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Everything posted by TaJ

  1. Happy birthday kristiina!!! @Ardron try not to get slapped today atleast :eyes:
  2. ^[] ^[~[''The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence.'']~(#69514D)] ^[] ^[] ^[The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) is one of the principal intelligence-gathering agencies of the Government of San Andreas and the United States of America. As of now, It is one of the main intelligence workforce of the Government prior to the win of (Insert President Name), thus C.I.A is fully supported by the Government and vice versa.] ^[Some of the principal activities of the C.I.A. are gathering information about foreign governments, foreign activities, corporations, individuals; and analyzing these pieces of information. C.I.A also does their own research and intelligence on the "inside", prior to their top-notch workforce of well-mannered agents and its Board of Directors.] ^[Within the state of San Andreas, the C.I.A. offers their ability to investigate for other organizations. Either to gather information about (business) rivals and/or to smooth down differences within the organizations, and assist other policing and governmental units. We also focus on new methods to prevent certain crime activities within the state.] ^[It is also included that any individual person can contact the Agency whenever they need their help, Although this varies, not anyone can call for C.I.A's help, as the Agency is always working and responding to other important things. Security for the members of the C.I.A. is our priority. Our intelligence unit will be seen undercover and their names will not be disclosed.] ^[Security for the members of the C.I.A. is our priority. Our intelligence unit will be seen undercover and their names will not be disclosed.] ^[On the 1st of March, Mr. Lowrey, the former Director of the Agency has decided to retire from his position due to him wanting to take a break from everything and spending his retirement funds on his family. In his spot, coming from various squads, a Veteran of the veterans, Mr. Ardron Dawson, who has gathered a lot of experience during his time in the law enforcement units that he has been part of. Mr. Dawson is well known to have lead such squads like the SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) and HLS (Homeland Security) thus maximizing his potential leadership capabilities as a whole, making him fit for any leading role that he is employed to. ] ^[Mr. Dawson is expected to continue the past legacies of the former Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency, and in charged to groom the right candidate when the time comes. But as of now, C.I.A will keep focusing on its main purpose, which is participating in Pro-Government activities and to repel the evil that is within our state. The Work of a Nation, The Center of Intelligence.] ^[] ^[] ^[Squad Details -] Squad Level: 1 Founders: @Ardron, @TaJ Founding Date: 1st of March, 2019 Color Code: #69514D Total Members: 17 Bank Balance: ~70.000.000$ Squad Motto: "The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence." Squad Discord Group: https://discord.gg/TmuzzCK Squad Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6805/central-intelligence-agency-media-archive ^[] ^[] ^[1. Make sure to follow all the server rules listed on the F1 panel.] ^[2. Always try to act your role once spawned as a law enforcement unit/undercover, as you represent the tags you are wearing.] ^[3. Never disclose private CIA information out in public. Some information is classified, and a confidentiality contract will be signed upon joining. Failing to do so will result in an immediate sacking.] ^[4. Respect your fellow mates and the general server population.] ^[5. While doing undercover work, please adhere to all the server rules and do not enforce your roleplay upon others.] ^[6. Tags are mandatory upon doing general agency work. Tags are not mandatory during undercover work. During so, agents will be seen using roleplay names or other information relating their character] ^[7. Use binds when patrolling as much as possible. