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Everything posted by Wizax
^[] Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Wizax ((@Wizax)) Trooper.Bisollini ((@Bisollini )) Other involved people: Randoms in the streets, @Crank @xleepy ALT Date, time, and duration of activity: 2nd April 2022, 21:42 to 20:28 Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: Adam 2266 Leaving base 10-8 on a state-wide patrol with Trooper.Bisollini, We Immediately head to Las Santos due to the big activity there where we started our shift on a statewide patrol, Pulling anyone we could get checking their license etc..., one of the most suspicious was a young guy with a sports car who had a pistol in his trunk but he provided us with it's a license so it was all good, then we heard about a suspicious dealing on a mountain where we responded to find a man in an IC-2 4 Doors Vehicle, we arrested him and took him for interrogation, then my partner shift has come to an end so I finished the rest by myself returning to Las Venturas where I pulled over a trucker everything about him was fine, I could get a good mechanic number from him that works in the same Company as him "All Load Trucking" so I can call later to consult the vehicles conditions in SAI HQ Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/viOcNlC [/s] ^[]
^[] Involved SAI members:((@Wizax)) Sergeant.Wizax ((@Fall-en)) Trooper.Downey Other involved people: Randoms in the streets & Officer.Joe ((@Drakath )) Date, time, and duration of activity: 2nd April 2022, 16:32 to 18:34 Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: Adam 2266 Leaving base 10-8 on a state-wide patrol with Officer. Joe, after having a quick warm-up drill, picking weapons, and taking a vehicle, we headed to the east side of Las Venturas where we noticed some illegal Racers that we could only arrest one of them while all the others could escape, then a moment later we went on a Coffe Break, Code 7, 10-44 where we have been off duty 10-7 for 10 minutes, we repaired the vehicle, and then went to the donut shop where we met Trooper Downey, He informed us about a huge activity in San Fierro and a suspicious vehicle that White 4 Doors vehicle in the north by the docks, once we reached the location the suspect tried to escape but we could get him, we arrested him then we went for another break to get fuel then we headed back to Las Venturas to continue our duty there, we pulled over a civilian who was driving a car with broken glasses, we could get him a mechanic and when we were about to leave 2 Cuban vehicles pulled over asking about a good hotel suggestion in San Andreas, We continued our shift for few minutes then we disband Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/p5WSO7p [/s] ^[]
^[] Involved SAI members:((@Wizax)) Sergeant.Wrym ((@Fall-en)) Trooper.Downey Other involved people: @Skinner @Yazan @DJO @MaRoO Date, time, and duration of activity: 2nd April 2022, 14:32 to 15:18 Activity type: RoadBlock + Patrol Activity Details: It was a typical day, I head to SAI Headquart where I changed my clothes, picked up my badge and my weapons, and went to Las Santos - Las Venturas highway with my partner Trooper Downey after we packed some cones and roadblocks on the vehicle trunk, A moment later after installing the roadblock I've received a call from the Intelligence COMMS about a highly suspicious black truck AWD with black wheels and white lights, the drivers are not from the state and they are carrying illegals, I immediately shared the news with my partner and we called from a back up in case the suspect tries to escape, a few minutes later we've seen a truck with the same description approaching us, they did not try to resist and pulled over, after knocking the vehicle window, showing my badge, asking to turn off the engine and step out, I get into the truck and took the keys where I was not surprised to see some white dust in the chair, We asked them to surrender showing us their hands in the air, i inspected their clothes for any weapon and then hand cuffed them while my partner called an impounder to help us carry the vehicle to our base for inspection later, he responded quickly, linked his ropes, held the breaks and picked the vehicle, we drove all together to SAI Headquart, where the impounder dropped off the truck and he refused to get paid because "it's a honor to help the cops doing their job to maintaine the stability of the stats" as he said while i made sure the criminals was quite no whispering to make any liying plans then carried the criminals for an interrogation one by one where we could have some information about their boss, their destination, and more valuable informations that we will need later in our next move, but he looked so scared, he was threatened to not say a thing so we promised him protection. Screenshots: [s=]https://imgur.com/a/1H7PFCD [/s] ^[]
Someone who owns a base in hell, with a spawn already
Enable Voice Chat with range radius
Wizax replied to muffy's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Faysal suggested that already and his suggestion got rejected > "iF yOu wAnT tO usE vOiCe cHaT gO tO dIsCoRd" -
