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Everything posted by Wizax

  1. Meanwhile in SAES:RPG Tunisians 9arwi kanker gank https://youtu.be/jDtiQPIFlw0 Original video https://youtu.be/ZqkgMTmqyqk The idea came from here, where a guy called Ala 9arwi stole a bus and brought it to his neighborhood to pick his neighbors so they started yelling "Ala jeb car" which means Ala brought a bus Special thanks to @Faysal for recording and other Tunisians for joining
  2. I was 3ala the driver, tips his hat
  3. Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) ; S.Hayward (( @Niceez )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: - Date, time and duration of activity: Friday, February 7, 2020 Activity type: RP patrol Activity Details: I was on a city-wide patrol under unit lincoln 991 when I got a radio report from Sergeant Hayward asking me to come to San Andreas Interceptors headquarters, we packed some traffic obstacles at the police vehicle trunk, checked, refueled the vehicle then started the tour of duty using Adam unit 991 , 10-30 from San Andreas Interceptors HQ under status 10-8, after a quick shift around Las Venturas highways we got a report from dispatchers about an IC-2 with golden wheels, four doors, driving on the wrong side of the road, we responded to the given location from the dispatcher using sirens on, the suspect refused to pull over at first but by the last warning he started slowing down and parked his car, I left the car holding my shotgun while Sergeant Hayward was standing alert at the door for any future suspicious action as well as he reported our 10-55, when I started a conversation my partner Hayward got out the vehicle and had a look at the vehicle interior but he couldn't find anything suspicious, he waited for me to finish my speech with the suspect then asked him to open the trunk, there he found a white bag, the suspect was too nervous about it, his excuse was it's one of his friends stuff that he forgot on the car yesterday but he didn't want to give us anymore details so we decided to take him to the Police departement of Las Venturas there they will interrogate him, Then we had a small meal break at Las Venturas Pay 'n' Spray, once we reported that we are back on shift under status 10-8 we saw a random guy with dirty cloths running on the street, we got out the vehicle and tried to talk with him but he was ignoring everyone and running in circles, so we had to electric shock him with a taser maybe he will calm down, that moment he accepted to talk to us, we asked him for his full name and it was John Swit, we asked dispatcher about a state report of this name and he the report said that he is a neurological disease, so we picked him to the hospital neurological disease section in Las Venturas maybe they give him the right medicines and treat him right there After a small patrol around the south-east of Las Venturas, we decided to move to the sub towns of Las Venturas, to be more specific Flint Country, there we got a report about a suspect that just broke the radar, we immediately responded to the given location and pulled him over, while Sergeant Hayward was having a conversation with him I picked some traffic obstacles and placed them around us to avoid any accident because our location was invisible for the right-side drivers then had a look at the suspect vehicle interior, all was clear but his car was too damaged, he said that some local gang from Las Santos - Groove Streets shot him and gave us some specific details and described us the suspects, I was noting everyone and submitted a report to Las Santos Police Departement to deal with that, and after a moment we decided to end our tour of duty for today Screenshots ::: :::
  4. @Sam , Can you add C, U, and P~B, please?
  5. Well, it started since I was a World of Warcraft player, at first it was Wiz then when the end-game part was released and I saw Shadowmourne Axe ::: ::: i felt in love with Axes so i took the decision to change my name to Wiz With Axe but it wasn't possible so i just merged them with some edits to end up with Wizax @Faysal, report attelite
  6. ^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: @Shadro, @Nishki, @rexo223 Date, time and duration of activity: Friday, February 7, 2020 Activity type: RoadBlock Activity Details: It was the evening when I decided to set a roadblock in Las Santos - Las Venturas highway with my partners Federal Police Shadro, Trooper Nishki and Agent Rex and a K-9 duo the high traffic activity, it's a half-hour since we started the roadblock already and there was nothing suspicious, we made a lot of DUI check and vehicle interior inspect with the K-9 and everything was clearm while they were working i had a quick meal break where i bought an ice cream from an ice cream van and i was enjoying it until I've seen an IC-2 truck passing by the roadblock, the driver was too nerve and I could notice that from his face, I had a small conversation with him and once I asked him to inspect the vehicle trunk he tried to run but I didn't let him, handcuff him and towed his truck to the San Andreas Interceptors base, there I took him to the interrogation room, the suspect didn't want to talk without the presence of his lawyer so I just left him in the jail for the moment Screenshots ::: https://imgur.com/a/TWJWIiF :::
  7. One of the mas5in
  8. Happy birthday ya masa5, Hope you live 100 years to see @Shadro fucking a chicken
  9. ^[]
