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Everything posted by TaJ

  1. ^[] ^[~[''THE SMOKE IS TOO MUCH. PAPERS PLEASE.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[33rd.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ..] ^[SAFP - @Riley.] ^[BloodZ - @ExtraDip22; @whitesnow.] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[05/10/19 - Las Venturas: A-125 of Specialist Firearms Command had just came onto the streets of San Andreas, specifically Las Venturas for a routine evening patrol when his attention was caught by what could surely be distinguished as an offender of the traffic rules of the San Andreas. A vehicle, rather expensive red Super GT, right in front of the insanely famous Pay n' Spray of the locality was moving in usual circumstances and speed, but the smoke being ommitted from the silencer was the agent's worry. The white smoke was clearly a sign of ill maintainence of the Engine, which means that the pollution check wasn't made since long. The agent then without any hesistation pulled over the culprit and asked him and his mate to head out of the vehicle where the mate got back into the vehicle quite shortly but the driver, who supposedly was the vehicle's owner stood there to confront the agent in rather rude tone. The suspect gave away the documents as soon as the agent announced him the real cause of pull over. And as expected, the pollution check document was expired since as long as 3 months. This being a long time, the vehicle was obviously no longer in legalised smoke omittion category and thus the offense was punishable thanks to the rising concern regarding pollution in the environment. Long story short, the agent told him that he can either pay $55 to close the case itself and then shortly get the pollution check made, or else he can get the ticket and pay it himself at a PD of choice within a week, or else a bailable warrant can be made on his name along with promise revoking of license ID. After a little tough-dude show off, the suspect did what was best for both the parties and paid the dues right away. The extra being "offered" was returned by the agent and he was not permitted to leave but one condition so as to get the vehicle pollution checked as soon as possible. Officer Riley of SAFP arrived at the location recently as part of a casual patrol and accompained the Agent to successfully deal with the offender. SFC thanks the officer for his cooperation and help.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  2. ^[] ^[~[''HOLD ON PLEASE SIR, CONSULTATION REQUIRED.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[32nd.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ..] ^[IAC - @Kim.] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[04/10/19 - Los Santos: After a morning patrol down at Los Santos, the Agent 125 of SFC was now en route to San Fierro after the inventory accountant had demanded quick stockage of all sorts of tactical ammunition. For this purpose, who was better than the perfectly legal vendor of such consignments, InvestArms Corporation. IAC which has its newly set up headquarters at San Fierro, was rung up by the SFC office to make sure someone was on duty and free. The agency replied "right now yes but it'd be better if you hurry up because the only supervisor present has to go for a meeting quite soon, name is Regiment Commander Kim." This been said, A-125 immediately got en route to the headquarters. At the final corner, he could see a suited person who was quite surely looking like the person described sitting inside a car ready to leave the premises. The agent showed him a hand sign to wait and parked his vehicle as soon as possible. Further more the agent walked towards the person who had now parked his vehicle at the side of the road next to the HQ and leaned towards the window to talk. The regiment commander replied "sure agent" and stepped out of the vehicle. For more information about the ammunition required by the command, they came into the shade and discussed the consignment. With several combat shotguns, assault rifles and deagles requested by the agent, the supervisor told that the consignment being quite a large one may be made on order and thus would be delivered by the Merrywether unit itself in a few days. For more assistance the desk can always be contacted. Now, the order was placed and advanced payment was also made. The agent now thanked the supervisor for his precious time and also apologised for making him late for the meet. After a final greet, both the men got back into their vehicles and towards their respective destinations.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  3. ^[] ^[~[''WELL, ALL GOOD EXCEPT...'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[31st.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ..] ^[TT - @Kim.] