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Everything posted by TaJ

  1. ^[] ^[~[''YOU'RE GOOD TO GO, MISS.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[10th.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ.] ^[AA - @chemist.] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[06/07/19 - San Fierro: The dawn of July 6h, 2018 marked the pull over of Miss Curie, by A-125 close to San Fierro Bank and the Department headquarters. As A-125 was about to sum up the day, the ending patrol lead him to park near SFPD, trying to arrange some papers inside his ranger. Just as he was about to begin his patrol to ultimately end it, he noticed a vehicle passing by, a "little suspicious" as it seemed to him at the point. A-125 then continued the journey to rather chase the vehicle with the sirens turned on, until it eventually pulls over at the side. As expected, the chase ended with who actually was "Miss Curie", returning home from her work at a corporate law firm.] ^[A-125 approached her upto the vehicle and greeted with a smile. Further on, A-125 extended the talk on the point that it was nothing to be worried off, it was "just a casual routine pull over". The suspect agreed to answer whatever was in A-125's mind and thus the above information was gained, together with valid license and vehicle ID's which were quickly scanned and catered to no threat whatsoever. A-125 then requested to let him check the trunk just to make sure nothing was miss-leading him as yet and thus she opened the trunk and A-125's check was successful for the suspect as nothing suspicious was actually found. A-125 went back to her and apologized for the inconvinience caused. She insisted to not apologise as it was his national duty after all, hence the two greeted one another a happy goodbye and got back to their respective destinations.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  2. ^[] ^[~[''ROBBING ISN'T THE EASY WAY OUT BUDDY, FEDERAL OFFICER HERE AGREES.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[8th.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ.] ^[SAFP - @Neto.] ^[Pirus - @hassan.] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[05/07/19 - Las Venturas: The 5th of July, 2019. Exactly a day after anniversary of us getting "freedom", but do we really have freedom in San Andreas? Can we live freely without a fear from the beneath? Can we do whatever we want and not get questioned? The answer to this, unfortunately, is no. The citizens are not actually "free". What stops them from this fundamental right of theirs is the rising crime rate. The so called "gangsters" make the atmosphere unbearable because all they think is several ways to earn money, but degrade lives of others as no one but themselves matter to them. This same was seen happening today when a robber from a, what is called "new dangerous group of gangsters in the town", Pirus, was trying to rob a garage as well as vehicle of a resident of Las Venturas North bungalows. During which, the state's heavy security got alerted as the CCTV footage was noticed by a SAFP Officer, who reside in the neighbourhood. The officer then asked for help at the wireless radio, which SFC's A-125 dutifully accepted.] ^[As A-125 reported to SAFP headquarters, the CCTV was still showing the robber having already got the vehicle and boxes of valuable goods being loaded in the trunk, all set to leave any time now after closing the garage. At this very time, both the officers, Netro and A-125 approached the corner of the street and as the robber sat in the vehicle and started on his journey to his unknown dreamland, the officers started a pursuit and as they approached the traffic signals, the robber stuck of an idea of acting what they call "badass" in the so called modern world, thus he pulled over and with a cool attitude approached the officers. A-125 did not delay letting him know what he should be guilty for, but the robber insisted that it was all false allegations and that he was a lawful civilian getting home from his "work". A-125 then asked to check the vehicle, tho there were already a lot of proofs in shape of security camera, but the check of car also did not prove any different. As the robber tried to run, Officer Netro of SAFP neutralized him with his pocket teaser and A-125 helped him handcuff the criminal. Officer Netro then thanked A-125 for all the help, just after he had made the criminal sit in his vehicle, and ordered a police impounder for the vehicle. A-125 then left in his vehicle.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  3. @Jim said in Official Quote Wall: @Xavier said in Official Quote Wall: @Jim said in Official Quote Wall: English lesson from Mr.Taj (100$ per lesson) Actually i remember that @TaJ once said in an application that he had a youtube tech channel. So please go ahead and help me find it, For the community's sake. I found something xD Thats not me omg... you wont get it either @Xavier its inactive! and woah Im all over this place :joy:
  4. HBD FRR @Rondaw pls wish scorpyo frr!
  5. @Joshbond said in Police Combat Shotgun with beanbag rounds: Well us squads need something because every group is being made available for gang members which is OP. So why cant us squads have something nice for once?? Selfish gang members just want everything to themselves. Well, what you just said is not typically wrong but incorrectly projected here. Criminals have "groups" which are "OP" doesn't prove that you need a gun that shoots 8 rounds one after another which can easily slow anyone down; there is no fun in arresting that way. Solution for this is already out there, 2 squad spawns, the normal one always having a normal Shotgun (with rubber bullets) and another one basically for HQs or trusted members with a CS specifically designed for Combat Operations (meaning, when you are not patrolling out on streets catching criminals). "OP groups" as you stated only make 1 sense to me and that is fast vehicles and dual guns, which no doubt is advantageous but then Kill Arrest, automated SR, Fast cars (police dodge) is also advantageous to the "cops". And about "groups" being made for just criminal gang members, I agree on that and thus I'd be looking forwards to your SFC apply. Good day
  6. ^[] ^[~[''YOUR INTELLIGENCE AND OUR COURAGE WORKS GOOD TOGETHER.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[7th.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ , @Reggi , @chemist , @Albie.] ^[CIA - @hope.] ^[ThC - @KARIM , @Beckham.] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[30/06/19 - San Fierro: Sunday of June 30th wasn't as calm and joyful as it is supposed to be, especially for the Specialist Firearms Command agents. At 4'o clock, Agent Hope from Central Intelligence Agency rung A-125 regarding some intel about a criminal organization running its operations in full flow at its Tierra Robada facility. Hope asked SFC Agents to come by the SFPD office to get all the important documents regarding the intel and thus they can work further on neutralizing the opponent. A-125 and his team of 3 other Agents stopped by the Police Department and greeted Hope. He then handed over the documents, CCTV footage snaps as well as call and bank transactions showcasing how the two people of what is supposedly called "The Company" were totally indulged in criminal activities for a long time now. As the president's hopes were on us; we couldn't just ignore this internal threat and thus after collecting the documents, we made a plan to Raid their "headquarters", location of which was included in Hope's documents. A-125 then thanked Hope and Central intelligence agency for its cooperation with SFC helping to make San Andreas better.] ^[The team of A-125, A-026, A-001 and A-963 then started on the journey to Tierra Robada. This was indeed a dangerous mission but then; Courage and Integrity is two things SFC soldiers have imbedded into them the day they take up the badge of being guardians of national security. Once reached, A-125 lead the agents into the garage of ThC and fortunately enough, the three people present there were the two targets and a servent who ran as soon as he saw the agents approach. The two people, namely "KARIM" and "Beckham" were both astounded by the force arriving and thus on the order, surrendered immediately. The agents then quickly, before any of the crime backup arrives, brought the two suspects into the rear seats of Police Dodge and the handcuffed criminals were then escorted to Las Venturas Police Department headquarters down at LV North, hence locked up and sentenced until court's hearing.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  7. ^[] ~[D]~(#988870)ate and Time: 30/06/19 - Evening. ~[S]~(#988870)FC Members: @TaJ @chemist @Reggi @Albie. ~[P]~(#988870)articipants: None. ~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s): ^[] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  8. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 30/06/19 - Afternoon] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 8.] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[]
  9. ^[] ^[~['Something new, something racey and betty.']~(#4b8a08,black,red,black,#4b8a08)] ^[Participants in The RP:] ^[From TMH - @TaJ @chemist @Carl @hope @Wolf @Griffin;] ^[From TMH-H - @Josesito.] ^[RP Scenario:] ^[TMH; the immensely famous racing and mechanical group of San Andreas in the 21st century was not just about its job. Work is as much important as the side fun, this is what TMH Executives have always believed in and thus to make it less boring but interesting, today was time to Host something new and exciting.] ^[TMH Leader and Sub Leader, TaJ and Chemist gathered all the available members to come for a quick meet-up at TMH Garage's storage area. The meeting was about the above listed issue and its fixture on exactly "how" the boring work can become interesting. The technicians more than racers have to work with machines all day long and so it was more important for them to experience something new and fresh, and fun. Thus, the idea explained in the suddenly arranged meeting was as follows:] ^[The idea was quite simple. TMH Racers would do their job, i.e. Racing as usual. But this time it would be for something more than huge cash prizes and pride, this time it would be for their technician friends and their trust. As simple as it can go, the available TMH Racers would race each other and the technicians as well as Executives present at the point would bet on their favourite one.] ^[Betting must be between $10,000 to $50,000 ranging as per the person's own will. The racers present being only TMH Helper Josesito, a technician was asked to stand up to the point and challenge the so called "Racer" at something they are also very familiar at, the cars. Hope then agreed to face the opponent and thus TMH Leader collected the bets. More information on which would be provided at last.] ^[Once this was done, the racers and technicians as well as executives were all asked to follow TaJ towards the entrance of TMH Race Track. At this place was where the friendly yet firey race would take place. The racers were then given choice to get their favourite vehicles out for the spin and show each other what they actually got. Once lined up with an Alpha and a modded Hotring racer, both faced one another in a classic track lap face on. The result of this declared Hope, the "techician", to win. Josesito being not a professional TMH Racer can not be blamed but trained to be the best in long run. For now, the betters of the winner were all happy and everyone congratulated the winner guy and wished Josesito a very great luck in his racing career.] Bets won : Wolf1 - 50,000 on Hope ; Won 2x :heavy_check_mark: Carl - 25,000 on Hope ; Won 2x :heavy_check_mark: Griffin - 10,000 on Hope ; Won 2x :heavy_check_mark: ^[Click here for Screenshots!] ^[-Thanks to the participants for participating.] ^[Thanks everyone for viewing! Hope you have a great day ahead.]