  10. @WenDo said in [SUGGESTION] Trucker and Trucker v2: you had some fights with the cops etc This is the most part I miss, but sadly it can't come back as before since only SAFP, SAI and SAPA still do RP binds
  11. ^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: @protonyt and some random players around SA. Date, time and duration of activity: Thursday, 30th of January, 2020 Activity type: Patrol. Activity Details: It was around 18:00 when I left base alone unit Lincoln 991 for a Las Venturas City Wide Patrol from San Andreas Interceptors base under status 10-8, after patrolling the roads I started some typical DUI Checks for drivers, one of the suspects was a semi-drunk citizen, I had a small conversation with him then gave him the right punishment and warned him that next time his license will be burned and car will be impounded then headed toward Las Santos, there everything seemed clear so I decided to go back to Las Venturas for a meal break, I parked my car by the doughnut store and when I came back, there was nothing, the store cameras recorded a tow truck towing my vehicle while I was eating inside, I had some shreds of evidence and treats about the suspects, I submit a report to the state polices about those criminals including every treat that I had hoping to catch them as soon as possible Screenshots ::: https://imgur.com/a/OKvFi6K :::
  12. ^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: @Los-Escondidos @JojoDb Date, time and duration of activity: Saturday, 25th of January 2020 Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details: I was on my late-night tour of duty under unit lincoln 991 patroling around Las Venturas on a City-Wide Patrol when I decided to go on Las Venturas Exit toward San Fierro highway, after a few moments later I've seen an IC-2 truck escorted by 2 unknown type vehicles coming across, i turned on the sirens and started chasing them, they kept ignoring me and at San Fierro bridge the truck hit the gas and i was boxed by the 2 escorters, they didn't shot me but my vehicle engine, Wheels and fuel tank, the vehicle didn't want to move anymore, and suspect was lost i reported everything on radio giving last seen location and discribtion to San Fierro officers then i took off the brake and pushed the car out of the road then called a mechanic which is a friend of mine, within few minutes he responded with a tow truck, after a small converstation with him he towed the vehicle and deliveried it to All load Trucking base to repair it there, after analyzing it problems he told me that it will take him two days to finish his work with it so i decided to leave him and take another vehicle from SAI HQ meanwhile and went back to San fierro seeking for those criminals Screenshots ::: https://imgur.com/a/gNbPqx9 :::
  13. ^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Calvin_Perez (( @Markus )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: Sasha_Dzudovski (( @painty )), @jonathan959, John_Martinez @Griffin, @Klay, @Element, @Spanish, @MarksMan @WenDo @SkulioN and more... Date, time and duration of activity: Saturday, 25th of January 2020 Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details: I was having a meal break when In San Fierro Caffe legends while I got a call from a dispatcher, bayside citizen complaining about some criminal activity on the bridge, they are blocking the traffic and shooting anyone come close, I immediately responded to confirm the report or reject it, there I found five vehicles blocking both sides of the road, once I got close they started shooting me, I parked the car on protection mode and requested heavy back up, I kept my head down while Commander Perez was trying to talk with him but they kept refusing, a few minutes later air and ground backup has responded, but criminals didn't stop the fire, so we had to fire back in case to stop all of this there were few units that got shot/injured so we requested medical back up, after hadcuffing the criminals all and taking them to the police department the road is back available for use and all the debris are cleaned Screenshots ::: https://imgur.com/a/IbUwkEh :::
  14. ^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: Sasha_Dzudovski (( @painty )), @LandShark, @Spanish, @Netro Date, time and duration of activity: Saturday, 25th of January 2020 From 20:28 until 21:10 Duration: 42 Minutes Activity type: Road Block Activity Details: I quit base accompanied by Officer Sasha and LandShark, we built a roadblock on Las Santos - Las Venturas highway Bridge due to the high traffic activity, a few moments later the traffic jam was too heavy so we requested some more back up there Agent Netro responded and helped us with DUI checks and vehicle interior analyzes, the worst situation we met was a guy who got rammed by a trucker while quitting Las Venturas, he described me the suspect's vehicle and platform number, this moment I started typing a report including everything he said with his ID serial number and sign to submit it later, all else was clear. and that was the short version of the story Screenshots ::: https://imgur.com/a/zybxsFy :::