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[04/10/19 - Los Santos: Month of October is liked by almost everyone due to windy weather and quick rain showers. This same weather however causes quite a mess on the roads and thus increases the stress of on-duty patrol officers since naughty people of society love to drive rash and over the speed limit. A similar scenario came out true today when while Agent 125 of SFC was patrolling around the streets of middle Los Santos, came to witness an orange Super GT with black stripes. As sporty as the vehicle was the female owner dressed in a similar clothing lineup who started staring at the agent with a worry in her vision. This suspicious look was enough for the agent to pull her over "for general checkup". As soon as the both vehicles pulled to the side of the road, the agent went forward to greet her and to get done with the pullover. The lady being quite straight forward asked "whatsup officer, something wrong 'ere?" to which the agent replied "Well. Myself, Agent 125 of SFC have pulled you over due to quite a suspicious look and so making sure that everything is good is my duty, ma'am so I hope that you cooperate." After a "sure" the agent asked her step aside while he was inspecting the vehicle. Nothing so suspicious came out except tinted side mirrors which was an offense and so a fine of 45$ and promise of sudden removal was to be made, which the lady accepted and paid at the very moment. Therefore, the agent let her go and continued his own patrol.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  4. ^[] Greetings, This is to inform the public that after several months of service, the Central Intelligence Agency is hereby announcing its closure. The reasons for this unfortunate step have been piling up for many months now, though it wouldn't matter (or for that matter "make a difference") but I may still throw some light of them. The primary reason has been toughness in meeting the requirements which are quite unrealistic in today's server conditions, specially for the Law side. Unexpected negatively-effecting decisions from the managers is yet another. But anyways, to sum it up. Unfortunate, but this is where it ends. I would like to thank every single one of CIA Members, current as well as ex, for contributing to this beautiful clan and making it so much special for so long. Goodbye. -On behalf of hon'ble @Central-Intelligence-Agency HQ Team, TaJ; Former Agency Leader.
  5. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 30/09/19 - Evening] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 6.] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[] ^[]
  6. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate and Time: 24/09/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants of Patrol: CIA|TaJ|L. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s)/If Any: ::: ^[] ^[] :::
  7. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 114. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Boxing - All vs All. ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: KARIM. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 22/09/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): M7md_Gr_ ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  8. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 113. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Rhyno Shooter. ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: KARIM. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 22/09/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): O|Dabco. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  9. ^[] ^[~[''THANKS FOR INFORMING!!'']~(#7d5752)] ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 86. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP: From CIA : @TaJ From CC Impounders Division : @chemist ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: San andreas may not be in its finest position right now with the rising threats, but it sure is a place where no doubt the bad, but also the good and honest civilians exist. This was proven enough true today when Central Intelligence Agency's A-525, aka TaJ being at the headquarters received a phonecall in absense of the receptionist. The call was from "Ms.Chemist, CC Impounders division Las Venturas". She had rung up the bureau with a suspicious discovery in one of the recently impounding vehicles while a quick inspection as per the protocol of the organization. She explained how she and a fellow impounder were on duty around the neighbourhood of their own location and had seen a vehicle parked in no parking zone, specifically at the famous Pay 'n' spray of Las Venturas. The two then impounded it after a due notice to Pay 'n' Spray staff and then went for the headquarters and parked it inside the lot, as usual. "The Pay 'n' Spray CCTV footage can be of help if unclear" said her further. The agent then questioned about the details into the "suspicious discovery" and thus the impounder revealed that she was pretty sure that those are some sort of drugs in several white packages of "powder". As the boss was off-duty that day, she couldn't share such sensitive details with anyone else and being the only one on duty at the moment, found it better to inform to the Investigation department. The agent then drove the little distance towards the "LV Z" location and met her in person, thanking her for informing first of all. She then showed him the vehicle, clearly a car of a trouble-maker with its shiny glossy paint and rims. The narcotics were then taken into custody by the sooner called forensics team and the car brought to the LVPD impounded lot, with due payment made to the CC team by the department itself. The owner and other details will be considered next. A possible threat to the youth of San Andreas stopped with all the thanks to the honest civilian. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): -> ::: Thanks for viewing :wink: ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] :::
  10. Enough dreaming, that ain't happening
  11. ^[] Type: SF Airport to LV X. Participants: Multiple roadtrip participants. Location: SF Airport. Winner & Prize: $100,000. Screenshots: Click here!