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended.] ^[8. Minimum wanted level for instant arrest is 15.] ^[] ^[] ^[Do you wish to contact us for a possible contract or alliance? Please make contact with one of our HQ members listed down on the roster. We are looking for close communication with other law enforcement units and not only, for which we can offer certain intelligence information and not only. More information can be discussed upon a request, which you can submit through a private message to any of the squad HQs. We respect any request and will analyze it closely.] ^[] ^[] ^[Directorate of Analysis] ^[The Directorate of Analysis (DA) is where all information is gathered by various C.I.A. agents before providing this accurate and objective Intel. Being part of DA, your job is to anticipate any international development, positive and negative, even if this means infiltrating in either government or criminal activities.] ^[Directorate of Operations] ^[Directorate of Operations (DO) is probably the most secret Directorate of C.I.A., DO serves as the clandestine arm of C.I.A. and is responsible for any kind of mission worldwide. The mission of DO is to strengthen national security and foreign policy objectives.] ^[Directorate of Science & Technology] ^[The Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T) is responsible for adapt, create, develop and operate any kind of threat for the country. DS&T employees range from programmers to scientists or even engineers. The DS&T works side-by-side with other Directorates of C.I.A. and even other partners/agencies with the main function of defending against the most difficult national security challenges.] ^[Directorate of Human Resources] ^[The Directorate of Human Resources (DHR) is a directorate that reports directly to the Director of the C.I.A. and its main objective is to search, attract, hire and reward each and every agent by enhancing human capabilities and planning, developing and supporting our workforce.] ^[Directorate of Public Affairs] ^[The Directorate of Public Affairs (OPA) serves as the principal adviser to the C.I.A., OPA oversees the daily interaction of C.I.A. and the media and the general public. OPA staff objective is to be as responsive as possible to the media while protecting classified information and intelligence sources ] ^[] ^[] ^[Grade 5] ^[Leader/Vice/Sub: Top Brass of the squad, helping one another to keep the functions working neatly. Pretty self explanatory in nature.] ^[Grade 4] ^[Chief of Staff: Stands above the normal HQ team and helps clear any problems the normal HQ team can't take care of.] ^[Chief of ... / HQ: HQ's spots are limited to 5. Each HQ is a Chief of a certain Division that he leads freely, but also commands any Agent below him, even from another Division. They are the face of the Agency and have to make absolutely sure anything runs fine. Any problems, both internal and external are reported to the HQ team.] ^[Grade 3] ^[Captain: Captain's can assign patrol teams and organize Operations with other squads.] ^[Strategist: The very first instructing rank. Strategist are able to ran big scale operations and trainings whenever they please. They are also responsible for testing new recruits and make sure they fit our standard.] ^[Grade 2] ^[Supervisor: They are responsible for any Grade 0 Agent. Supervisor must make sure that everything works well with new Agents and show them everything they need to know. If any grade 0 Agent makes a mistake, it's the supervisor's job to clean after him and help him not to repeat those mistakes.] ^[Handler: Same as Supervisor, except for Grade 1 Agents.] ^[Grade 1] ^[Field Agent: More experienced than Agents. They may join normal raid operations as they wish. They stand directly under any Handler available. This will also be the first rank where you decide to join a Divison (this option is not final, you can still change Division's later on)] ^[Special Agent: Specialized in Stealth tactics, Special Agents may do their own infiltration and other stealth operations and request help from any Grade 0 and 1 Agents. They still stand under any Handlers orders.] ^[Grade 0] ^[Agent: Congratulation Agent, you just made it past your probation and you're now a fully functional member of the Agency. Agent's are still very new and untrained and have to join in regulary on trainings. Agents respond directly to any Supervisor and have to follow every order given by them.] ^[Probationary Agent: After joining the Central Intelligence Agency you will automatically be assigned to this rank. Here you will have to proof yourself and see if this is the right job for you. Probation can differ from person to person but will usually take one or two weeks to complete before automatically be assigned to the next rank.] ^[] ^[] ^[Directors] ^[Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: TaJ - @TaJ (L)] ^[Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Hope - @hope (vL)] ^[Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Martin - @matu368 (sL)] ^[Executive Team] ^[Chief of Staff: Ricarda - @GirlyPrimis (CoS)] ^[Chief of Analysis: (HQ)] ^[Chief of Operations: -Vacant- (HQ)] ^[Chief of Science and Technology: -Vacant- (HQ)] ^[Chief of Human Resources: -Vacant- (HQ)] ^[Chief of Public