  15. @jonathan959 said in San Andreas Medics: Official Media Center: Roleplay #75 Personal Roleplay #2 Participants: @Wizax @LandShark @laminee Description: I was with paramedic Laminee talking about how life was going when we then received a call from dispatches JohnnySpanish that someone had crashed and needed immediate medical assistance, we quickly got into our ambulance and headed to the crash location, while we were going to the scene, many other police cars passed us by and heading the crash direction, at first we thought it was only a crash but as we were going we heard over the radio that there was a chase and the criminal was on foot, when we arrived there we quickly confirmed what had happened, the police was chasing a criminal which apparently had fled the scene but the police officer was unable to go after him due to his injures, I got out of the car quikcly while Laminee was preparing everything to get him into the ambulance, when I got there another officer was trying to treat him, I quickly got in control and started holding pressure on the wound, he was bleeding from the head and other multiple areas, I then proceed to bandage some areas where he was bleeding and quickly took him into the ambulance, then as quick as possible we got in the ambulance and set off to the closest hospital, we got him out and other medics began to treat his wounds and ensure he was out of danger, when he got a room we went to visit him to see how things were going, he thanked us a lot for saving his life, thanks to our quick response he did not recieve serious injures. screenshots:** (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/rZB9nbX ::: :::
  16. ^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): RSD Other involved people: Mamadou_Kahla (( @Cataclysm )) Jack_Steward (( @Freezoom )) @WenDo @Siper_ @San-Andreas-Fire-Department @San-Andreas-Medics @All-Load-Trucking @ZIP-Planning-and-Construction, San Andreas News, HLS ::: ^[] ::: Date, time and duration of activity: Sunday, 19th January 2020 Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details Only 15 minutes left for 18:00, All COMMS units were ready for any backup call, a few minutes later we got a report from ZIP asking for heavy back up at Las Santos - Las Venturas highway, the earthquake hit the mountain and as a result, many fallen rocks were blocking the road, and the worst of all there was a vehicle stuck under the debris, that's all the status which ZIP could afford for us, I immediately responded and requested SA. Fire Departement and SA. Medic backup, they responded as soon as they got the report, also within few seconds San Andreas News has reported to the accident location to cover the event, also All Load Tracking was there with Home Land Security, HQs had a quick meeting in the ZIP officer to make a teamwork plan, SA. Fire Department started stoping the fire and carried the injured away of fires, this moment SA. Medics gave first aids to the injures but one of them was in a bad statu so they had to transport him to the hospital After SA. Fire Department stoped the fire ALT and ZIP job came to pack the debirs in the big dunzer, ZIP was using the carrier machine to put the rocks in the vehicle trunck and ALT was delivring it away of the road, while i was taking care of the traffic (( this is the short version of the RP)) Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/FCst6Qg ::: ^[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS6h4A-7Ko4] ^[Special thank for @MarksMan For helping me to build, @Faysal For recording and helping me @WenDo For taking me ss and reset for being there at time and making it a great RP] ^[]
  17. Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: Sasha_Dzudovski (( @painty )) Date, time and duration of activity: Saturday, 18th of January 2020 From Activity type: RolePlay & Patrol Activity Details: I quit base accompanied by my partner Officer Sasha under unit 991 for a City Wide Patrol under status 10-8 From San Andreas Interceptors base, we started patrolling around Las Venturas Highways then we decided to have a small doghnut meal break, once we finished our meal and got out the store to go back on duty i've seen an over speeding delivery vehicle passing infront the store, i turned on seriens and started chasing the suspect while my partner reported all details on the radio, the suspect accepted to stop, my partner got out the car to talk with the suspect, and as the suspect steped out his vehicle i did aswell, while they both were busy talking i stood near the suspect's vehicle window holding my dutybelt looking at the vehicle interrior when i seen some weird things in the trunck, i whispered my partner about them, and once he opened the trunck many bags of white dust felt down, there were also a lot of weapons but without ammo, i took out my knife and cut a bag then poured some from the white dust on the tube then brought it to my police's car trunck to test it there and see if it's drug or not, after the analyze the result said that it's drugs, and somehow when we were not paying attention the suspect started runnign away, i got back in the behicle and boxed him, there i made him sur then kicked him on the floor and cuffed him up then disarmed him, after we brought him to the base we seat him in the interrogation room there officer sasha was talking with him but he wasn't helpful and refused to talk without hi lawyer present while i was watching from the recording room, i tried to brought him to the data base room to take his fingersprint and photos to sumbit a report but he tried to escape again, so i threw him in the prison like a rat to wait there until his court of law date, after i called some agents to takecare for him i resumed my patrol, i made some DUI Checks on Las Venturas then decided to move to Las Santos, after a short patrol we decided to end the tour of duty Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/fXtqmWH :::
