergency calls aside the road. Noisyboy's crew and Asesino's stepped out of vehicles and aimed at police patrol. They obey us and handed up. Noisyboy and Asesino searched their bodies and acquired their belongings afterwards we come back to headquarters We were quite quiet with their ass on our seats. When we arrived at headquarters Asesino took the control and had a talk. Asesino talked all truth within what fit. We finally could made revenge of what they were performing to The Company members along this month. We guided them to cells and left them there. Asesino told some grattitude words for those fellas who helped with Company's trouble and The Company gaves them a reward. @Noisyboy @Wizax @Jizzy @Snowyyy @Brnjo -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  8. Evening Activity More SS in Imgur link >https://imgur.com/a/MOb25Fu< -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  9. @meta said in Organization Zero | Role play archive: -=(orange)Participants=- : Wizax, Steve, Jesse, Flappy and Meta Our friend and gang mate was arrested in Bone County in the bar Right after getting this news, I called 2 of his closest friends, we arranged a meeting to help him before getting jailed . After setting a good plan, we drove to the ammunation to buy some weapons . Meanwhile, Jesse was getting investigated by SAFP officers, They took his finger prints, insereted it into the system and then moved to the investigation room where officers started pressing him We kept waiting for like 3 hours outside the official department of SAFP The officers were driving Jesse to the Prison to spend his first 3 days there before getting investigated again, We started following the car carefully It was late, the street was empty in the middle of the night, I drove at max speed to get close to the car when Flappy and Steve opened fire . Jesse wasn't much hurt comparing to the officers, steve helped him getting in the back of the Burrito . Safe and clean! . -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  10. Type: BMX Race LWS/G6: @Bachwa))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Prize: 1,000,000$$$ for First one and 200,000$$$ for Second one Winner: Nicus First, Koko second Screenshots:
  11. Daily Activity check -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  12. Patrolling, Pull over, Raiding SRs and Stopping JBs more SS on Imgur link >https://imgur.com/a/cXEeILU< -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  13. Activity Check -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  14. Training #1 Parashut lend #2 TDM ::: ::: -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  15. @scorpyo said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive: ALT RP with SAFP: Today, we offered SAFP car parts and then installed them on their police vehicle at ALT workshop and made some repairs to it. We also made several business with them. ::: Members : @Wizax @JoseFrags and me :::
  16. Patrolling, Stopping x3 JB x2 SRs ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/V0AanlA To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-
  17. -=(red)PART II=- -=()The Federal File=- Special Thanks to DJO for helping me to host this big RP Main characters: @Wizax @Brian @DJ0 @Hammer @Lynardz2 @Steve @devin @Tut [Some others DE and Squads member i couldn't see their names when we was RPing] Story: It's been 3 weeks since we lost our federal file. The criminals still do not know the password. This morning our Dispatchers found this criminal activity near Bon-Country Airport and after zooming in on the faces of the suspects they seem to be the same criminals of the last time. as soon as possible we respond. after long searching we found a large ship parked away at sea My radio did not work so I could not call back I informed my teammates that we should do it on our own unless we lost it again and i am not ready to lose it again We parked the helicopter and then rush and I took out my megaphone and yell but no answer. We tried to shoot the gardians but that spent the lives of one of our members but luck there was a marine unit patrolling the sea We brought the sick officer on his boat and back to the land. my radio back to work. I called heavy backup of Airborne units and Naval Units, within 2 minutes all responds After long shoting the criminals surrendered When i was about cuffing their hands the jumped to the sea but there was a boat waitting them down. I gave an order to all the units to follow them while im taking our the federal usb file. But the criminals have died so we do not know who gives them orders to steal our file. Screenshots: ~~More screens on Imgure link >https://imgur.com/a/AYtOECS< -=()To protect with gourage to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  18. RP#8 - Waste Of Time Participants: @Reggi @Djappa @wizax @Lucifer666 @Killer @Karma Story: At 1:00 am, I was with Don Reggie at Sector Club when I received a call from a client called Karma. We asked about 15 kg of cocaine. As soon as possible, we collected some members and then we went to our warehouse. Lucifer and Keller filled the cocaine in the gearbox Then we went to Karma's house, talked about the price and the delivery tax. Then we dropped the cocaine on the table. Karma opened the bag and then took a knife and cut it and then tested it. After a small talk he went to his bedroom and brought the money bags and then put him on the table and took the cocaine. He got into his car and started the engine and fled, i opened the money bag but it was a fake money, so we started pursuit by car then took him from his hair and said: "This is what happened when you miss with us us" I told Lucifer that kill him, and then bring the cocaine back to our warehouse + ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/jJP1nmH
  19. @virusln said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive: Roleplay With -=(0d50b8)SAFP=- Practicants: @Wizax Story: I was at the corporation's HQ at LS and I got a call from an agent from SAFP squad, they wanted 3 crates of M4 with 7 crates of ammo, I collected what Mr. Wizax requested and I went to their HQ at LV, Mr.Wizax welcomed me and we had a little conversation then he started unloading the crates without even testing the weapons, after he finished he paid me and then I left him going back to our HQ. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/As3Lo1O