Finally something interesting +1 but from my own point of view FC-RP is better
SAFP || Official Media Archive
Wizax replied to scooter's topic in San Andreas Federal Police's Public Forum
^[] Type of the activity: Command drill, parkour, tactical respond and TDM (( warming up before the President speech later )) Members online: @Wizax @jonathan959 @Sherap @Rocoso @Zeno @ngel @Willory @INFLY Screenshots: More SS > https://imgur.com/a/Avv1pXn -
SAFP || Official Media Archive
Wizax replied to scooter's topic in San Andreas Federal Police's Public Forum
^[] Main characters: @Zetaa @Wizax @jonathan959 @Glayd @SheraP @MrSlowGuy @ Story: I was talking with Officer Zetaa at my office checking his license when I got a code 0 call from our dispatchers reporting us a suspicious house in the north-eastern of Las Venturas, As soon as I received the call, I grouped some of our tactical respond units, geared up and head toward the state located on the dispatcher report, once we hit the location we used closed all the entrances and broke the back and front door, hall, corners, and rooms were clear, there was no movement but the suspect left some hints behind him, we could find some drugs and old weapons that were stolen from a warehouse in Las Santos according to Las Santos Police Departments report, I wore a pair of gloves and started analyzing the dust inside the drugs pack when I heard a call from Captain SheraP, he found an active bomb hidden on the kitchen, but officer Zetaa, who had an experience with bombs defusing was there to save the day, I gave him my defusing kit hopping that he will be bale to stop it before it blows in 2 minutes, and he could succeed, meanwhile some other officers brought a big truck where we packed all the illegals we found and deliveries them to our headquarter for analyses, maybe we find some fingers print that matches with those on the drugs packs Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/4kUEaoa ::: -
SAFP || Official Media Archive
Wizax replied to scooter's topic in San Andreas Federal Police's Public Forum
^[] 2020-03-31 - Late night Type : Patrolling, Stoping SR & BR Members : @Wizax @Halo @Shadro @skinner @jonathan959 @Coma @toteking233 @Rocoso Screenshots ::: https://imgur.com/a/96gTuou ::: -
SAFP || Official Media Archive
Wizax replied to scooter's topic in San Andreas Federal Police's Public Forum
@Wizax said in BES Public Media Archive: ^[] Black Eagle Security Roleplay~ RP #48 Participants: @Black-Eagle-Security Story: The clock was referring to 23:00 when I got a call from some federal polices asking us to escort one of their prisoner's delivery from their interrogation room in SA. Federal Police Headquart to Tierra Robada Police department to jail him there as there were no units on duty at that late time, I collected few of my guard, headed to the gearing room, there we got the need equipment and headed toward SAFP base, we found the officer waiting for us with the suspect on an enforcement, we helped the criminal to entre the vehicle then get in in the back seat with him and headed toward TR police department without getting in troubles, there we left him in a cell room then we got paid Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/EAM3faD ::: -
SAFP || Official Media Archive
Wizax replied to scooter's topic in San Andreas Federal Police's Public Forum
^[] Type: Chicken Arrest LWS/G6: Gugu Prize: 1,000,000 Winner: Nexroth Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YblZON6 -
^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: @Shadro @Laminee Date, time and duration of activity: 21/03/2020 .Patrol starting time at 17:30 - Finishing time 18:50 Activity type: Roadblocks Activity Details: It was a normal day when I received an order from the dispatchers asking me to control the traffic between Las Santos-Las Venturas due to the high coward, I responded with two of my partners and started placing the obstacles, we started out duty at 17:50 checking passagers papers and documents, all went clear without problems, the roadblock was holden for 1 hour to close it at 18:50 Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/9nnmT7o :::
^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved: RSD @Shadro said in SA Fire Department :: Media Archive: Roleplay type: Small car accident Description of roleplay: It was midnight, Sergeant Wizax was chasing a store robber around Bone County until he crashed his car into Fort Carson bridge's pillar. When the engine caught fire, the SAi sergeant tried to leave his car but he couldn't go anywhere due to the injuries. Later on, pedestrians at the location have called the Fire Department. I was at the Bone County firehouse with the emergency medical technician DJO discussing things. Until the dispatcher called us and informed us about the incident, we immediately jumped down to the garage. I picked an engine while DJO picked an ambulance and we responded to the call. Once we arrived, we parked our engines and set up a road-block. DJO went to the sergeant laying on the ground, pulled him away of the car and took care of him inside the ambulance. Meanwhile, I connected my hose to the closest hydrant and took my distance while extinguishing the car to make sure that the engine won't explode near me. Once extinguished, I opened its hood and observed the engine's situation to make sure that it won't explode or catch fire again. I have called a towtruck and waited for him to arrive to get rid of the car while DJO took Wizax to Fort Carson's Medical Center. Location: Bone Country, Fort Carson bridge. Participants: @Shadro @DJO @Wizax Screenshots: Check the spoiler for more screenshots. ::: :::