Affairs: -Vacant- (HQ)] ^[Grade 3] ^[Captain: Darius - @Darius (C)] ^[Captain: Star - @Star (C)] ^[Strategist: -Vacant- (St)] ^[Grade 2] ^[Handler: Wolf1 - @Wolf (H)] ^[Supervisor: -Vacant- (S)] ^[Grade 1] ^[Special Agent: Leon - @Leon (SA)] ^[Field Agent: -Vacant- (FA)] ^[Grade 0] ^[Agent: Starwars - @StarWars (A)] ^[Agent: WitherDce - @WitherDce (A)] ^[Agent: Elias - @Elias (A)] ^[Agent: Andre - @Andre (A)] ^[Agent: Dova - @Dova (A)] ^[Agent: Nishki - @Nishki (A)] ^[Probationary Units] ^[Probationary Agent: Bogitoo - @bogiito (CIA*)] ^[Probationary Agent: Abdallah - @abdallah (CIA*)] ^[Probationary Agent: Markan - @Marko00 (CIA*)] ^[Probationary Agent: Yuriko - @yuriko (CIA*)] ^[] ^[Total Members: 17] ^[] ^[] ### **GENERAL INFORMATION** **In Game Name:** **Username:** **Gender:** **Age:** **Nationality:** **Languages:** **Total Server Playtime:** **Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:** **Current/Previous Groups:** **Have you ever been banned, if yes, why:** **On a scale of 0-10, rate your English skills:** ### **ROLEPLAY INFORMATION** **For you, what is C.I.A.:** **What unit would you like to join in the future, and why:** **What is our main role:** **What can you bring to the squad:** **Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission:** ### **OTHER INFORMATION** **Any other information you wish to specify:** **Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who:** **Why did you choose C.I.A.:** ^[] ^[] The testing procedure is individually created for each applicant, in constant change, to avoid a predetermined "mechanical" learning of the test. It may always involve a roleplay scenario, each time different, some driving part to test both driving ability and map knowledge. Working under pressure is always an important aspect kept under consideration by the tester. Shooting test wherever it is necessary and an interview. ^[] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#69514D)] ^[Old topic can be found here!]
  3. ^[] ~[E]~(#988870)vent Number: 17. ~[E]~(#988870)vent Type: Chicken Arrest. ~[L]~(#988870)WS/G6: Filex. ~[D]~(#988870)ate: 11/08/19. ~[P]~(#988870)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#988870)inner(s): [CDC]Smurf. ~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s): Click here!
  4. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 91. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Chicken Arrest. ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: Filex. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 11/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): OC|>Manny|Delta. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  5. ^[] ^[~[''WATCH OUT YOUR TONE, SIR.'']~(#7d5752)] ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 57. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP: From CIA : @TaJ From SAP : @JoeX ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: CIA Agent TaJ was patrolling around Las Venturas at 11th August's Evening after a boring weekend day spent at the headquarters. This was supposed to be something to freshen up the day's experience with a little spiciness just as Agent TaJ came upon to meet a person in a rather unusual vehicle, a Patriot, that too in a sparky Blue colour. The person sitting inside was topless and his actions were much suspicious for Agent TaJ to call him to pull over to the side of the road. The agent then reached the driver and confronted him. After a little kindful greet, the person started being rude and aggressive. "What do you need?" was what made Agent TaJ let him know exactly what he required at the moment, which were few documents, namely "License I.D. and Vehicle Registeration proofs". This made the suspect get familiar to the agent's seriousness to the matter and he provided the documents right away. The documents were then received by the agent who than used his mobile phone to run the I.D. numbers on Database application. The check did not really show anything wrong as far as the suspect's history was involved. As clear as it was, was his reason of such aggressive behaviour which was the fact that he had just been in an argument with his boss of an "association" and now he was late to reach home already before the pullover. At this point Agent TaJ realised that it was of no good to harras him anymore and so he let him go after giving away the documents and wishing him goodluck to settle all his troubles of life keeping his calm in its place. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  6. ^[] @DBMoodyBlues said in Al Munazama - Official Media Center: ^[] ^[-=(873138)- AL-MUNAZAMA ROLEPLAY#78 -=-] ^[-=(873138)- Taking the big stage -=-] ^[-=(873138)- Organizations -=-] ^[Al-Munazama & TMH - The Motorheads] ^[-=(873138)- Participants -=-] ^[TMH Folks: @TaJ @Freezom @hope @DJO @MetalHead ] ^[Mostajid: Fareed @DBMoodyBlues , Abdulla @Pump , Chaneb @UrBan , Faysal @Beckham , Farhat @Warrior213 ] ^[Askary: @Nishki ] ^[Mohtaref: Sadaam @Faysal ] ^[Nayeb: Abdullah @Blu ] ^[Rayies: Mosaad @ViRuSLN ] ^[-=(873138)- Story -=-] ^[-=(873138)- Phone call -=-] ^[The omens of the past, the war, the rage, the screams, the blood, the hunger, DEATH. That's what it is now, scrabble from the past. We have a clearer goal ahead of us: to achieve glory! It is now or never, we have to speed up this wagon.] ^[It was 10 am, the sun was breaking through the clouds, shy but warm in an August day.] ^[Suddenly, the Rayies Mosaad's cellphone rang. Mosaad takes a look at it and wonders about the private number that was calling him. He accepts the call and engages in a conversation with the person on the other side.] ^["Hello? Who's this?" - initiates Mosaad.] ^["Hello? Mosaad? It's me, pal!"- said the man on the other side.] ^["Mr. Mahdi? What honor to talk with you, sir." - Mosaad's recognizes the voice, it was the patron of the Mahdi's Family. ] ^["Yeah, buddy, listen, the family's headquarters, let's say, exploded "out of nowhere." What I mean is, we were under the police's noses and other organizations were trying to hunt us down. We planned a scheme to blow it up and get the insurance money to build the new headquarters somewhere safer as we manage to clear all these dogs from our trail. Problem is, there's a quantity still missing in our safes so we need, let's say, 50 grand. This is where you, my good fellas, come on stage. My partners arranged a little scheme for y'all to perform and if it goes well, the money will fall instantly in our pockets. Here's who you are going to focus on: You know the group The Motorheads? A big group of rich car enthusiasts dudes. Their leader, Taj, is the core of the group, they aren't so good without him so they'd do anything if their dear leader happened to go missing suddenly. You'll be in charge of kidnapping him and get that sweet extortion money from them, capeesh? Oh, and just ask them 50 grand, no more or if they happen to have their business all fucked over, my associates will get fucked, the Mahdi's get fucked and you also get fucked so let's prevent this chain of events from happening, shall we?"] ^["Of course, sir. I'm going to gather up with the boys and we'll do this shit as it is supposed to be." - replies Mosaad] ^["Good, don't let me down."] ^[] ^[-=(873138)- Strategy -=-] ^[Now, the scenario happens in the planning room. The soldiers that were fraternizing and talking were now debating the strategy with the leader, Mosaad.] ^["Gather up, gather up, boys, have a seat. Look, we have a new target today, it's Taj from the group TMH! I spoke with Mr.Mahdi and he told me that they were to hold a car show in this spot, in Bone County (Mosaad points his finger to the location on the map). One of our informants passed by the location and gathered intel about it. Looks like we're not going to have any complication. That said, let's get our asses out of here, let's head to the car show, we will make noise with the guns, we're going to intimidate them and, then, take Taj and we fuck off out of there, I know a good place to hide with the hostage. Soldiers, are you up for this task ?! Also, this is our chance to improve our headquarters so let's fight! RAGEEEE MY SOLDIERS !!!"] ^[A big yell bursts from the room. The Al-Munazama team was ready to roll out.] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[The operation team leaves the base and goes to the car show.] ^[] ^[] ^[-=(873138)- Shakedown -=-] ^[Arriving at the spot, the Munazama soldiers start shooting to the sky, going guns blazing through the car show without killing anyone. They quickly disperse all the civilians attending the show and only leave TMH there. They are grouped up together so no cheeky cunt tries his luck and ends with a bullet in his brains.] ^[Mosaad turns to the supposed leader of TMH and says: " Taj, right? Come with me if you want to live. Tell your little henchmen not to try funny stuff or they'll regret it. Also, they have 24 hours to pay for your rescue. If they choose to call the police, I'll hunt down the entire group and make sure your life turns into a living hell, understood? I'll be waiting for a call in the meantime. Go tell them, you have two minutes.] ^[Taj talks with his personnel, visibly shaking and disturbed.] ^[Then, the Munazama team picks up Taj and brings him into the truck and heads to a big old shack in Flint County.] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[-=(873138)- Resolve -=-] ^[Munazama managed to capture him. Now, it was up to TMH to do their part. About 5 hours have passed, Mosaad receives a call. It was one of TMH's mechanics.] ^["Do you have the dough? Or I'll have to be pissed off?" - asks Mosaad.] ^["Yes, sir. I have it in a case."] ^["Good. Come meet us at Whetstone's beach. If we see any sign of police, I'll fuck you up in unimaginable ways. Oh, also, send only one guy. We have no intention to kill, this only happened due to business reasons, nothing else, remember that." - clears up Mosaad] ^["Ok..." - the TMH mechanic hangs up the call.] ^[] ^[] ^[-=(873138)- The deal -=-] ^[It's time. The chance to finish all this pandemonium of events at once.] ^[Some Munazama members were at the beach, protecting the hostage while the rest was in sniping points to make sure no one would come to fuck up the deal.] ^[There goes the mechanic who had previously spoken with Mosaad. He comes at a slow pace, fearing what would happen to him. At the same time, that mechanic was wondering, Mosaad aims his AK-47 at him and says:] ^["Let's cut the bullshit, you give me the bag, I'll give ya your dear leader. Try anything stupid and it's your doom."] ^["O-Okay, sir. Here, take it - says the mechanic as we hand the money to Mosaad.] ^["Looks like that's it...Now...GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" - yells Mosaad while shooting at the ground near their feet. "DON'T TURN BACK OR I'LL STOP MISSING ON PURPOSE!"] ^[The deal was done. The money got transferred to Mahdi family's bank account and the long-awaited Munazama's base upgrades were due to happen...] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[Thanks to Al Munazama for contacting us with the opportunity. Thanks to everyone for participating and viewing here!]
  7. ^[] ^[~[''STAY CAREFUL, MISS.'']~(#7d5752)] ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 55. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP: From CIA : @TaJ From TMH : @mimyy ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: CIA. Known for not just its inteligence wonders to improve the world, but also responsibility to maintain law and order wherever and whenever necessary. This was something put to test once again today as CIA Vice Leader TaJ, who was on a routine patrol around the Bone County since it wasn't planned to be so large. The supposedly "boring" patrol unexpectedly turned interesting when the Agent came across a racey geeky lady who wore all green jersey with "TMH" written over it. The vehicle being ride by the mysterious woman was an ultimate race machine from the looks of it and that acted as a cause for Agent TaJ to pull her over at right next turn since she seemed to be riding a bit more than the legit speeds in the residential complex of such relatively lesser previlaged area. As the lady pulled over to the side of the road, a quick greeting proved to be enough for the two to get to the matter. Agent TaJ let her know the real cause of pulling over which was purely only "suspicion" of the fact that she was quite rash in the area and little over the limit by the looks of it. The suspect made it clear that as per her honest opinion she was within limits. The agent then, just to be on safer side, requested to check the License I.D. and Vehicle registiration papers. The "civilian" handed over the documents right away and Agent TaJ got onto his duty of checking those over the Database monitor inside his vehicle. As he returned with a smile of satisfaction and gave back the papers, he let her know that the past was all good as far as the government had in records and so it could be only a warning this time around. The agent made her realise how important it was to stick by the rules specially in such small localities since its not just dangerous for her but for everyone in surroundings if done otherwise. She thanked the agent for the kind opportunity and promised not to repeat this unethical behaviour on road. At this moment, both the parties wished each other a good bye and got back into their vehicles to approach their respective destinations. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  8. ^[] ^[~[''NOT SO LUCKY THIS TIME AROUND.'']~(#7d5752)] ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 52. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP: From CIA : @TaJ From Z : @xxLaZaRxx ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: An evening patrol for CIA's Agent TaJ is never really so interesting considering the fact that many units are out at the moment and its not usually quite long. In fact, most of his evenings fade out working on a computer with utmost intelligence. Today though, was bit unusual day. Today TaJ had went for a patrol on his free evening when he met with a rather suspicious fellow passing through the Las Venturas Cross onto the West. This person, tho seemed all normal with his pretty Mustang, but one thing in particular wasn't really so normal. And that was ill-maintainence of the vehicle which was showcased with the massive smoke outbursting from the vehicle's silencer, black one particular which also means that the pollution emition levels were being ignored here and thus it was a valid reason to pull over. So as one may assume, TaJ pulled the person over and questioned regarding the particular issue before which the person already admitted his guilt and surrendered saying "I knew it was my fault! Sorry sir! I will get it fixed ASAP." This reaction was never normal for such small and common issue and so it was obvious that he had a bigger crime commited right there. TaJ then asked him to calm down and asked permissions to check the trunk which he was not being so reasonable about, but TaJ did it anyways. The trunk check proved the suspicion correct as there were few bundles of narcotics lying at the big boot. The person was right away aimed at and asked to stand still without a movement or a word. TaJ grabbed a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and handcuffed him right away while calling backup and impounder unit for the vehicle and illegal substances to take into the custody. Furthermore, the person was demanded to step into the vehicle once the units arrived and TaJ took him direct to Las Venturas Police Department prison while letting him know that "It wasn't just about a pollution fine anymore, its about polluting the youth too. You're long gone buddy, catch ya at hearing". ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  9. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 90. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Chainsaw Massacare. ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: C|Brooks. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 07/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): 176|Jaden. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  10. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 89. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Knock me off my NRG-500 - 2 rounds. ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: C|Brooks. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 07/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): 2 rounds - $500,000 each. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): Bartman and Pump. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  11. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 88. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Last Man Standing! ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: C|Filex. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 07/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): Rzz0. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  12. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 87. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Knock me off my NRG-500 - 2 rounds. ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: [ThC]KARIM. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 06/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): 2 rounds - $500,000 each. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): Vandal and Diesel. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  13. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 85. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Rhyno Shooter! ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: [ThC]KARIM. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 06/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): OC|>kirosa. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  14. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 84. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Last Man Standing! ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: C|Brooks. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 05/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): CripZ>Flora. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  15. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Number: 83. ~[E]~(#69514D)vent Type: Chicken Arrest. ~[L]~(#69514D)WS/G6: [ThC]KARIM. ~[D]~(#69514D)ate: 05/08/19. ~[P]~(#69514D)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(#69514D)inner(s): [ThC]Sucre ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  16. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 02/08/19 - Evening] ^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Roadtrip!] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse, Click Here Sir!] ^[Thanks to everyone for participating!]