  18. ^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved (ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): RSD Other involved people: John Martine @Griffin || Sasha Dzudovski @painty Date, time and duration of activity: Thursday, 16th of January, 2020, From 17:47 to 18:20, 33 minutes. Activity type: RoadBlock Activity Details: 16th of January around 17:45, I decided to start a roadblock in Las Santos Las Venturas highway, I packed the tow truck with materials and headed toward the bridge, once I finished building I requested some backup and two officers have responded in a short time, we made a DUI check with any suspicious vehicle, everything was clear, after a half-hour an officer wanted to join, after checking his badge I allowed it, we didn't last too much after then we decided to close the roadblock Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Cx9qqW0 :::
  19. ^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Jeremy_Schmidt (( @Matheus )) Divisions involved (ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): RSD Other involved people: - Date, time and duration of activity: Wednesday, 15th of January, 2020, From 13:40 to 14:40, 1 hour. Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: I quit base accompanied by Trooper Jeremy Schmidt under unit 91 for a Wide patrol around San Andreas Starting from San Andreas Interceptors Headquart under status 10-8, after a quick patrol around Las Venturas we went forward Tierra robada, There we had a meal break for teen minutes then we moved to Las Santos for a city-wide patrol there close to Marian beach we have seen a civilian cutting the cones, burning red lights and driving on the wrong side of the road, as I was the co-driver I reported our status on the radio describing the suspect and giving exact location, while my partner pulled over the suspect, the suspect accepted to stop, he parked his car and turned off the engine there comes my job, I quit the vehicle picking up my shotgun and moved toward the suspect window, I sheathed my weapon and knocked on the window rolling my finger asking him to roll down the window, I saluted him, showed up my badge and introduced myself, then after a short conversation with him i asked him for his ID, Driving license and Vehicle asurence, the suspect was grogning with us but we kept ignoring him, after inspecting his ID officer Jeremy Whispered me saying that in the MDT data base he found out that the suspect has unpaid tickets for driving while under alchol effect, i went back to the suspect with officer jeremy i tried to keep the suspect busy while Trooper Schzmi was holding his dutybelt and looking in the vehicle interrior to find anything susperious, there he saw an empty beer can, i asked him about it but he kept Grogning so when i was about to lose my nerves Trooper. Jeremey took my spot, he warned him and after analyzing the rule the suspect breaks he took out the traffic law book to find the right punishment for the suspect, he wrote him two tickets and gave him a court of law date, gave him a short duration to pay the flees and withdrew some of his driving rights also warned him that it will be the last time he will be caught breaking road rules or we will impound his vehicle and burn his driving license, he handed the suspect a pen and the documents to sign and left him go then we dismissed Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/RIj9l38 ::: ^[]
  20. ^[] ^[Escort at an @All-Load-Trucking road trip ends up with a small drink party.] ^[] ::: https://imgur.com/a/O7XM4z1 :::
  21. Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): Narcotics Division Other involved people: K9@painty Fuel Trucker/Trucker @Faysal Business man @spanish Date, time and duration of activity: Sunday, 12th of January, 2020 Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details: ^[~[PART 1]~(#323264)] It was something around 1 AM, when i decided to start an early morning tour of duty under unit K-991, and when i was about to quit base with my pet jery heading toward Las Venturas highways for a City Wide Patrol i found out that many of our vehicles has ran out of fuel, i decided to refuel them in our gas station but the gas station was already out of fuel so i called one of the fuel truckers, he responded within 15 minutes, we had a short converstation then he started refilling the gas station, it was a total of 950L of Gasoline, Each Liter costs 1.2$, once he finished, i paid him and continued my duty ^[~[PART 2]~(#323264)] Roads were too calm nothing suspicious, so i decided to have a meal break for the following 10 minutes to buy my dog some food, once i got back in duty and when i was patroling on the main road, i've seen some unknown IC-2 truck deliverying some bikes, i were sure there is something suspicious with him, i turned on my seriens and yelled on my megaphone asking him to pull over, the suspect accepted immediatly, he was very nervous, after i had a small converstation with him i asked him about his ID and Driving license to inspect them, when the dog started barking, he smelled something illegal, and at this moment you could see the suspect sweeting and very scared, i went to my dog to have a look what did he found and i saw some white dust pouring from the bike truck, i were sure the trucker wont give us the right information if we will arrest him and ask him where was he trucking this so i decided to glue a GPS in a sleathen place on his load while he is not looking, i pretended everything was fine and gave him back his documents, then i started following him, he stoped near the balla's house in Las Santos and started talking with a business man, then he took out a bag from the truck and gave it for him, and this moment i decided to rush with my pet we arrested them, hand cuffed them, disarmed and brought them to San Andreas Interceptors for an interrogation, i could know some information from them about who is their headquart and where are they getting the drugs from, i sumbit a report about everything i heard from them to Interceptors database documents and left them in the prison for the moment Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/l8PhNYo :::