  20. . Main characters: @wizax @Marwane @VoXeR Story: I was patrolling with a trainee teaching him somethings when we saw a drunk man in the road with a weapon on his hands, i removed the seat belts around me, Opened he door, Took out my shutgun then run into him, i asked him to give me his weapons License but he refuses, when i asked him what is your name he started running away so i shoot his right leg, he falled down i told Officer Marwane to cuffs his hands and keep his eyes one him while im picking the car, After we put him in the car we went to SAFP base, there we took his fingerprits then i checked his ID, he wasn't a wanted criminal or anything he is just a citizen, but only 1 thing was wrong, he left his wife and his childrens since 3 weeks, they dont know where is he, i putted him in the Integration room and keep waiting till the drunk effect finish, after 4 hours he was ready to answer my question, I asked him about his name and Date of birthday then i asked him "Why do you left you family?" he said "They are cu*ts, Always trying to remove the drink from me" i said "Do you know that your wife reported you because you punched her ?" He Answers "Yes i do" i asked him "You dont miss your family ?" He saids "Just sometimes my childrens but when i drink i forget everyyyyyyyyything" I said "In my job i work everyday. so i can't see my familly only 1 time every year, I really miss them" he said "yes that's true. i was in the jail for 3 years, in these years i really missed them in that time , my family, Do you have family ?" i answered "Yes i do 1 wife, 1 boy and 1 girl" he said what about your parents? "i said they died since a long time, Do you have a job ?" he said " Yes im trucker but i spend all my money in drink " i said " and you are pround of that ? im not telling you to no drink but watch your family they are the best think in this life don't lose them, take that as friend advice " and after a long talk i Told him " We will go to your wife, you will apologyz and back to your family like nothing happineds " he agrees, i dropped him in his house door then went to mountain to watch seeing them happy and seeing him kissing his children when they are sleeping made me remember my family, i took out my phone then called them Screenshots:##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion -San Andreas Federal Police=-
  21. Main characters: @scooter @DJ0 @DeepK @superme @Iskender @wizax @Nojihr Story:It's morning i was about start patrolling, i went to Weapons room but our M4 storage is running out, so Private.DJO told me he has a friend can sell us weapon with high quality "Nojihr" We called him and asked him about price and when it will be ready to receive, We called our members because we will need their help then we start moving , When we reached Nojihr house we found him outside waitting, While members was protecting the area i was dealing with him, we bought 250k M4 ammo for 25,000$, after loading the delivery and back to base we dropped the ammo in our weapons warehouse then we loaded our weapons and we went to test it in shooting room Screenshots: ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion -San Andreas Federal Police=-
  22. Type: 1 Vs 1 Sniper Prize: 1,000,000 Winner: V3 Screenshots: >> -=() https://imgur.com/a/yYchhLM =- << -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion -San Andreas Federal Police=-.
  23. -=(red,blue)PART I=- Main characters: @xtream @tefa @scooter @deepk @superme @esta @wizax @DJ0 Story: It was a normal morning, i was patrolling, nothing special till i saw a heavy big truck parcked randomly in the road, i left my car and went to check it, boxs was closed well. i used a knife to open one of them when i found drugs, i was chocked to see all that amount of drugs, as fast as posible i called back-up. after couple of munites SAFP members responds, we boxed the house but sadly one of us got shooted because he rush alone [DJ0] we called medical units and we told Officer [Esta] to stay with him, then we took the gun from the suspect [Xtream] and cuffs his hand, we took him to our base to Integration room and we start asking question and other members was recording and noting his answers, but he didnt answer any question even after forcing him he said "i wont say anything without a lawyer" we took him photo then put him in jail till his court of law date comes Screenshots: ##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion -San Andreas Federal Police=-
  24. -=(red,red,red)* PART II=- @hope said in Wild~Angels Media Archive: -=(purple)R=-oleplay Number: -=(purple)234=- -=(purple)T=-itle: -=(purple)~A=-ssassin Job Went Wrong-=(purple)~=- -=(purple)P=-articipants: Wild angle: Me \ SAFP: @Wizax -@Tefa \ Medic: @Access -=(purple)S=-tory : it was classic day while i was drinking my coffee strange people came and took me with them in their van and then i found out myself in a street called grove street with bunch of gang members near me and there was a guy siting on a chair and waiting me after 2 hours they wanted me to kill an officer called Wizax they didnt say the reason or anything at the first i didnt accept but they offered me extra money then i accepted and in the middle of the talking i saw on the guy who were talking with me an ID on it a name and i figured out that this guy is the leader of those people who took me and his name was John_Clay after i went back to my base i started to prepare for the mission and what i came with is will be acting like a poor guy and i have a deagle with me and after i prepared myself i went to Officer Wizax and asked him if he can give me money he said no so i aim at his heart and shot him and in this time there was an officer near by and saw me so i started to run and he chased me and he got me and sent me to cell and he went back to his friend and called an medic after the medic arrived (access) and he tried to help officer wizax but unfortunately he manged to save officer Wizax life and after that officer Tefa came back and putted me inside a place have inside it table and two chair and he asked me some question after he fucked me i answer his questions and then he said that guy is a the most high wanted guy in SA and then he sent me to the cell again . -=(purple)S=-creenShots :https://imgur.com/a/lDS4fNd -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
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