  12. Happy birthday ruskii enjoy yo vodka party!
  13. probably late, but happy birthday!
  14. ^[] -TMH Technicians Working on 5th September 2019: Evening - TMH Technicians Involved: @TaJ Location: The Motor Heads Headquarters, Bone county. Estimated Duration of Working: 5 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 15+ vehicles. Screenshots: Click here!
  15. ^[] ^[~[D]~(#69514D)ate and Time: 5th September 2019 - Evening.] ^[~[N]~(#69514D)umber of Members Online: 5.] ^[~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s)/If Any:] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  16. ^[] ~[D]~(#69514D)ate and Time: 2nd September 2019 - Evening. ~[N]~(#69514D)umber of Members Online: 6. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s)/If Any: ::: ^[] :::
  17. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 107. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Hot Pursuit Event (New Type!!) ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: KARIM. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 29/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,500,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): [AA]ugli[1312]. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  18. ^[] ~[D]~(#69514D)ate and Time: 1st September 2019 - Evening. ~[N]~(#69514D)umber of Members Online: 5. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s)/If Any: ::: ^[] :::
  19. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate and Time: 01/09/19 - Evening. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants of Patrol: Hope - @hope ; Wolf1 - @Wolf ; TaJ - @TaJ. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s)/If Any: Click here!!
  20. ^[] Participants: TaJ. District: Las Venturas. Shift period: 15 minutes (1st September 2019 - Evening). Number of vehicles: 5-6. Click here for screenshots!
  21. Nickname: TaJ. Account name: taj125. Age: 18. Country of residence: India. Time spent in Cuban Cars(~): Around 9 months; joined in January. Current role (Mechanic, Impounder, Mentor): Impounder. Roleplay Name (If used, else leave blank): Mark Calaway. Current Journy in Cuban Cars (min. 100 words): To be added shortly.
  22. ^[] ^[~[''MECHANICO! IT'S DAMAGED.'']~(#7d5752)] ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 84. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP: From CIA : @TaJ From CC : @chemist ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: 30th August, 2019. The month is closest to the end and new one is arriving. This doesn't really change anything for anyone except the officials which have to sum up monthly statements and so on, specifically the Central Intelligence Agency. With the month coming to an end, TaJ, the newly selected CIA Chief has to get some documents together so as to present the Department of Justice with a monthly activity report. For this purposes, TaJ had went to San Fierro PD with an aim to collect the desired documents. On the way, however. The unfortunate incident of his car being crashed onto the San Fierro highway's near end pole damaged the cruiser to a condition that it shouldn't be taken to the department headquarters anymore or else jokes are self invited. This being considered, the agent who was fortunately alright had thought of his old friend's garage down at San Fierro Central. The garage was popularly known as "Cuban Cars" and thus he rung up the garage where an on-duty new "Mechanico Chemist" was available to pick up the call and inform the agent that he could come as the mechanic was free at the moment. The agent then used the GPS to arrive at the location and a waving Chemist greeted him and showed him way to the inside of the garage where the vehicle was to be parked right above the lifting bay. Chemist then inspected the damages and got on work to fix them. The vehicle's broken radiator was something of concern as per the mechanic and thus the "not just visible damages" made it important to replace it with a new one so as to ensure safety of the vehicle and the respondants. The mechanic was done with the vehicle in a magical time for an hour, which no doubt was costly for the agent but he couldn't be any more thankful to the mechanic. The agent then went with the mechanic towards the office area where the listed receipt has shown and duly paid. The agent thanked the mechanic once again and agreed to recommend the garage more of his in-need fellows at the department. With this, the agent now got back into his car and reversed the vehicle to his way out with a slight smile on his face towards the mechanic. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  23. ^[] Participants: TaJ. District: Los Santos. Shift period: 10 minutes (29th August 2019 - Evening). Number of vehicles: 3-4. Click here for screenshots!
  24. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 104. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Police Car Race! ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: KARIM. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 29/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): OC|>Axestos. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
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