  17. ^[] ^[~[''LET ME CHECK.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[28th.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ ; @Brooks.] ^[ThC - @IndoGrasa (Biggie).] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[01/08/19 - Las Venturas: A new month, a new oath. Oath to fight the crime around San Andreas with as much bravery as pumped into Agent 125's blood. A-125 was on a Las Venturas wide patrol along with his fellow Agent 018. It was a peaceful evening until an offender was spotted. Through the old strip interior roads, a person driving in an old yet historical vehicle had just skipped a traffic light. SFC Agents being just behind him spotted him and decided to pull him over immediately. The desired was then done and the suspect replied with "I have to reach hospital in a hurry to meet a friend". Though this excuse is quite regular coming from such irresponsible citizens, but it can not be ignored by the agents as it could be true. However, this time Agents decided to ask him to check the vehicle to make sure nothing was hidden from their vision since it could be dangerous. A-125 then decided to take the charge of checking the vehicle and came up with nothing suspicious. At this moment the person requested to not make him any more late and thus agreed to pay his dues for rulebreaking. Agent 125 then wrote him a ticket which he paid immediately and also thanked the agents for understanding, together with promising not to repeat this irresponsible attitude action. The agents at this moment got in their vehicle and the person got in his and both the parties left for their respective destinations with agents wishing him good luck for the friend's health.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  18. Id like to wish my other most favourite Indian (and arab) bro @Tapi a very Happy birthday today hope you have a great one! #chutiyas
  19. Happy birthdayy karim :D enjoy
  20. @RAMPAGE said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: (Deleted because of copyrights problem). -.- Aaaaand... re-uploaded to DailyMotion!: https://dai.ly/x7esg4c Youre a goddamn legend Rampage :joy: @Ardron and @Kristiina oh god lmfao
  21. ^[] ^[~[''CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE SURE WHATEVER'S WRONG, ISN'T ANYMORE ?'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[27th.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ.] ^[TMH - @Kim.] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[30/07/19 - Bone County: After a peaceful evening patrol, A-125 of SFC noticed some unusual activity down at his vehicle's hood. Weird cranky noises and mild pickup delays were quite annoying now as the agent made his mind to again contact his old friend's agency, The Motor Heads who were situated at Bone county and somehow take the vehicle to them. The agent then did the desired and the group's leader "TaJ" told his friend 125 that an experienced technician was on duty at the moment with not much of a work burden and so it was perfect time for him to visit the location. A-125 then, wishing that nothing goes wrong, drove to the place and contacted the "Mr.Experience" who was actually already waiting for the agent after hearing about the news of his arrival. A-125 then explained the issue to him and he assured the agent that it was all normal mechanical failure with the belt as far as he could tell before checking, and his statement stood the same even after the check was made. A-125 then asked him to fix it as soon as possible since his off-duty time was approaching anytime now. Technician Kim then started working on the vehicle and fixed a new belt unit, also tightened the screws so as to make sure nothing of another kind begins to haunt the agent now. The vehicle was now all back to its proper shape and A-125 gladly paid the technician after thanking him a lot. At this moment the agent left the headquarters of Motor Heads for his own.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  22. ^[] ^[~[''LET ME BE SURE HERE.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[26th.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SFC - @TaJ.] ^[TT - @Kim.] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[30/07/19 - Las Venturas: After a long tiring day of 30th July, 2019; SFC Agent 125 who recently returned from an overseas conference was back on the road for a casual evening patrol trying to make sure nothing wrong was going on at the streets of his beloved land. During this time, when agent was passing through East Las Venturas streets, he noticed an unsually all blacked vehicle driving pretty slow. This suspicious vehicle was enough for A-125 to pull it over and investigating what was actually wrong. The driver was a female, she was looking for an address of "my old colleague, she said something around here but I can not find the address". The agent then told her that driving so slow on a busy street was full of danger and yet not advised. Agent 125 then helped her know about the addess which was just around the street but so as to make sure that it was not just a smart excuse, he preffered to check the trunk of the vehicle. The suspect was good enough to do what was asked and the check didn't find something more suspicious than few toys which were supposedly for the colleague's "new born". A-125 then trying not to harras her more, asked her to congratulate the mother on his behalf and also wished loveful good wishes to the new guy and his family. The lady then thanked the agent for his cooperation and went to leave for the address the agent had now explained to her.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  23. @Piercee said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: after todays poll OMEGALUL
  24. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 26/07/19 - Evening] ^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Roadtrip!] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse, Click Here Sir!] ^[Thanks to everyone for participating!]
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