  10. ^[] ^[~[''YOU'RE GOOD TO GO, SIR.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[6th.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ] ^[ThC - @Griffin ] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[28/06/19 - Las Venturas: The day was coming to just about the end for SFC Leader A-125 when he was doing a final speedcam at Las Venturas inter highway, just next to the casino and station. At this very location, a person arrived and was simply going through but his vehicle's open back door caught A-125's attention and thus he pulled him over to the side of the road after showing the ID Card and explaining the reason which apparently was "just a mistake by the friend I just dropped by last street". This was sure nothing major but the person's shiny suit and hard-to-adjust attitude propelled A-125 to continue investigation. On checking the vehicle with appropraite permit, A-125 found a weapon inside the dashboard for which the suspect had "valid license" and showed it same moment. TaJ searched it and the driving license ID in his Police Dodge's Database monitor, everything was perfectly alright and as it turned out, this person was just a "businessman". Due to his kind attitude, A-125 handed over the documents back and asked him to make sure about the doors and such stuff from next time, aso a broken headlight should be fixed soon. The person thanked A-125 and continued his journey after a handshake and wave by the agent.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  11. gz allusion and others! #Arma4SAES
  12. TaJ

    Bye bye!

    Agree with Ramby^ but yea its your decision.. goodluck with life, get back once you feel good arab
  13. ^[] @hope said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive: Role Play Number: 29 Participants in The RP: @TaJ RP Scenario: Well, as you remember from the last Roleplay I went on a secret mission which my director informed me about it and requirement that I needed for this mission, the mission was kinda hard but I managed to do it anyways when I was in the there was a lot of shots got fired at my cruiser which almost destroyed it , I managed to dodge some of the shots and was able to get back to the base 1 piece, After while I was taking a rest from the mission I was thinking of how I can repair our damaged cruiser after thinking some minutes I remembered that we have a whole base near us full of mechanics which can help us out, so I contacted one of their mechanics and gave them our location then closed the call and started to wait for him, after 1 hour the mechanic arrived at the base, I showed him the damaged cruiser, then he started working on it, after 30 minutes he told me that he finished working on the cruiser I was surprised but I went to take a look at the cruiser and it was perfectly done, I thanked the mechanic and a gave him the payment that he need then he left and went towards his base and I went to sleep for a little bit. ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/2m2lducdm/17a2d24a/
  14. ^[] ~[D]~(#988870)ate and Time: 26/02/19 - Afternoon. ~[S]~(#988870)FC Members: @TaJ @Reacher @Kim ~[P]~(#988870)articipants: @Albie ~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s): ^[] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  15. ^[] ^[~[''DOING MY DUTY, SIR.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[2nd.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ] ^[SAFD - @Reggi] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[Office hours are never easy and thus wasn't today's morning when new set up SFC unit's Leader, A-125 had headed to Las Venturas outter highway towards the North in order to pull over any suspicious vehicle. At this same time did he received a radio message alerting the neighboring units about a fire truck which was actually stolen from Bone County which was quite far from Venturas, but as per the duty and safety, they did have to check all such passing vehicles. At this very time, A-125 noticed a Firetruck coming his way which he, no doubt, pulled over to the side of the road. Even though the driver seemed like a legit driver, but as there was no clue about the truck plate number since these could be easily replaced and plus the fact that the thief was wearing replica clothes of the San Andreas Fire Department, this person could not be neglected. "Sir, may you please hand over your License ID and Truck's Papers?" said A-125 when the driver indeed did give the papers in a short while but also questioned "Why would you pull over an emergency vehicle?" to which the reply was an ignorant "This is just a routine pull over, sir". As A-125 investigated the papers by himself and ran a scan through the Police Database Monitor handby at his police ranger's rear seats, he was releived to know that this one was indeed a legit vehicle and thus could be let away. Captain Castill was then sent away with apology for the inconvenience received.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  16. ^[] ^[~[D]~(#988870)ate and Time: 23/06/2019 - Evening.] ^[~[N]~(#988870)umber of Members Online: 7.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s)/If Any:] ^[] ^[~[ Justice is our goal; Courage is our weapon ~ SFC.]~(#988870,black,black,#988870)] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  17. ^[] ^[~[ESTABLISHMENT CEREMONY OF SPECIALIST FIREARMS COMMAND - 23/06.]~(#988870,black,#00FFFF)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[1st.