  22. Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): RSD Other involved people: @painty. @Cataclysm Date, time and duration of activity: Saturday, 11th of January, 2020 From 17:47 until 18:25 Activity type: Roadblock Activity Details: It was around 17:45 when i decided with my 2 partners Cadet Cataclysm and Officer Paint to build a road block, i packed some matrials in the tow truck and headed toward my typical roadblock location, after we finished building everyone took a spot and we started working, the road was very inactive and suddenly we saw an IC-2 vehicle sport type passing the roadblock with a very high speed moving toward Las Santos, i immediatly reported what happened on radio giving details of the suspect and last seen location and expected locations he is going to, then there was a bus driver who told us about the Wrestling national match that is going on in Las Venturas and that explained the road inactivity, few minutes later couple of friends passed by, we made a quick DUI check with them then we decided to close the road block. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/pRVNP1v :::
  23. Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )), Madeen_Deegan (( @Skomorje )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): RSD Other involved people: Medics @jonathan959 , @Quiz, Criminal @SpeeD1Tn Cops @painty. @Cataclysm , @Freezoom Date, time and duration of activity: Saturday, 11th of January, 2020 Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details: I was patroling under unit Adam K-991 with my partner Cataclysm and my pet Jerry when i saw a high speed vehicle, i turned on the series, rolled down the window, picked up my megaphone and yelled asking the suspect to pull over while Cadet Cataclysm updating our statu on radio and requesting back up, Suspect hit the gas refusing to pull over, few moments later he lost control and crashed on a light spot, we got out the vehicle for a foxtrot chase, the suspect were armed and he shot the K9 when it bite his leg and aimed toward me so officer cataclysm shot the weapon between his arms with his taser to drop it from him and kicked him, i putted my leg on his back and cuffed his hands and asked Cadet Cataclysm to disarm him while i call medical back up for the 11-13 and request some unites to pick up the suspect to interrogate him, within five minutes two Medic responded on an ambulance and one of my colllegue arrived, i explained them what happened and gave everyone of them what to do, me and Cadet Cataclysm were staying with the paramedics while the two other officers picked the suspect to San Andreas Interceptors base for an interrogation, after the medics finished bandaging my pet bleeds he still need to be transported to the hospital to analayz his bone and take a reset, i followed them to give them, there the doctor told me that he is fine but he wont be able to serve for two weeks, he needs a break and asked me about the dog papers so i gave him a copy of the dog ID, while others could know that the suspect was drunk while driving and he shot the dog just because he was scared and he could show them all of his ID, Driving license, car registation and weapons license Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/b06rf3h :::
  24. Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )), Michel_Payn (( @IG8820 )), Calvin_Perez (( @Markus )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): RSD Other involved people: Worker. @Raf / @Judyes / @Nexroth , Architect @Garcia1999, Officers @Freezoom, @Skomorje Date, time and duration of activity: Friday, 10th January , 2020 Activity type: RolePlay Activity Details: It was a typical day for me, i went to SAI base to pick a police vehicle and start my tour of duty, i got in a car and turned on San Andreas Radio when i heard some breaking new about an earthquake that hit Las Santos - Las Venturas Highway, i decided to go and check myself what happened, once i got there i found an architect and some workers trying to deal with the fallen rocks from the mountain because it were blocking the road there was also a vehicle stuck under the rocks but there was no injures, as soon as possible i returned to base and brought some construction materials and assistance, few moments later i finished building the new temporary road meanwhile we deal with rocks, while my both partners was paying attention to the traffic i was helping the ZIP, they brought two construction vehicle, i opened them the way to start working and kept an eye on the traffic, after a half hour they finished removing all rocks from the road and this time i arrenged my building, packed it on the tow truck and returned back to base Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/TuqcKFG :::
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