^[] @jamal2 said in Peaky Blinders Media Archive: Date of the Role-Play: 09/03/2020 Attendants: @Peaky-Blinders & @Wizax Location: LV - LS Highway Story: One day we were driving some illegal parts for guns to our LS War house but we didnt expected what happend next. On our way, on LV-LS highway, there was placed a SAI roadblock. I didnt even noticed and i stand in line already. I knew this could be our end if they caught us with all this illegal stuff. I moved slowly until it was our turn for checking. I went out and gave IDs to SAI officer. But then he told me to open our back doors at truck. I tried to talk with him ti let us go since i were in "hurry" but i failed. He opend the truck and saw bunch of guns parts that were without original boxes. I knew i were in trouble but luckly I managed to deal something with officer and he let me go. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/RkCYjwv ^[]
^[] Involved SAI members: SPTU.X-Ray (( @Wizax )), SPTU.Crossbow (( @Predator )), Len Robinson (( @Absent )) Divisions involved: SPTU Other involved people: @Kilios @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @LightSide @DocPizza @Shadro @Glayd. Date, time and duration of activity: Saturday, 7th of March, 2020, Duration was around 30-40 Minutes Activity type: RP Training Activity Details: After gathering up some agents and officers, we had a small speech then got into the training which was divided into two parts: Parkour I, Myself built a parkour area on SAI base for participants to pass and only who pass it will stay during the second phase Tactical Response Callsign & Commands explained I explained to the participants the basics of tactical response and taught the how to follow the commands (( asty // ago )) Tactical Response Practice I made a practice tactical response scene on applying the commands and tactics I taught to them on the previous training Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/2Ah8DWs :::
Prop name: 7-eleven Shop ^[Location] ^[Interior] ^[Starting bid] ^[~[$5.000.000]~(lime,lime)]
^[] Involved SAI members: @Wizax (( Anduin Wrynn )) @Hassoni (( Alonzo Harris )) Divisions involved: RSD Other involved people: @LightSide @DocPizza Date, time and duration of activity: Friday,6th of March, 2020 From 21:00 until 22:30 Activity type: Roadblocks Activity Details: Friday,6th of March, 2020 the clock was aiming at 21:00 when I decided to start a roadblock in Las Santos - Las Venturas Highway due to the high activity of this road around this time, after getting some back up from some of the states polices, I equipped up and packed some road obstacles on the trunk then we head toward the location where we sta the roadblock, we started working at 21:15, making over 50 DUI check for the road riders, we gave 7 tickets for over-speeding, reported 3 over speeding suspects that didn't stop at the roadblock and helped the officers in stopping a suspect that just broke out the jail and was picked by one of his friends, also we arrested a wanted criminal and called law enforcement to pick him up alongside we ran the traffic in a good way and maintained the stability of the road, there were no accidents nor injures also we interrogated a delivery man who gave us a lot of information about a gang that is blackmailing civilians in Red country (( that was the short version )) Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/JpcN1ol ::: ^[]
^[] Involved SAI members: SPTU-Crossbow (( @Predator )), SPTU-991 (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) - Other involved people: @Laminee Date, time and duration of activity: Friday,6th of March, 2020 Activity type: Training ( Warm up and Parkour ) Activity Details: It was my Second week as State Police Tactical Unit, so I decided to start a public training that state cops may join, after setting a plan and building the parkour area, I started with the advertisements, explained the participants the activity and then started a quick warm-up before the parkour phase, we had 3 laps around the garden than some drills to end up with stretching, after that, we passed to the parkour training, the objective of the parkour was reaching the weapons in the end and gear up, once they finished we dismissed. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/N9JOjEr ::: ^[]
^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin_Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: @Laminee, @Hash, @SAFP|YO|CDT Date, time and duration of activity: 2/22/2020, 19:28 until 20:28 Activity type: Road Block Activity Details: Las Santos - Las Venturas main highway was overcrowded so I decided to drop a roadblock to deal with the traffic and analyze if any suspicious or illegal thing passes through it with the help of the Federal Polices (( Short version )) Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/u17V1el ::: ^[]