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ ; @Reggi ; @Kim ; @KARIM ; @Reacher ; @Brooks ; @Final324] ^[Government - Mr. President - @ODAKAB ; Mr. Zeitan Bigovic - @Zei] ~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario: ^[The day had come. San Andreas, a place renowned around the world for its rapid growth and improvisory structure over the past few years is not actually as happy place as it sounds. Every rose has a thorn and thus SA too, have many dark sides. The major of which is its underworld cirminal activities increasing at a similar "rapid" rate and making the public and the government, worried. This was the day Mr.President, Recep Tayyip Erdoan had finally taken a decision. Formation of "Specialist Firearms Command" was his way out of the trouble. A new police force with it's commander, senior police officer of SAPD, Mr.TaJ (A-125). The same was to be officially addressed at the White House meet and so the new team was gathering there.] ^[] ^[As the unit had reached with their top strategical professionals, they were lead to the inside of the prestigious house by the leader, TaJ. Such was honour of the team that Mr President was sitting at the lawn of White House just waiting for the team to arrive. DoD Vice Minister Mr. Zeitan Bigovic was also present there to jointly address the meet and help Mr President with the strategies and more. As they reached near, TaJ greeted Mr President and his fellow and let them know what an honour this actually was for the team. Mr President as a kind person he actually is, refused any praise and offered them to move to meeting area inside. The team then all followed him insides.] ^[] ^[The short walk to the meeting room was pretty exciting for the new agents for whom it was the first time being present in this pregious building. As they reached the area of discussing, everyone took a chair; Mr President and SFC Leader face to face and began the discussion. Mr President and TaJ both addressed the same issue that how SA was going down just because of its criminal rackets and that had to be "stopped". TaJ continued with the fact that it was exactly what SFC has been designed for. All the top grade full-of-potential officers around the town were emerged to fight this very issue and Mr President was delighted to hear that. Further on, his fellow Mr. Zeitan Bigovic talked on how the government was looking forward to help the new unit with the maximum it can. Funding - Authorisation as well as Special information about the important zones would soon be provided by Department of Defence and Department of Reserve.] ^[] ^[At this point, Headquarter Mr. Reggi of SFC raised his hand to assure the people that what as per him, TaJ had said was not actually "enough" that they plan on doing. What they plan is much more than that. SFC would try its level best to eliminate crime from its very root and that also includes raiding such racket headquarters after due intelligent operations. There was a lot in plans, all for the improvement of everyone's own San Andreas. Mr President was quite happy with this and wished him and the fellows a very good luck on to making what they plan and promise, come true. Now was the time for TaJ to ask that until when would they get whatever is in plans and for that cause, Mr President suggested him to stay in contact with Mr Bigovic who then gave an estimate of around "3 days" till the authorisation letter to be officially arrived, tho SFC from that very moment is now official to "bust some bad asses" as the modern world says.] ^[] ^[Reaching to the end of the talk, TaJ assured Mr President that now "his" stress of the rising crime was their's. Every other SFC Agent agreed to the same and thus the operations could now be commenced to curb this threat to their land. At this point, Mr President thanked every single one of the team SFC for being there for the occassion and as rising from his chair, asked them all to get up, specially TaJ who all then walked towards the hall where the two high grade people, Erdogan and TaJ had a professional handshake and thus Mr Bigovic was appointed to show the team the way to exit. Everyone was motivated even further with this meet and was now looking forward to do their job with total enthusiasm and justice.] ^[] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  18. ^[] ^[~[MEDIA ARCHIVE]~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[Click here for Official Topic!]~(#988870,black,black,#988870)] ^[] OUR FORMATS : ~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number: ~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP: ~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario: ~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s): ~[E]~(#988870)vent Number: ~[E]~(#988870)vent Type: ~[L]~(#988870)WS/G6: ~[D]~(#988870)ate: ~[P]~(#988870)rize(s): ~[W]~(#988870)inner(s): ~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s): ~[D]~(#988870)ate and Time: ~[N]~(#988870)umber of Members Online: ~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s)/If Any: ~[D]~(#988870)ate and Time: ~[S]~(#988870)FC Members: ~[P]~(#988870)articipants: ~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s): ^[] ^[~[Thanks for viewing. We hope you have a lovley day ahead!]~(black,#988870,#988870)]
  19. ^[] ^[] Event number : 40. Event's name and type: Jump into the lucky hole. LWS Hoster: Zombie. Date of event: 16th June 2019. Screenshots: ::: Click Here for the Screenshots. ::: ^[]
  20. ~[E]~(green)vent Type: Jump into the lucky hole. ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: @Zombie ~[D]~(green)ate: 16/06/19. ~[P]~(green)rize(s): 150k for 8 max winners. ~[W]~(green)inner(s): Too many.. but yes, cCcasual (x3) - Petrow (x2) - DarkSideR - Povlov, etc. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here pls.
  21. ^[] ^[~[WE'RE HERE TO SERVE THE FORCES.]~(#185e07,#4b8a08,#185e07)] ^[Participants:] ^[~[TMH Executives -]~(#4b8a08) @TaJ / @chemist @Brooks / @Griffin.] ^[~[TMH Technicians -]~(#4b8a08) @Bagetto / @ferthis / @Wolf / @Radio_. ] ^[~[TMH Racers -]~(#4b8a08) @Final324 / @Spinkes / @DJO.] ^[~[Desert Eagles -]~(#185e07) @Pegasus.] ^[Story:] ^[One of the biggest achievements of The Motor Heads till date has been achieving the authority of solely taking care of Desert Eagles automation. It was indeed an honor when the Senate of the San Andreas elected us for this immensely dutiful work which requires to be done with great responsibility. Today was the day to begin the work on ground after the earlier done test job by just a few motor heads in front of Honorable President himself. Today was the time when the Desert Eagles itself called the headquarters of TMH Technical and asked for presence of few highly effective technicians to get the two of majorly important vehicles that were having troubles of "several sorts" that the military officers and the technical units could not repair themselves even after a plethora of tries. This demand was acted upon at the same moment as TMH Leader gathered all the available members of Technical as well as Executive units and got driven to the base by few Racing members. Upon reaching the highly regarded location of Area 51; Officer Pegasus personally came to the gates and got us an entry inside. After parking the vehicles just at the beginning of the place, the several formalities were to be completed as we had to go through the metal detectors and personal checks by the cadets. Finally after these were done, in a formal line one after another, the officer showed us way to the vehicles ground. Many motor heads having experienced the place for the first time were feeling so obliged. The officer then took us to the particular vehicles which were a "Patriot", and a huge "Barrack". These two, obviously being army vehicles, were tuned to a special extent and thus required heavy maintainence which the army atmosphere could not really provide them with. But that is why TMH is appointed, right? That being said, the officer asked if it would be any better to "bring the vehicles out of hanger of easy inspection" to which the leader agreed and thus appointed the technicians to each vehicle according to the ability and skill. Technician Ferthis along with Executive Chemist and Brooks were appointed on the much more heavy-duty Barrack, while Technician Bagetto along with Wolf1 and Executive Griffin were appointed on the Patriot. Executive TaJ along with Captain Pegasus were keeping an eye on the operation taking place. DE's special care should also be extremely appreciated as we got offered for some drinks and snacks. As the obvious repairs of broken and loosen belts and fluids were made, the officer was asked to check the vehicle one after another and he was extremely happy with what we called in our language, "Mission Accomplished". Pegasus then showed us a way to the waiting lounge where TaJ had a talk with him and told him how much this meaned to The Motor Heads. By this time, TaJ called for a TMH Racer to bring the Bus back to the compound so as to take everyone back. This highly important and effect meet sure helped DE but also TMH, to grow.] ^[] ^[~[Thanks to everyone for participating.]~]
  22. ^[] ^[~[WE'RE ROARING.]~(#4b8a08) ~[ARE YOU?]~(#174f1d)] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 15/06/19 - Evening] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 12.] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[]
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