^[] Involved SAI members: Anduin Wrynn (( @Wizax )) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) RSD Other involved people: @LightSide @Law @nutellaguy and some other random players Date, time and duration of activity: 2/18/2020 From 17:00 until 22:15 Activity type: RP Patrol Activity Details: ~ Clock hands were pointing to 17:00 when after a long break I decided to start a tour of duty, I started with a small physical warm up by doing some drills then headed toward San Andreas building interior, there I grabbed a vehicle keys and highways rules book then to the obstacles room where I packed some road-block obstacles, checked my vehicle fuel and engine status then hit the road as unit lincoln 991 on duty, 10-30 from San Andreas Interceptors Headquarter for a state-wide patrol under status 10-8. ~ It has been a quite long time of patroling Las Venturas Highways when I discerned a Pink vehicle preforming an illegal U-turn so I immediately turned my series, picked up my megaphone requesting the driver to pull over and reported my status on radio, Suspect was not nervous and accepted to pull over when an officer responded to my location to give me back up, after a small talk with the driver I could know his full name and some personal details about him then I performed a full DUI check for him and left him to go to get back to my 10-8 status, few minutes i got a backup call from dispatcher of Las Venturas reporting a vehicle escaping from police exiting Las Venturas toward Las Santos using the main road so i immediately responded to offer my back up and at the same moment we got another code 0 back up call from the federal police reporting a store roberry in the north of Las Venturas, so i dropped chasing the suspect which dispatcher reported him after reporting his las seen in radio and as soon as possible responded to backup the Federal Polices, the two criminals were stuck inside the store but holding the owner as a victim, we picked up some of my road obstacles and rounded the store with fences, stopped the traffic around it with putting some roadblocks, and reported code 6 on radio, after a small speech with the criminals using the megaphone they kipt on ignoring us so the only way to stop this mess was only by engaging them, we picked our weapon and stand in the both sides of the door when a private from Federal police kicked the door with his leg, we got inside the store and shot the criminals on their legs i stayed on the store to help the owner in arrenging his stuff again when the federal polices picked them both for an interrogation on their base, later i seen an over speeding, later when i was patrolling Las Venturas highways i got a call from dispatcher about a biker who tried to Rob Bone Country bank and when he seen the alarm he quit the bank using his blue bike toward Las Santos using Sub main road that passes throught "The village of farmers" i immediately responded, after a long chase with him we could box him and the FOX operation X picked him to the Police Departement of Bone Country, ~ After a long patrol around Las Venturas, I decided to move toward Las Santos there where I found a weird guy riding a bike, I was too nervous about him so I picked my Shotgun with me, after having a small talk with him he told me about some gang members that are following him because he leaked a lot of information about them to the Police Departement of Las Santos, after noting all his paroles I picked him to a safe place then submitted a report to our State Police Tactical Units to deal with this, ~ Los Santos streets seemed to be clear, calm and safe for me so I decided to move back to Las Venturas, there I stopped at a mechanic shop to have a quick engine check and refill my wheels with air then I continued my route toward Las Venturas, where I have seen a truck parking in the middle of nowhere behind the academy base, I decided to make a DUI check for him, after saluting him and having a small conversation with him, all seemed to be fine so I let him go then I decided to head for a meal break in Las Venturas Donut rings when a 911 call close to my location interrupted my fun, I immediately responded to the location where I found a hotdog truck stuck in the middle of the road and blocking the traffic, I picked some road obstacles and dropped them all around the vehicle and freed the traffic, after a small talk with the two employees, all ther license and papers were clear so i decided to call a friend of mine from All Load Trucking to bring a tow truck and help them unstucking the vehicle, after he responded i packed my road obstacles and left him to deal with them, then headed toward donut rings again after reporting my code 7 and status 10-7 to end up my tour of duty at 22:15 Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/2RZ2K31 ::: ^[]
Address: Sayonara Restaurant Account name Sickezz Last seen 2nd of Jan, 2020 SS